Is Trump stripping the Democrats of their authority to steer the PC narrative?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It's really no secret, the strength and foundation of the Left / Dems has come from their stranglehold on being able to dictate what is and is not politically correct....they have literally morphed our nation into something other than it was intended to be and become by way of PC programming...They know that Trump has assisted the Right in rediscovering their nuts...he has empowered good Americans and depussified much of the GOP.
So what happens when Democrats can no longer FORCE public perception through PC?
I applaud Trump for taking some of the PC out of politics, but Trump isn't always being "PC". Sometimes he's just an asshole.
Yes, I'm speaking a lot more freely than I used to be able to. I HATED that PC constriction. I don't let anyone tell me what I can or can't say anymore. Trump has given us courage, IMO.
Sadly, I think if the left had not immediately thrown false accusations at him, he never would have shown himself to be such an asshole as he sometimes does. They created this persona of him through continually undermining, twisting, falsely accusing, etc. What man or woman would have sat back and just taken it all? And some of the first attacks were also directed at his son and his family. Trump didn’t and won’t, which who can really blame him?
I applaud Trump for taking some of the PC out of politics, but Trump isn't always being "PC". Sometimes he's just an asshole.

And being asshole to assholes is one of the other great qualities.

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