Is This Where the US is Headed Someday?

Conservatives oppose everything and stand for nothing except opposing everything. They are ignorant in science, economics, politics, foreign policy, civil rights and health care. What's worse, I believe most have never even read the Bible they are always trying to shove down our throats.
We are so far from socialism it makes me sick. The affordable care act is the epitome of capitalism, it is forcing millions to enter the insurance industry. Obama also bailed out the big banks, the United States is nowhere near socialism.

Well........Obama has you right where he wants you. Uninformed and complaint.

Obama has me right where he wants me? Obama has to be the most conservative democrat I have every seen hold the presidency, it seems as though your illusions have a hold of you.

WOW! You just proved my point for me. Thanks rube! BTW, do you have any interest in a slightly used bridge I have for sale?
Conservatives oppose everything and stand for nothing except opposing everything. They are ignorant in science, economics, politics, foreign policy, civil rights and health care. What's worse, I believe most have never even read the Bible they are always trying to shove down our throats.

Wow, two in one thread! Obama has you where he wants you too, uninformed and compliant. How the hell many of you morons are there out there?
So how many Congresscritters would ever give any president the power enact laws without legislative approval?

How many?
This is a serious question. Conservatives oppose ever growing government and entitlements because this is where it leads......and it doesn't end well. There are some frightening similarities between what is happening in Venezuela now and plans and desires of Obama, the DNC and liberals in general with immigration, healthcare, stimulus, etc.

Venezuela seizes more stores ahead of local elections

"Forcing stores to sell their merchandise for a price that the owners say will put them out of business may sound like a bad idea, but President Nicola Maduro is not angling to improve the economy, Venezuelans say.

"This is going to help him and his party in the short term,'' says Alfredo Ramos , a political science professor at the University of the Andes in Merida. "His actions are motivating his backers to go out and vote, and disheartening his opponents. However, his actions could very well hurt him in the medium term.""........

........."Maria Davila felt like a winner after emerging from the Traki department store with clothes for herself and her husband, as well as toys for their four children.

Davila spent 14 hours in line to make her purchases after the store reduced prices by up to 70% on merchandise to comply with Maduro's crusade against the country's "parasitical bourgeoisie."

"It was well worth the wait," Davila, 42, says of her ordeal. "I saved so much money. I feel like I won the lottery."

Taking a page out of the late Hugo Chavez's populist playbook, Maduro is attacking the country's producers and businesses to boost his United Socialist Party of Venezuela for local elections Dec. 8."

"His orders may be followed by more. On Tuesday night, Venezuelan lawmakers gave Maduro the power to enact law without legislative approval. Maduro said he will use the authority to create a new state body to oversee Venezuela's currency controls that have led to widespread inflation and shortage of basic goods. He also said he will order that corporations slash their profit margins by up to 30%."

Take the policies, hope and change of Obama, Reid and Pelosi and take them to their logical end and this is where you wind up.

I don't know about Venezuala and "where the US is headed" and all that, but we have already been down the wage and price freeze road.

Richard Milhous Nixon.
So how many Congresscritters would ever give any president the power enact laws without legislative approval?

How many?

Back in the early 80's, I spent time in Venezuela......and no, not vacation. No one then would have imagined a day that their president would have such power.......but he does. They have been "fundamentally changed" in the last 30 years.
This is a serious question. Conservatives oppose ever growing government and entitlements because this is where it leads......and it doesn't end well. There are some frightening similarities between what is happening in Venezuela now and plans and desires of Obama, the DNC and liberals in general with immigration, healthcare, stimulus, etc.

Venezuela seizes more stores ahead of local elections

"Forcing stores to sell their merchandise for a price that the owners say will put them out of business may sound like a bad idea, but President Nicola Maduro is not angling to improve the economy, Venezuelans say.

"This is going to help him and his party in the short term,'' says Alfredo Ramos , a political science professor at the University of the Andes in Merida. "His actions are motivating his backers to go out and vote, and disheartening his opponents. However, his actions could very well hurt him in the medium term.""........

........."Maria Davila felt like a winner after emerging from the Traki department store with clothes for herself and her husband, as well as toys for their four children.

Davila spent 14 hours in line to make her purchases after the store reduced prices by up to 70% on merchandise to comply with Maduro's crusade against the country's "parasitical bourgeoisie."

