Israel Ambassador To The United Nations:Defund The UN

I found a pile shit in my yard the other morning. I insulted it for several minutes, went inside for some coffee and when I went back out, it was still there.

Venting I can understand but you can't insult the scum of the Earth. They know what they are and they revel in it. They think it's cool. It is the only thing in life they have -- Being scum-sucking slime. It's all they got.

They think by shitting in the punch bowl that makes them matter. By vandalizing society, property, whatever and causing good people difficulty, they think they matter. They think they make a difference. They do. In a very negative way. You know who I'm talking about. Not just in here, in life.

Good luck
The shit in your yard isn't nearly as offensive, malignant or abnormal as a bed wetter. You probably subconsciously felt bad for your negative reaction to something that serves the purpose of life for a mammal as well as nutrients to the soil. Bed wetters illicit the same repulsed response, you can insult them or not, and not care if the remain in place or not. Even on train tracks if they're not in a vehicle. That's because bed wetters have no redemptive quality. Their mere presence is poisonous. Even on a spiritual level they attract demonic activity. They exist only as a temptation of the 6th commandment, basically they're lucifer's NPC's.

So even if they feed off the insults as much as I am gratified by their hatred, I find ridiculing them to be cathartic. In fact since I live too close to the city of autism TX, I'm rooting for a zombie apocalypse. The brain eating sort would starve to death quickly in that shit hole anyway.
The Peel Commission didn't adopt the Partition Plan because it could not be implemented without a massive forced transfer of Arabs. Even after the UN's non binding vote it was not. It was war that decided the issue and forced the mass transfer.
You need to sit down and sort out what in the hell you are trying to state because it is very obvious you do not know the history of modern day palestine

The United Nations did not exist until a long time after the Peel Commision.

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