Islamic State Executes Jordanian Pilot By Burning Him Alive


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Yeah, these people deserve special status, don't they dims?

BREAKING: Islamic State Executes Jordanian Pilot By Burning Him Alive – UPDATE: Pics Added…" style="color: inherit; line-height: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">BREAKING: Islamic State Executes Jordanian Pilot By Burning Him Alive – UPDATE: Pics Added…
Just when you think these animals can’t be any more depraved… they burn a man alive.


UPDATE: Speechless…



(WaPo) – The Islamic State released a video on Tuesday that appears to show the death of Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh.

The video appears to show Kaseasbeh being burned alive by his captors.

According to a release from SITE intelligence, the 22-minute video, titled “Healing of the Believers’ Chests,” was released on social media on Tuesday by the extremist group.

The Islamic State released a video over the weekend that appeared to show the beheading of Kenji Goto, a Japanese journalist. The video did not mention Kaseasbeh’s fate. However, the Islamic State had previously said it would kill both Kaseasbeh and Goto if an an Iraqi woman who is on death row in Jordan was not released by sunset on Thursday.

The pilot was captured by the Islamic State in December, after his plane crashed in Syria during a bombing run. Although the Islamic State claimed that it had shot down his plane, U.S. Navy Cmdr. Lisa Brackenbury, a Central Command spokeswoman, said in December that while “a thorough investigation will be conducted, this was an aircraft crash and not the result of enemy action.”
And the resident POS-TUS infesting the White House does nothing.

Wonder why?

Obama s 40 alarming quotes about Islam and Christianity - Allen B. West -

As Lifson states, “Collectively, (the quotes) create quite an interesting picture. I admit that there may be instances of the president speaking as favorably of Christianity as he does of Islam, but I am not aware of them. I do remember in the 2008 campaign that he said he had accepted Jesus Christ as his savior, and that was in response to public awareness of his attendance at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church, Trinity United. What the president left unsaid is the nature of Jesus as understood in Black Liberation Theology.”

Here are the first five about Islam:

#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”

#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

#6 “Islam has always been part of America”

You can read the full list here.
President scumbag sez....

Obama: Islamic Terrorists Not Motivated By True Islam, “Overwhelming Majority Of Muslims Reject [Jihadist] Ideology”…

He can’t possibly be this clueless . . . and yet, he is.

Via Washington Times:

Criticized for avoiding the phrase “Islamic extremism,” President Obama said he doesn’t want to alienate the majority of peace-loving Muslims as the U.S. fights to defeat terrorist networks around the world.

“I think that for us to be successful in fighting this scourge, it’s very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9 percent of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we’re looking for — order, peace, prosperity,” Mr. Obama said on CNN. “And so I don’t quibble with labels. […]

“I think we all recognize that this is a particular problem that has roots in Muslim communities, and that the Middle East and South Asia are sort of ground zero for us needing to win back hearts and minds, particularly when it comes to young people,” Mr. Obama said. “But I think we do ourselves a disservice in this fight if we are not taking into account the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject this ideology. I reject a notion that somehow that creates a religious war, because the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject that interpretation of Islam.”

Mr. Obama said he is not downplaying the threat of terrorism against the U.S., but said he wants to keep the war against extremists in the “proper perspective.”

He added, “We can’t give them the victory of overinflating what they do … and we can’t make the mistake of being reactive to them. We have to have a very precise strategy in terms of how to defeat them.”
The pilot was burned alive in a cage. And yet the term terrorist isn't used, but barbaric organization instead.
They are Muslims. Why can't we call them what they are. They are trash and should not be allowed in the U.S. And other civilized countries.
^^Lying, gutless, knee pad wearing scumbag^^

Obama Comments On Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive, Doesn’t Know What “Ideology” Islamic State Follows…

Obama: “Whatever ideology they are operating off.” Yeah, it’s called Islam.

OBAMA: You know, I just got word of the video that had been — should it in fact this video be authentic, it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization. And it I think will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated. It also indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they are operating off of, it’s bankrupt. We’re here to talk about how to make people healthier and make their lives better. And this organization appears only interested in death and destruction.
^^Lying, gutless, knee pad wearing scumbag^^

Obama Comments On Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive, Doesn’t Know What “Ideology” Islamic State Follows…

Obama: “Whatever ideology they are operating off.” Yeah, it’s called Islam.

OBAMA: You know, I just got word of the video that had been — should it in fact this video be authentic, it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization. And it I think will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated. It also indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they are operating off of, it’s bankrupt. We’re here to talk about how to make people healthier and make their lives better. And this organization appears only interested in death and destruction.

Glad to see our POtuS has a handle on the situation...
Obama 8217 s Dance With Radical Islam FrontPage Magazine

Last month, the scumbag in chief chose to support and fund a Palestinian Authority (PA) government that includes Hamas, a U.S. and EU-designated terrorist group that calls in its charter for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the murder of Jews (Article 7). Also last month, Obama freed five senior Taliban terrorist commanders in exchange for an American serviceman who may have been a deserter.

Obama could have cut funding to the PA, which would have made sense strategically, and could have supported a close, long-standing American ally, Israel. He could have refused any exchange of senior Taliban leaders. Why didn’t he?

Allen West Barack Hussein Obama Is an Islamist FULL RANT

Obama Welcomes Escaping Muslim Troublemakers Snubs Persecuted Christians -


You gotta be a special kind of scumbag to still back this piece of shit we have infesting the white house.....

The shit?

It's about to get real

UPDATE: Will Be Executed Within Hours…" style="color: inherit; line-height: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">Report: Jordan Moves Iraqi Terrorist ISIS Wanted To Exchange For Pilot Burned Alive To Prison For Death Sentence – UPDATE: Will Be Executed Within Hours…
Via CBC’s Derek Stoffel:


IS wanted failed suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi in exchange for Lt. Moath al-Kaseasbeh:


UPDATE: Islamic State cavemen understand only one thing, violence.


5 10 4

ZIP | February 3, 2015 12:47 pm | 93 Comments
This is like the rantings of a mad person...I'm leaving before I catch it


UPDATE: Nothing to do with Islam.

The justification for burning Moaath is taken from Surat An-Nahl according to Minbr al-Taheed wl Jihad users:

Don't know if it's true, but that's what Israeli websites say, based on Jordanian sources:

Jordan source: Tough response- Jordan will execute the ISIS female prisoner the organization demanded, and 5 others

מקורות ירדניים : תגובה ירדנית חריפה : שלטונות ירדן החליטו להוציא להורג את המחבלת אותה דרש דאעש תמורת הטייס ועוד 5 נוספים
Don't know if it's true, but that's what Israeli websites say, based on Jordanian sources:

Jordan source: Tough response- Jordan will execute the ISIS female prisoner the organization demanded, and 5 others

מקורות ירדניים : תגובה ירדנית חריפה : שלטונות ירדן החליטו להוציא להורג את המחבלת אותה דרש דאעש תמורת הטייס ועוד 5 נוספים

Jordan did say they will execute its ISIS prisoners if ISIS kills the pilot.

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