Is US Tenth Amendment Being Violated By Forcing Georgia To Allow Voter Enrollment For 2020 Senate Runoff Election ?

Is US Tenth Amendment Being Violated By Forcing Georgia Voter Enrollment For 2020 Senate Runoff ?

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Feb 3, 2018
" Is US Tenth Amendment Being Violated By Forcing Georgia To Allow Voter Enrollment For 2020 Senate Runoff Election ? "

* Georgia State Law Directs Only Those Eligible To Vote In Initial Election Are Allowed To Vote In Runoff Election Denied By Activist Judges Over Stepping Federal Jurisdiction Against Us Tenth Amendment And Common Sense *

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office reported last week that nearly 76,000 new voters registered between the November 3, 2020 election and the voter registration deadline on December 7, 2020.

In Georgia, our Constitution reads that “[a] run-off election shall be a continuation of the general election and only persons who were entitled to vote in the general election shall be entitled to vote therein; and only those votes cast for the persons designated for the runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast.”

A settlement from 2017 following a suit by the The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (representing the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda, ProGeorgia State Table, Third Sector Development, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta) against the state of Georgia is what led the state to stop enforcing Article II, Section II, Paragraph II of the Constitution as it pertains to federal elections.

Previously, a ‘blackout period’ for voter registration was in place between an election and a runoff election.

The lawsuit filed in April 2017 alleged that Georgia’s practice of cutting off voter registration for federal run-off elections two months earlier than guaranteed was a violation of federal law, particularly Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 [52 USC 20507(a)(1)].

On October 13, 2017, a Consent Decree was signed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia after U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten (a Bush appointee) ruled that against the state. It dismissed ‘the State of Georgia’ from the suit and ordered the Secretary of State’s Office to stop enforcing the aforementioned section of the state Constitution and any similar state statute. In short, the Consent Decree stated that Georgia cannot prescribe a voter registration deadline in any federal election, “including all future federal runoffs, that is longer than the deadline provided under state law and in no case longer than 30 days before an election.”

* Explain How To Compromising Runoff Election Integrity And Cheat By Casting Votes For Senators From Two States In One Election Cycle *

Georgia Republicans, including the campaigns of U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, sued on Thursday to get election officials to remove from the ballot count the ballots of new Georgia residents who vote in the ongoing runoff elections for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats.

A federal judge on Friday evening rejected their case.

Loeffler and Perdue are defending their seats from Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Polling says the races are close. If the Democrats win, they will snatch control of the U.S. Senate away from the Republicans as Democrat Joe Biden becomes president.

In the voter residency lawsuit filed Thursday, the plaintiffs believe some new Georgia residents “raced to Georgia to register to vote” specifically to cast ballots in Georgia’s elections for the U.S. Senate, lawyer George Meros of Tallahassee, Florida, said in a hearing late Friday afternoon. Voters shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the same election cycle for senators in two states, Meros told the judge.

He contended that it is illegal under the federal Voting Rights Act and unfair to Georgia’s other voters.

The lawsuit cites statements made in November on Twitter and on CNN in which commentators said people should quickly move to Georgia in order to vote in the runoff.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose office is in charge of elections, previously said his office is investigating whether several groups were bringing people to Georgia to fraudulently vote.

Voter registration reopened following the Nov. 3 general election and closed on Dec. 7 for the runoff balloting. Residents who weren’t registered to vote in Georgia the Nov. 3 balloting (when no U.S. Senate candidates obtained a majority) were allowed to register to vote in the runoff elections. Early voting and absentee voting are underway, and balloting ends Jan. 5.

* Bantering An Alternate Election Faux Pas Invalidating Election Integrity Such That Electoral College Votes Should Be Withheld *

Pennsylvania does not require voters to present identification while voting in most cases. However, first-time voters must show identification. Accepted forms include both photo and non-photo ID.

" Is US Tenth Amendment Being Violated By Forcing Georgia To Allow Voter Enrollment For 2020 Senate Runoff Election ? "

* Georgia State Law Directs Only Those Eligible To Vote In Initial Election Are Allowed To Vote In Runoff Election Denied By Activist Judges Over Stepping Federal Jurisdiction Against Us Tenth Amendment And Common Sense *

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office reported last week that nearly 76,000 new voters registered between the November 3, 2020 election and the voter registration deadline on December 7, 2020.

