Is this just another Democrat tool to sow division? Should there be any "white privilege" in a nation founded, built and funded by whites?

Whites only founded this nation. Blacks built and by virtue of their work funded it.
Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent.
As for founding our government, I suppose you could point in part to England. If it wasn't for their oppression, we would still be having high tea and speaking with British accents. So, thank your England for your heavy-handedness.
The actual Constitutional government was founded by still somewhat primitive mindsets. Slavery had been abandoned in some areas of the world, but not all. Hell, the last official ending of slavery was in Saudi Arabia and Yemen....the year...1962. Anyway, some of the founding fathers were more forward thinking and wanted it ended, while other founding fathers saw the end of once purchased free labor being lost. Their reasoning was the bottom dollar....literally. But there should be no squabbling by blacks about slavery. It was done everywhere and in this country, has been gone for well over a century. Thousands, including black regiments fought and died to end it. Period. As for the rampant racism that kept going after that, well....look no further than your average Dixiecrat Democrat and his/her fellow associates. I guess I will never understand why they just won't let the Civil War go and keep thinking that slavery was acceptable. They're just dumber than rocks I guess.
" Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent. "

Even these guys were not the first. Blacks (Melanesian) were the first on the continent.

Also slavery is still allowed even in this country.
If Blacks were the first for everything on this planet, then you guys ph uked up royally. I gotta say. Lay blame where it belongs. If it makes you feel better, the Asians or Yellow race are coming up fast and may overtake the no good white race within a few decades. I keep saying this because you need to pay attention to the reality. There are a high percentage of white people who want a diverse nations here with common sense rules and laws. However, there are a percentage of people who make a good living being sociologists spewing endless bull and causing mayhem with it.
"then you guys ph uked up royally."

I wouldnt call it fucking up. I would call it being humane as in humans. It appears to me that whites have something in them that blocks that gene or whatever it is. Could be the neanderthal dna. Hopefully one day we will find out.

Should Nigerians always enjoy black privilege in Nigeria?
Nigeria is in Africa. What are you talking about?
That changes everything...I’ll rephrase.
Shouldn’t Africans always enjoy black privilege while in Africa?
Africa is a different continent than N. America. What are you talking about? Are you trying to compare a country that claims to welcome immigrants and claims that all men are equal to countries that have been colonized, looted, and lied to buy whites?
Our Declaration of Independence states that "all men are born equal." Because of the era they lived in, women aren't mentioned and persons of color aren't mentioned. We're not talking twenty-first century thinking here. Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. For your life, it's only life, liberty and the "pursuit of happiness." You can pursue happiness all you like, but there are no guarantees that you'll achieve it. In no country, is there "equal opportunity AND equal outcome" and never can be. As the old saying goes, "life isn't fair." It's just life.
"Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. "

Thats an interesting interpretation. Where did you get that? My interpretation is that it doesnt matter what you do. Your basic humanity is equal to anyone elses
You are misinterpreting me. You are an equal as a human, but there's no guarantee that your quality of life will be equal to another. Even in strict Communist nations that claim all are equal....they're not. The heads of the politburo live better than the multitude of the poor citizens.
Even in Scandinavian nations, where they have free market economics and multiple social programs, there are those whose life are more monetarily wealthy than their counterparts. Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both.
For example, just because you were to give absolutely everyone the same access to free education, not everyone can successfully achieve their goals. Not everyone has the IQ to become and astrophysicist, or a neurosurgeon, or even necessarily a nurse or paramedic. Humans have differing intellectual abilities and they can only achieve to that level at which they are capable of. What's that old saying? People rise to the level of their incompetence and can go no further.
" Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both. "

Blacks have had neither for over 400 years in this country. Even worse when we did build up something whites came and tore it down.
Whites only founded this nation. Blacks built and by virtue of their work funded it.
Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent.
As for founding our government, I suppose you could point in part to England. If it wasn't for their oppression, we would still be having high tea and speaking with British accents. So, thank your England for your heavy-handedness.
The actual Constitutional government was founded by still somewhat primitive mindsets. Slavery had been abandoned in some areas of the world, but not all. Hell, the last official ending of slavery was in Saudi Arabia and Yemen....the year...1962. Anyway, some of the founding fathers were more forward thinking and wanted it ended, while other founding fathers saw the end of once purchased free labor being lost. Their reasoning was the bottom dollar....literally. But there should be no squabbling by blacks about slavery. It was done everywhere and in this country, has been gone for well over a century. Thousands, including black regiments fought and died to end it. Period. As for the rampant racism that kept going after that, well....look no further than your average Dixiecrat Democrat and his/her fellow associates. I guess I will never understand why they just won't let the Civil War go and keep thinking that slavery was acceptable. They're just dumber than rocks I guess.
" Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent. "

Even these guys were not the first. Blacks (Melanesian) were the first on the continent.

