Is this where the free thinkers check in ?


Feb 11, 2009
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My name is Jon. I live in South Carolina. I am 39 years old, divorced, one adult son and one perfect dog. I am hetrosexual but that doesn't bother me. I am registered to vote but not affiliated with any criminal organizations. I own guns but don't go making assumptions about that. You could get shot at. I'm pro life myself but don't care what you do with your free time. Jimmy Carter is my favorite ex president. Did I say that out loud ? I am a vicious supporter of Tarheel athletics and that, of course, means that Duke stinks, as they have just demonstrated live on my television. I am a saloon musician by trade, I have written four CDs worth of music and released them independently over the past five years. Evidently, they aren't all that great. I once fell in love with a lesbian. Ask me how that worked out sometime. I enjoy internet debate about topics that are mostly over my head and I have been wrong about things before. I know I was wrong at least once in 1993. I like most types of peas but not nearly as many varieties of beans. There is a difference.

That should be enough for starters. Feel free to ask questions. And where do I jump in ?
My name is Jon. I live in South Carolina. I am 39 years old, divorced, one adult son and one perfect dog. I am hetrosexual but that doesn't bother me. I am registered to vote but not affiliated with any criminal organizations. I own guns but don't go making assumptions about that. You could get shot at. I'm pro life myself but don't care what you do with your free time. Jimmy Carter is my favorite ex president. Did I say that out loud ? I am a vicious supporter of Tarheel athletics and that, of course, means that Duke stinks, as they have just demonstrated live on my television. I am a saloon musician by trade, I have written four CDs worth of music and released them independently over the past five years. Evidently, they aren't all that great. I once fell in love with a lesbian. Ask me how that worked out sometime. I enjoy internet debate about topics that are mostly over my head and I have been wrong about things before. I know I was wrong at least once in 1993. I like most types of peas but not nearly as many varieties of beans. There is a difference.

That should be enough for starters. Feel free to ask questions. And where do I jump in ?

Strap on the kevlar vest and jump in anywhere ! You look mentally armed enough to handle this joint. Welcome !
Thanks for the hellos and welcomes.

You folks sure do have a lot of nifty, shiny, flashy things in your post windows. I should get some of those so I don't feel so naked.
We like nifty, shiny, flashy things. They calm us down...better than Xanax I say.
Better than Xanax ? I think you're pulling my proverbial leg.

( have some Xanax ?)
That's cool. I get my prescriptions on a government program.
I once fell in love with a lesbian. Ask me how that worked out sometime.

I could swear I saw a movie about that.

Rock Chalk, Jayhawk. ;) Hardcore Kansas basketball fan, but y'all recently stole the worlds classiest b-ball coach. Hard to hate on Roy Williams.
The Kevlar vest is a good idea. If you stand politically left, then the right will constantly shoot at you. If you stand politically right, then the left will constantly shoot at you. And if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be somewhere in between, they'll both shoot at you.
The far left types don't scare me too much. One thing I've learned is that far lefties are more likely to chain themselves to a tree or a toilet, while far righties are the ones that shoot everyone in the room.

Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk ? You know, I went to 21 games last year from the ACC tourney all the way through to San Antone only to watch my beloved Tarheels collapse to Kansas. And I still don't have a clue as to what "Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk" could possibly mean.
The far left types don't scare me too much. One thing I've learned is that far lefties are more likely to chain themselves to a tree or a toilet, while far righties are the ones that shoot everyone in the room.

Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk ? You know, I went to 21 games last year from the ACC tourney all the way through to San Antone only to watch my beloved Tarheels collapse to Kansas. And I still don't have a clue as to what "Rock, Chalk, Jayhawk" could possibly mean.

Yeah, and I lost money on that game! :evil:

Welcome, I think you will fit in just fine. Nothing better than a poster with a sense of humor, and a banjo on his knee!
That's one of the most amusing intoductions I have read since I've been on boards.

Jump in anywhere.

Anyone who owns guns and still thinks Carter was a good man must have something worth reading.
You folks seem pretty friendly......but I read some of the conversation here.

I have been back and forth about the gun issue. I was raised in a rural, gun toting culture but later stopped with the hunting and didn't feel threatened enough to keep them around for personal protection. In the past few years however, I moved to a small town in SC and right away a 74 year old ex green beret was attacked and killed with a knife a couple houses down. The old guy nearly killed his 28 year old attacker with a pair of scissors before he bled out. I decided to exercise my right to own a firearm. Since then, I took up hunting again, mostly due to the retriever I adopted. She's a good bird dog and we spend most of hunting season chasing doves and ducks. Hard to beat free range fowl for dinner. Some people pay a ton of money for that sort of thing. So now, I have quite a few guns.
Rodger on the kansas rocks.
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