In Georgia, our Constitution reads that “[a] run-off election shall be a continuation of the general election and only persons who were entitled to vote in the general election shall be entitled to vote therein; and only those votes cast for the persons designated for the runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast.”

A settlement from 2017 following a suit by the The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (representing the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda, ProGeorgia State Table, Third Sector Development, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta) against the state of Georgia is what led the state to stop enforcing Article II, Section II, Paragraph II of the Constitution as it pertains to federal elections.

Previously, a ‘blackout period’ for voter registration was in place between an election and a runoff election.

The lawsuit filed in April 2017 alleged that Georgia’s practice of cutting off voter registration for federal run-off elections two months earlier than guaranteed was a violation of federal law, particularly Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 [52 USC 20507(a)(1)].

On October 13, 2017, a Consent Decree was signed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia after U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten (a Bush appointee) ruled that against the state. It dismissed ‘the State of Georgia’ from the suit and ordered the Secretary of State’s Office to stop enforcing the aforementioned section of the state Constitution and any similar state statute. In short, the Consent Decree stated that Georgia cannot prescribe a voter registration deadline in any federal election, “including all future federal runoffs, that is longer than the deadline provided under state law and in no case longer than 30 days before an election.”

* Explain How To Compromising Runoff Election Integrity And Cheat By Casting Votes For Senators From Two States In One Election Cycle *

Georgia Republicans, including the campaigns of U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, sued on Thursday to get election officials to remove from the ballot count the ballots of new Georgia residents who vote in the ongoing runoff elections for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats.

A federal judge on Friday evening rejected their case.

Loeffler and Perdue are defending their seats from Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Polling says the races are close. If the Democrats win, they will snatch control of the U.S. Senate away from the Republicans as Democrat Joe Biden becomes president.

In the voter residency lawsuit filed Thursday, the plaintiffs believe some new Georgia residents “raced to Georgia to register to vote” specifically to cast ballots in Georgia’s elections for the U.S. Senate, lawyer George Meros of Tallahassee, Florida, said in a hearing late Friday afternoon. Voters shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the same election cycle for senators in two states, Meros told the judge.

He contended that it is illegal under the federal Voting Rights Act and unfair to Georgia’s other voters.

The lawsuit cites statements made in November on Twitter and on CNN in which commentators said people should quickly move to Georgia in order to vote in the runoff.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose office is in charge of elections, previously said his office is investigating whether several groups were bringing people to Georgia to fraudulently vote.

Voter registration reopened following the Nov. 3 general election and closed on Dec. 7 for the runoff balloting. Residents who weren’t registered to vote in Georgia the Nov. 3 balloting (when no U.S. Senate candidates obtained a majority) were allowed to register to vote in the runoff elections. Early voting and absentee voting are underway, and balloting ends Jan. 5.

* Bantering An Alternate Election Faux Pas Invalidating Election Integrity Such That Electoral College Votes Should Be Withheld *

Pennsylvania does not require voters to present identification while voting in most cases. However, first-time voters must show identification. Accepted forms include both photo and non-photo ID.

Haven't followed the runoff very close. Does an article like this mean the republicans are losing like dogs again and have to project cheating to cover their shame again?
" Loading Ballot Boxes "

* Clarification Warranted *

So, what, Consent Decrees don't apply?
The state of georgia includes a law for electing federal senators during a runoff that directs only those eligible to vote in the primary are able to vote in the runoff ; and , to over rule that law violates the negative liberties of states from federal jurisdiction as per us 10th amendment .

The latest debase of georgia state law is an attempt to prevent it from ensuring that individuals are not capable of voting in two senate elections during a single voting cycle .
Last edited:
" Blue Wave Hype Without Rationalizing Alternatives "

* Save It For Fools *

Haven't followed the runoff very close. Does an article like this mean the republicans are losing like dogs again and have to project cheating to cover their shame again?
Assume a theory where the goal for cheating in the 2020 elections was only to take down trump while not rigging for positions in the remainder of voting races .

