Is your heart misleading you?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Gods word teaches--The heart is treacherous and desperate, who can know it.
We can, by learning and applying every teaching Jesus gave to us freely. His teachings are more valuable than all the money, gold, jewels, etc in existence--they are the key to entering Gods kingdom and gaining life everlasting.
It looks to the world like there is much confusion in Christianity, but I assure you all is not as appears in this world. Jesus started a single religion, not many--this is what occurred--Catholicism( tree trunk) councils=2Thess 2:3--broke off into many branches( a house divided) Mark 3:24-26 assures us a divided house will not stand.
A good tree produces good fruit--a rotten tree produces rotten fruit.
The religion Jesus began died out after the apostles and followers were all murdered, not until these last days did truth pop back up( Daniel 12:4) and now it has grown abundant. Those who have truth can now accomplish this-John 4:22-24---- does our heart tell our minds to do this daily?
As I stated yesterday - there is only one demonination. You are a Follower of Jesus Christ or you are not. That's it. How simple!

Followers of Jesus Christ are those who acknowledge Jesus Christ is God and call Him Lord and Savior over their life- the early church - the first church was gathered on the day of Pentecost and they were in one accord. The Bible never taught different denominations, Jesus Christ never taught us to have different denominations and because it was permitted we see false cults did emerge - Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc.

What is needed to is to return to reading the Bible and following Jesus Christ, not men nor the doctrines of men. Jesus warned 5 times in Matthew 24 - Do not Be Deceived. Why? Because he knew false prophets who emerge claiming to be the one and as we can see - it has led to much confusion and the perishing of millions of souls in hell. People need to stay with the King James Bible which is the Word of God and do what it says. Stop listening to false prophets, false teachers.
As I stated yesterday - there is only one demonination. You are a Follower of Jesus Christ or you are not. That's it. How simple!

Followers of Jesus Christ are those who acknowledge Jesus Christ is God and call Him Lord and Savior over their life- the early church - the first church was gathered on the day of Pentecost and they were in one accord. The Bible never taught different denominations, Jesus Christ never taught us to have different denominations and because it was permitted we see false cults did emerge - Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc.

What is needed to is to return to reading the Bible and following Jesus Christ, not men nor the doctrines of men. Jesus warned 5 times in Matthew 24 - Do not Be Deceived. Why? Because he knew false prophets who emerge claiming to be the one and as we can see - it has led to much confusion and the perishing of millions of souls in hell. People need to stay with the King James Bible which is the Word of God and do what it says. Stop listening to false prophets, false teachers.

Jesus and his real teachers say you are wrong---John 20:17, Rev 3:12--- 2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--plus others--The #1 teaching in the NT--Jesus has a God like we do--his Father.

Yes this is what occurred---Catholicm councils= 2Thess 2:3--which breeded a divided house of many branches--they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26--they fail to do this-1Cor 1:10) they never teach one to accomplish this -John 4:22-24--nor this-Matt 6:33
Jesus' real anointed teachers have returned, here in these last days--they have accomplished this-Daniel 12:4--the only way one can accomplish this ultra important daily activity=John 4:22-24
As I stated yesterday - there is only one demonination. You are a Follower of Jesus Christ or you are not. That's it. How simple!

Followers of Jesus Christ are those who acknowledge Jesus Christ is God and call Him Lord and Savior over their life- the early church - the first church was gathered on the day of Pentecost and they were in one accord. The Bible never taught different denominations, Jesus Christ never taught us to have different denominations and because it was permitted we see false cults did emerge - Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc.

What is needed to is to return to reading the Bible and following Jesus Christ, not men nor the doctrines of men. Jesus warned 5 times in Matthew 24 - Do not Be Deceived. Why? Because he knew false prophets who emerge claiming to be the one and as we can see - it has led to much confusion and the perishing of millions of souls in hell. People need to stay with the King James Bible which is the Word of God and do what it says. Stop listening to false prophets, false teachers.

Jesus and his real teachers say you are wrong---John 20:17, Rev 3:12--- 2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--plus others--The #1 teaching in the NT--Jesus has a God like we do--his Father.

Yes this is what occurred---Catholicm councils= 2Thess 2:3--which breeded a divided house of many branches--they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26--they fail to do this-1Cor 1:10) they never teach one to accomplish this -John 4:22-24--nor this-Matt 6:33

You are in the Jehovah Witness religion and read the New World Translation instead of the King James Bible, correct? You're in a cult and you need deliverance. See this video for the truth about Jehovah Witness Cult:

Do not try to instruct anyone else until you ask God to fix you first. You need deliverance and salvation in Jesus Christ first, kjw47. A great prayer - I pray for myself as often as I can remember - God? Fix me first! Amen? Amen.
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You're in a cult and you need deliverance.
This right here illustrates the shortcomings of your faith and your attitude toward fellow human beings, as well as the faith and attitude of whom you are addressing.

You are berating a fellow human being for pursuing enlightenment, even though I think that their pursuit is a fruitless one.

As is yours.

True enlightenment is found in the physical world, not the fictional "spiritual" world.
As I stated yesterday - there is only one demonination. You are a Follower of Jesus Christ or you are not. That's it. How simple!

Followers of Jesus Christ are those who acknowledge Jesus Christ is God and call Him Lord and Savior over their life- the early church - the first church was gathered on the day of Pentecost and they were in one accord. The Bible never taught different denominations, Jesus Christ never taught us to have different denominations and because it was permitted we see false cults did emerge - Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc.

What is needed to is to return to reading the Bible and following Jesus Christ, not men nor the doctrines of men. Jesus warned 5 times in Matthew 24 - Do not Be Deceived. Why? Because he knew false prophets who emerge claiming to be the one and as we can see - it has led to much confusion and the perishing of millions of souls in hell. People need to stay with the King James Bible which is the Word of God and do what it says. Stop listening to false prophets, false teachers.

Jesus and his real teachers say you are wrong---John 20:17, Rev 3:12--- 2Cor 1:3, 1Cor 8:6, 1Cor 15:24-28--- 1Peter 1:3---Rev 1:6--plus others--The #1 teaching in the NT--Jesus has a God like we do--his Father.

Yes this is what occurred---Catholicm councils= 2Thess 2:3--which breeded a divided house of many branches--they will not stand-Mark 3:24-26--they fail to do this-1Cor 1:10) they never teach one to accomplish this -John 4:22-24--nor this-Matt 6:33

You are in the Jehovah Witness religion and read the New World Translation instead of the King James Bible, correct? You're in a cult and you need deliverance. See this video for the truth about Jehovah Witness Cult:

Do not try to instruct anyone else until you ask God to fix you first. You need deliverance and salvation in Jesus Christ first, kjw47. A great prayer - I pray for myself as often as I can remember - God? Fix me first! Amen? Amen.

This world is very confused. Jesus taught, satan is its ruler. The kjv is erred like every trinity translation on earth. Catholicism translated every trinity translation. its the only works that were available by the time anyone else translated--translated to fit the false council teachings--Jesus' teachings are the same in every bible on earth, they prove 100% the JW teachers are correct, like this ultra important one not taught in a single church on this earth.---Matt 6:33-- Therefore, keep on seeking- FIRST- the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)
The trinity religions using charities as temporary fixes for mortal problems, refuse to teach this permanent fix to those in need, Why?

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