"It was well worth the wait," Davila, 42, says of her ordeal. "I saved so much money. I feel like I won the lottery."

Taking a page out of the late Hugo Chavez's populist playbook, Maduro is attacking the country's producers and businesses to boost his United Socialist Party of Venezuela for local elections Dec. 8."

"His orders may be followed by more. On Tuesday night, Venezuelan lawmakers gave Maduro the power to enact law without legislative approval. Maduro said he will use the authority to create a new state body to oversee Venezuela's currency controls that have led to widespread inflation and shortage of basic goods. He also said he will order that corporations slash their profit margins by up to 30%."

Take the policies, hope and change of Obama, Reid and Pelosi and take them to their logical end and this is where you wind up.

I don't know about Venezuala and "where the US is headed" and all that, but we have already been down the wage and price freeze road.

Richard Milhous Nixon.

Politicians seldom learn lessons from history. I mean for God's sake, look at al lthe liberals screaming that the ACA was a conservative plan like it is the greatest idea since sliced bread. We abandoned it for a reason. Why did you guys take your opposition's leftovers and run with it? How is that turning out for you?
This is a serious question. Conservatives oppose ever growing government and entitlements because this is where it leads......and it doesn't end well. .

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

The Communist Manifesto


Then you must be special. He lies to the rest of us.

Says more about you

No, it says what Obama thinks about his constituents, the American people. He believes the ends justify the means and that he only lied to them to serve a greater good. But in reality, a lie is a lie. Democrats are walking away as well as a complicit media. People are finally admitting the truth, the emperor has no clothes.
So how many Congresscritters would ever give any president the power enact laws without legislative approval?

How many?

Back in the early 80's, I spent time in Venezuela......and no, not vacation. No one then would have imagined a day that their president would have such power.......but he does. They have been "fundamentally changed" in the last 30 years.

In the US I believe such a move would take a Constitutional Amendment requiring approval from 3/4's of the states. And I just don't see that happening, ever.
So how many Congresscritters would ever give any president the power enact laws without legislative approval?

How many?

Back in the early 80's, I spent time in Venezuela......and no, not vacation. No one then would have imagined a day that their president would have such power.......but he does. They have been "fundamentally changed" in the last 30 years.

In the US I believe such a move would take a Constitutional Amendment requiring approval from 3/4's of the states. And I just don't see that happening, ever.


The narcotized never cease to amaze me.

We have a gargantuan welfare/warfare state where the federal government controls all aspects of our lives and the dumb ass is saying that we need a constitutional amendment.

wake the fuck up.

Back in the early 80's, I spent time in Venezuela......and no, not vacation. No one then would have imagined a day that their president would have such power.......but he does. They have been "fundamentally changed" in the last 30 years.

In the US I believe such a move would take a Constitutional Amendment requiring approval from 3/4's of the states. And I just don't see that happening, ever.


The narcotized never cease to amaze me.

We have a gargantuan welfare/warfare state where the federal government controls all aspects of our lives and the dumb ass is saying that we need a constitutional amendment.

wake the fuck up.


Congress simply cannot pass a law that would allow a President the power to enact legislation under his own authority. Such a change would require a change to the Constitution. The notion that they would try is nonsense.

In the US I believe such a move would take a Constitutional Amendment requiring approval from 3/4's of the states. And I just don't see that happening, ever.


The narcotized never cease to amaze me.

We have a gargantuan welfare/warfare state where the federal government controls all aspects of our lives and the dumb ass is saying that we need a constitutional amendment.

wake the fuck up.


Congress simply cannot pass a law that would allow a President the power to enact legislation under his own authority. Such a change would require a change to the Constitution. The notion that they would try is nonsense.

Again, bullshit.

In the name of "national secirity" they will get away with murder.

"Ever Expanding Executive Power

Charles H. Featherstone

The Sunday New York Times Magazine ran a very in-depth piece on the Senate, the imperial presidency and its future. Of note, the piece says:

The assertion and expansion of presidential power is arguably the defining feature of the Bush years. Come January, the current administration will pass on to its successor a vast infrastructure for electronic surveillance, secret sites for detention and interrogation and a sheaf of legal opinions empowering the executive to do whatever he feels necessary to protect the country."

Republicans the party of letting Businesses treat people like serfs and throwing granny off the cliff.

There's a reason libertarianism only gets 3-4% every election;. Stupid idea that is just as bad as the extreme lefts mindset.

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