Alternatively , a theory is that if republican voting blocks turned on trump , those republican voting blocks would not betray republican representation for positions other than the presidency .
" Is US Tenth Amendment Being Violated By Forcing Georgia To Allow Voter Enrollment For 2020 Senate Runoff Election ? "

* Georgia State Law Directs Only Those Eligible To Vote In Initial Election Are Allowed To Vote In Runoff Election Denied By Activist Judges Over Stepping Federal Jurisdiction Against Us Tenth Amendment And Common Sense *

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office reported last week that nearly 76,000 new voters registered between the November 3, 2020 election and the voter registration deadline on December 7, 2020.

In Georgia, our Constitution reads that “[a] run-off election shall be a continuation of the general election and only persons who were entitled to vote in the general election shall be entitled to vote therein; and only those votes cast for the persons designated for the runoff shall be counted in the tabulation and canvass of the votes cast.”

A settlement from 2017 following a suit by the The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (representing the Georgia State Conference of the NAACP, the Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda, ProGeorgia State Table, Third Sector Development, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta) against the state of Georgia is what led the state to stop enforcing Article II, Section II, Paragraph II of the Constitution as it pertains to federal elections.

Previously, a ‘blackout period’ for voter registration was in place between an election and a runoff election.

The lawsuit filed in April 2017 alleged that Georgia’s practice of cutting off voter registration for federal run-off elections two months earlier than guaranteed was a violation of federal law, particularly Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 [52 USC 20507(a)(1)].

On October 13, 2017, a Consent Decree was signed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia after U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten (a Bush appointee) ruled that against the state. It dismissed ‘the State of Georgia’ from the suit and ordered the Secretary of State’s Office to stop enforcing the aforementioned section of the state Constitution and any similar state statute. In short, the Consent Decree stated that Georgia cannot prescribe a voter registration deadline in any federal election, “including all future federal runoffs, that is longer than the deadline provided under state law and in no case longer than 30 days before an election.”

* Explain How To Compromising Runoff Election Integrity And Cheat By Casting Votes For Senators From Two States In One Election Cycle *

Georgia Republicans, including the campaigns of U.S. Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, sued on Thursday to get election officials to remove from the ballot count the ballots of new Georgia residents who vote in the ongoing runoff elections for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats.

A federal judge on Friday evening rejected their case.

Loeffler and Perdue are defending their seats from Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Polling says the races are close. If the Democrats win, they will snatch control of the U.S. Senate away from the Republicans as Democrat Joe Biden becomes president.

In the voter residency lawsuit filed Thursday, the plaintiffs believe some new Georgia residents “raced to Georgia to register to vote” specifically to cast ballots in Georgia’s elections for the U.S. Senate, lawyer George Meros of Tallahassee, Florida, said in a hearing late Friday afternoon. Voters shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the same election cycle for senators in two states, Meros told the judge.

He contended that it is illegal under the federal Voting Rights Act and unfair to Georgia’s other voters.

The lawsuit cites statements made in November on Twitter and on CNN in which commentators said people should quickly move to Georgia in order to vote in the runoff.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose office is in charge of elections, previously said his office is investigating whether several groups were bringing people to Georgia to fraudulently vote.

Voter registration reopened following the Nov. 3 general election and closed on Dec. 7 for the runoff balloting. Residents who weren’t registered to vote in Georgia the Nov. 3 balloting (when no U.S. Senate candidates obtained a majority) were allowed to register to vote in the runoff elections. Early voting and absentee voting are underway, and balloting ends Jan. 5.

* Bantering An Alternate Election Faux Pas Invalidating Election Integrity Such That Electoral College Votes Should Be Withheld *

Pennsylvania does not require voters to present identification while voting in most cases. However, first-time voters must show identification. Accepted forms include both photo and non-photo ID.

What part do you not understand about federal elections?

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

By its terms, Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 empowers both Congress and state legislatures to regulate the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives. Not until 1842, when it passed a law requiring the election of Representatives by districts,1 did Congress undertake to exercise this power. In subsequent years, Congress expanded on the requirements, successively adding contiguity, compactness, and substantial equality of population to the districting requirements.2 However, no challenge to the seating of Members-elect selected in violation of these requirements was ever successful,3 and Congress deleted the standards from the 1929 apportionment act.4

" Blue Wave Hype Without Rationalizing Alternatives "

* Save It For Fools *

Haven't followed the runoff very close. Does an article like this mean the republicans are losing like dogs again and have to project cheating to cover their shame again?
Assume a theory where the goal for cheating in the 2020 elections was only to take down trump while not rigging for positions in the remainder of voting races .

