ISIS 'to set up Islamic Caliphate in Sinai' As 'first step towards Jerusalem'; threatens Egyptian ar


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
These nuts don't have the brains to realize that the Israelis will fight them tooth and nail, and they have the weapons to do it. There are just not going to be enough virgins in the Cathouse in the Sky for these lunatics.

ISIS 'to set up Islamic Caliphate in Sinai'
As 'first step towards Jerusalem'; threatens Egyptian army

03 NOVEMBER, 17:05

  • (ANSAmed) - CAIRO, NOVEMBER 3 - The Islamic State (ISIS) has issued a statement saying that an Islamic Caliphate will be established in the Sinai, calling it the ''first step towards the invasion of Jerusalem''. The statement threatens Egyptian security forces, which were suffered an attack on October 24. ISIS urged jihadists in the region to ''destroy police checkpoints and stations, launch RPGs at their gatherings and show the world that the Rule of God must be imposed''.

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ISIS to set up Islamic Caliphate in Sinai - General news -
Sally----I really do not think they will do it or even try------the Egyptians themselves
will cream them. They may be trying to provoke a war------ but I am not clear
between whom and whom.....the real problem with these caliphate ventures is that
the idea is attractive to the kids brain damaged by the Islamic education
Japan had fanatical fliers..........kamikaze pilots................ISIS has the brains of a freaking pea.................Either force can and will destroy them.

Japan had fanatical fliers..........kamikaze pilots................ISIS has the brains of a freaking pea.................Either force can and will destroy them.

do you think that ISIS is the death song of islam?----kinda like it's
They need recruits..............sounds like they have greatly over extended their supply lines and the air strikes are starting to cut them to pieces........They think that provoking Israel might get them some more recruits...................

The fanatical Islamic movement will continue even if we cut ISIS to pieces.................It will come under a new always.............

Fire ant strategy.............control them but they will come back.

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