Isn't their some kind of bias in immigration laws?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
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I'm kind of curious how this became a controversial issue in the first place. We have been enforcing immigration laws since they were first formed over a hundred years ago without any complaints. Now that the immigrants are hispanics/cheap labor a lot of people are getting upset that we may kick out the illegals/cheap labor. The very first thing that people say whenever we attempt to enforce these laws is 'who will pick our fruits' or 'what about the farmer who needs cheap labor'? Shouldn't this make us think that the resistance to enforcing these laws isn't coming from middle-class America but from super rich corporations who have helped to craft some really good exceptions into the immigration laws so someone can 'pick the fruits'.

Consider the connection that may exist between many big businesses and media outlets since they own their own each other's stock. They tell anyone and everyone who opposes enforcing immigration laws are racist which does a good job of because the 10% they own in Fox news matches the 10% they have in some corporate farm. Maybe their is a conflict of interest that is going on here?
Both side agree the current immigration set up needs fixing . Nobody likes it .

But when u try n have a discussion , people jump to the far extremes . It's ponderous .
Both side agree the current immigration set up needs fixing . Nobody likes it .

But when u try n have a discussion , people jump to the far extremes . It's ponderous .

I kind of think that if they wanted to end illegal immigration they would end the exceptions that exist in federal and state employment laws that illegals get such as farmers don't have to pay their illegal workers min wage. What would the effect be if you got rid of those? Farmers would then hire non-illegals to do their field work which would be great because their is nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty sometimes.
Instead of focusing on a wasteful wall, that money can go to expand immigration courts and ins agents.

It takes years to deport someone . It takes years for legal immigrants to be processed .
Bias is in the eye of the beholder. Apparently equal application of immigration laws across the board is discriminatory toward Hispanic illegals that want to violate immigration law. But to Anyone else, that's fair. People: You realize what a bunch of Bullshit that is, right?
Bias is in the eye of the beholder. Apparently equal application of immigration laws across the board is discriminatory toward Hispanic illegals that want to violate immigration law. But to Anyone else, that's fair. People: You realize what a bunch of Bullshit that is, right?

Where's that equal wall on the Canadian border ? I don't hear about that much .
If the open border doesn't tell you that this alleged war on terrorism is an utter joke, I don't know what will. While anyone that can fog a mirror can come over here and find refuge? Americans are being spied and snoped on. They are being groped at airports while unvetted muslims are being flown over here overtly and covertly and dropped off at any city or town the U.N thinks they need to be. My hometown of Amarillo, Texas has been inundated with immigrants that have simply been dumped in their lap to deal with and certain parts of that city are nothing but shitholes thanks to the federal "gubermint" and the Barrypuppet. Liberal asswipes cheer this on but they wouldn't go within 5 miles of these areas without an armed escort. It's all part of the globalist commie plan to take America down from the inside using their useful idiot leftards as they lead the way. It's fucking SICKENING to me to see what has become of this country......
I'm kind of curious how this became a controversial issue in the first place. We have been enforcing immigration laws since they were first formed over a hundred years ago without any complaints. Now that the immigrants are hispanics/cheap labor a lot of people are getting upset that we may kick out the illegals/cheap labor. The very first thing that people say whenever we attempt to enforce these laws is 'who will pick our fruits' or 'what about the farmer who needs cheap labor'? Shouldn't this make us think that the resistance to enforcing these laws isn't coming from middle-class America but from super rich corporations who have helped to craft some really good exceptions into the immigration laws so someone can 'pick the fruits'.

Consider the connection that may exist between many big businesses and media outlets since they own their own each other's stock. They tell anyone and everyone who opposes enforcing immigration laws are racist which does a good job of because the 10% they own in Fox news matches the 10% they have in some corporate farm. Maybe their is a conflict of interest that is going on here?
The word you're looking for is "there".

Also, those arguments are inaccurate. There's labor everywhere, illegals just take entrance level jobs from people coming out of highschool, which is part of what is causing unemployment to rise, especially in the south.
Bias is in the eye of the beholder. Apparently equal application of immigration laws across the board is discriminatory toward Hispanic illegals that want to violate immigration law. But to Anyone else, that's fair. People: You realize what a bunch of Bullshit that is, right?

Where's that equal wall on the Canadian border ? I don't hear about that much .
I have met three Canadians in my life, if that is the entire influx of illegals from ANY country, this would be a perfect world. Mexicans, being of unsound mind and body, they are such arrogant pricks that make me reconsider ANYTHING they are connected with. Mexicans? Violent arrogant self centered bastards, capable of any kind of violence...You know what? Just immigrate legally and stop the games.
Where's that equal wall on the Canadian border ? I don't hear about that much .
They jump the boarder far less, because their country isn't a drug-infested wasteland, where the mob rules... and they actually believe in laws.
Bias is in the eye of the beholder. Apparently equal application of immigration laws across the board is discriminatory toward Hispanic illegals that want to violate immigration law. But to Anyone else, that's fair. People: You realize what a bunch of Bullshit that is, right?

Where's that equal wall on the Canadian border ? I don't hear about that much .

The reason you don't hear about is the same reason why you don't hear much about putting immigration agents their. It just doesn't make a lot of sense unless your Obama.
I'm kind of curious how this became a controversial issue in the first place. We have been enforcing immigration laws since they were first formed over a hundred years ago without any complaints. Now that the immigrants are hispanics/cheap labor a lot of people are getting upset that we may kick out the illegals/cheap labor. The very first thing that people say whenever we attempt to enforce these laws is 'who will pick our fruits' or 'what about the farmer who needs cheap labor'? Shouldn't this make us think that the resistance to enforcing these laws isn't coming from middle-class America but from super rich corporations who have helped to craft some really good exceptions into the immigration laws so someone can 'pick the fruits'.

Consider the connection that may exist between many big businesses and media outlets since they own their own each other's stock. They tell anyone and everyone who opposes enforcing immigration laws are racist which does a good job of because the 10% they own in Fox news matches the 10% they have in some corporate farm. Maybe their is a conflict of interest that is going on here?
The word you're looking for is "there".

Also, those arguments are inaccurate. There's labor everywhere, illegals just take entrance level jobs from people coming out of highschool, which is part of what is causing unemployment to rise, especially in the south.

What a condescending bitch you are.
One day the same corporations that made it possible for illegals to take farm labor jobs away will also make it possible to take away a lot of other jobs. Do you know that H1B1 visas allow people to legally immigrate to the United States for the sole purpose of filling in higher paying jobs. What if republicans passed a law that said if you are illegal then you don't have to join a union in states non right to work states. What a great way to undermine unions in this country.
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