Alternatively , a theory is that if republican voting blocks turned on trump , those republican voting blocks would not betray republican representation for positions other than the presidency .
Guess I was right. You figure your getting your butt kicked again. I don't really care who wins down there. I am not voting in Georgia. Biden will be able to deal with the domestic congressional political situation he faces, no matter which way it goes, or he will do the best he can. Get some popcorn and watch the game and cheer up.
Georgia is allowed to enforce their constitution for the state offices that are being run-off ... the federal offices must comply with federal laws ... and federal courts ...

Just more butthurt whining from a bunch of sore losers ... just pathetic ...
I guess we are to assume both that thousands of people from out of state actually packed up house and went through all of the expenses and trauma of locating housing and jobs in Georgia just to vote in the run-off election and that no Georgia folks reached their 18th birthday during the relevant time period and should not be allowed to vote. Really?
" Virtual Residence "

* Location Fluidity And Non Specific Contingency *

I guess we are to assume both that thousands of people from out of state actually packed up house and went through all of the expenses and trauma of locating housing and jobs in Georgia just to vote in the run-off election and that no Georgia folks reached their 18th birthday during the relevant time period and should not be allowed to vote. Really?
There is not a need to " pack up house " as moving to a new location is as simple as temporarily saying that one has moved .

The germane issue is that nvra is bad law that failed to include a clause where voters cannot vote in a runoff election when they did not vote in the primary election ; the nvra specifies that states cannot close voter registration in a federal election any earlier than 30 days prior to an election ; however , georgia state law accounted for the runoff election while federal law violated that clearly reasonable ethical standard and sovereignty of state law .
" Virtual Residence "

* Location Fluidity And Non Specific Contingency *

I guess we are to assume both that thousands of people from out of state actually packed up house and went through all of the expenses and trauma of locating housing and jobs in Georgia just to vote in the run-off election and that no Georgia folks reached their 18th birthday during the relevant time period and should not be allowed to vote. Really?
There is not a need to " pack up house " as moving to a new location is as simple as temporarily saying that one has moved .

The germane issue is that nvra is bad law that failed to include a clause where voters cannot vote in a runoff election when they did not vote in the primary election ; the nvra specifies that states cannot close voter registration in a federal election any earlier than 30 days prior to an election ; however , georgia state law accounted for the runoff election while federal law violated that clearly reasonable ethical standard and sovereignty of state law .

More made-up internet nonsense. Moreover, I thought that the GOP morons didn't believe in the sovereignty of state law. What was that ridiculous lawsuit that the Texas AG filed against other states about, again?
" Reasoning On Par With Dumb As Rocks "

* Simpleton Responses From Partisan Hacks *

More made-up internet nonsense. Moreover, I thought that the GOP morons didn't believe in the sovereignty of state law. What was that ridiculous lawsuit that the Texas AG filed against other states about, again?
More banal responses from disingenuous trolls is more to the point .

Allowing individuals to register to vote in runoff elections when they did not vote in the primary election is simply common sense voting policy , not that your ilk is concerned with voting integrity or able to exercise objectivity to honestly address anything that does not serve you expedient policy of theft .

The gop pushes sovereignty of the state , most notably for nonsense of abortion restrictions .

The texas ag filed where others states were not following requisite guidelines for voting that is apparently a stammering and offensive concept to criminals .
" Left Wing Globalists Rejecting National Sovereignty "

* Stands For Nothing Falls For Anything *

The GOP is just trying to keep americans from voting.
The gop is trying to ensure voting integrity , whereas accusations that they are trying to keep americans from voting is a knee jerk lexicon of criminals who despise the sovereignty of us citizens .
Anyone who voted for a guy who nationalized the Oregon State Police, has been 100% disqualified from ever talking about the Tenth Amendment again.
Certainly everyone knew communist democrats cheated in the Georgia elections. There isn't going to be an honest election from now until bodies are hanging from the trees.

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