Islam means peace!


Aug 5, 2008
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so why does all think of terrorism when they hear "islam".
islam is the only religion of true peace. that is what you do not understand.
you ar nothing but jealous for or true peace and our true freedom.

i witnessed when at the palestinian border to the country stolen by apes and pigs a marthyr blew himself and killed many pigs i witnessed that he spontaneously drove into paradise! and that is the truth! you will never understand that true faith.

when enemies of islam fire missiles at islam: allah will take them, send them back and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. you cannot understand that true peace.
nothing screams peace like blowing oneself to bits and calling other people apes and pigs.....

now why would anyone not see the peace in that?

Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I wonder.
so why does all think of terrorism when they hear "islam".
islam is the only religion of true peace. that is what you do not understand.
you ar nothing but jealous for or true peace and our true freedom.

i witnessed when at the palestinian border to the country stolen by apes and pigs a marthyr blew himself and killed many pigs i witnessed that he spontaneously drove into paradise! and that is the truth! you will never understand that true faith.

when enemies of islam fire missiles at islam: allah will take them, send them back and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. you cannot understand that true peace.

I appreciate you giving people a reason to kill all you bastards. Never seen such a bunch of cowards in my life.
you cannot understand that true peace.

Sure we understand you, Truefaith.

We have plenty of our own lying criminally insane people in power right here in the West.

They also tell us that:

The BIG LIE, Truefaith.

Most of us hereabouts just ain't buying it... no matter who is selling it.
so why does all think of terrorism when they hear "islam".
islam is the only religion of true peace. that is what you do not understand.
you ar nothing but jealous for or true peace and our true freedom.

i witnessed when at the palestinian border to the country stolen by apes and pigs a marthyr blew himself and killed many pigs i witnessed that he spontaneously drove into paradise! and that is the truth! you will never understand that true faith.

when enemies of islam fire missiles at islam: allah will take them, send them back and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. you cannot understand that true peace.
Since you have not blown yourself up yet, it must be safe to assume that you have not found peace. Go and peace be with you.
so why does all think of terrorism when they hear "islam".
islam is the only religion of true peace. that is what you do not understand.
you ar nothing but jealous for or true peace and our true freedom.

i witnessed when at the palestinian border to the country stolen by apes and pigs a marthyr blew himself and killed many pigs i witnessed that he spontaneously drove into paradise! and that is the truth! you will never understand that true faith.

when enemies of islam fire missiles at islam: allah will take them, send them back and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. you cannot understand that true peace.

What a reject, here we go, all you Liberal apologists that insist Islam is peace, a perfect example of what Islam means by the word peace.
war can not be the result of islam for islam means PEACE! but im sure you cannot understand that true peace.
everything what is islamic is peaceful.
war is the result of those who dare to critisise islam! they will never find a way to peace and freedom.
and our true and holy lions they see what your are posting here bad about our true faith!
theyve showed you once where your ugly disbelief leads to.
if you would finally understand that islam means peace the whole world would be peaceful.
you cannot attack us and our true faith beacause allah will take all your weapons and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. and that is the truth.
mohamde always warned us from you and that you are aggressive and want to destroy our true peace.
mohamde talked to the true followers of islam through homeni who will always live in our heart!
you usa dared to attack one of the best lion-leaders the world ever seen! hitler will always live in our hearts and our true faith because he showed the world how to deal with pigs and apes!
and thats the truth! if you do not realize that islam means peace you will go down in our true faith of peace.
elhamdulillah! allahuakbar!
What a reject, here we go, all you Liberal apologists that insist Islam is peace, a perfect example of what Islam means by the word peace.

Why restrict it to petty partisanship? Let's not forget the numerous times Bush has referred to Islam as the religion of peace.
you cannot attack us and our true faith beacause allah will take all your weapons and let them rain onto the enemies of islam.
Actually we give our weapons Israel.

That has to piss you off on some kind of level.


So tell me genius, who was Allah rooting for during the Iran-Iraq war?
of what the european muslim youth trusts in. they want to destroy anything what is not islamic.
in the name of peace.
I don't think this guy will get his 72 virgins...he can't even be bothered to capitalize the word Allah.
war can not be the result of islam for islam means PEACE! but im sure you cannot understand that true peace.
everything what is islamic is peaceful.
war is the result of those who dare to critisise islam! they will never find a way to peace and freedom.
and our true and holy lions they see what your are posting here bad about our true faith!
theyve showed you once where your ugly disbelief leads to.
if you would finally understand that islam means peace the whole world would be peaceful.
you cannot attack us and our true faith beacause allah will take all your weapons and let them rain onto the enemies of islam. and that is the truth.
mohamde always warned us from you and that you are aggressive and want to destroy our true peace.
mohamde talked to the true followers of islam through homeni who will always live in our heart!
you usa dared to attack one of the best lion-leaders the world ever seen! hitler will always live in our hearts and our true faith because he showed the world how to deal with pigs and apes!
and thats the truth! if you do not realize that islam means peace you will go down in our true faith of peace.
elhamdulillah! allahuakbar!

buy yourself a truck, some dynamite and go for a ride.
of what our true faith means. YES i WILL get 72 virgins!
and i TRULY understand allahs word! you do not!

""Actually we give our weapons Israel.""

lol what weapons? you have no true weapons.
your weapons are useless against our true faith of peace.
of what use should a weapon be to apes and pigs?? rofl.

you have no idea of freedom, peace nor love. our lions will show you true peace love and freedom.
your usa is no longer. now its is usi. united states of islam. hahaha. thats the truth. get it and maybe we will let you live
were the two biggest lion-leaders the world has ever seen.
they will alway stay alive in our hearts and our true faith.
it was a big mistake of you to destroy hitler.
ravi dont you dare to post such ugly things of our true faith! elmohammde was a holy man and allah nor our lions will tolerate such ugly lies!
may allah enlight your brinwashed mind!
of what our true faith means. YES i WILL get 72 virgins!
and i TRULY understand allahs word! you do not!

""Actually we give our weapons Israel.""

lol what weapons? you have no true weapons.
your weapons are useless against our true faith of peace.
of what use should a weapon be to apes and pigs?? rofl.

you have no idea of freedom, peace nor love. our lions will show you true peace love and freedom.
your usa is no longer. now its is usi. united states of islam. hahaha. thats the truth. get it and maybe we will let you live

How did they come up with that 72 virgins figure? And what happens after you screw all your 72 virgins? I'd be done with mine in like 7 days. Is there a way to get more? Please tell me, I'm curious now.
showed you once where it leads to to write bad and ugly lies about islam.
we are the true belivers. you are not. our lions will show you the true meaning of jihad: WAR!

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