Also slavery is still allowed even in this country.
If Blacks were the first for everything on this planet, then you guys ph uked up royally. I gotta say. Lay blame where it belongs. If it makes you feel better, the Asians or Yellow race are coming up fast and may overtake the no good white race within a few decades. I keep saying this because you need to pay attention to the reality. There are a high percentage of white people who want a diverse nations here with common sense rules and laws. However, there are a percentage of people who make a good living being sociologists spewing endless bull and causing mayhem with it.
"then you guys ph uked up royally."

I wouldnt call it fucking up. I would call it being humane as in humans. It appears to me that whites have something in them that blocks that gene or whatever it is. Could be the neanderthal dna. Hopefully one day we will find out.

Should Nigerians always enjoy black privilege in Nigeria?
Nigeria is in Africa. What are you talking about?
That changes everything...I’ll rephrase.
Shouldn’t Africans always enjoy black privilege while in Africa?
Africa is a different continent than N. America. What are you talking about? Are you trying to compare a country that claims to welcome immigrants and claims that all men are equal to countries that have been colonized, looted, and lied to buy whites?
Our Declaration of Independence states that "all men are born equal." Because of the era they lived in, women aren't mentioned and persons of color aren't mentioned. We're not talking twenty-first century thinking here. Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. For your life, it's only life, liberty and the "pursuit of happiness." You can pursue happiness all you like, but there are no guarantees that you'll achieve it. In no country, is there "equal opportunity AND equal outcome" and never can be. As the old saying goes, "life isn't fair." It's just life.
"Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. "

Thats an interesting interpretation. Where did you get that? My interpretation is that it doesnt matter what you do. Your basic humanity is equal to anyone elses
You are misinterpreting me. You are an equal as a human, but there's no guarantee that your quality of life will be equal to another. Even in strict Communist nations that claim all are equal....they're not. The heads of the politburo live better than the multitude of the poor citizens.
Even in Scandinavian nations, where they have free market economics and multiple social programs, there are those whose life are more monetarily wealthy than their counterparts. Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both.
For example, just because you were to give absolutely everyone the same access to free education, not everyone can successfully achieve their goals. Not everyone has the IQ to become and astrophysicist, or a neurosurgeon, or even necessarily a nurse or paramedic. Humans have differing intellectual abilities and they can only achieve to that level at which they are capable of. What's that old saying? People rise to the level of their incompetence and can go no further.
" Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both. "

Blacks have had neither for over 400 years in this country. Even worse when we did build up something whites came and tore it down.
Yet strangely, for all the current oppression blacks suffer at, at the hands of the evil whites, that are keeping them victims, we have black astronauts, black physicists, black business owners, black surgeons, black nurses, black paramedics, black police officers, black FBI agents, black, CIA agents, black professors, black teachers, black, military officers, including generals, black town council members, black mayors, black governors, black congressmen/women, black senators and of course, had a black president. There is no "glass ceiling" for blacks. The only thing keeping a black down is the black who looks at his/her fellow black student who is achieving "A's" in class is studious and complains looks down at the achiever and says: "Are you trying to be, white?!" The black complaining would rather that the student just stays down in the hood, never achieving the dreams of those that made it into the occupation they dreamed of. The same douche that complains to that student, believes that the world is not only oppressing him/her, but stifling them from wanting to just sit on a stoop and get nominal handouts from their Democrat party overlords. Basically, keep sucking on the government teat, instead of doing what that student he/she complained at was doing, trying to become something more than a failing human with no real goal.
Whites only founded this nation. Blacks built and by virtue of their work funded it.
Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent.
As for founding our government, I suppose you could point in part to England. If it wasn't for their oppression, we would still be having high tea and speaking with British accents. So, thank your England for your heavy-handedness.
The actual Constitutional government was founded by still somewhat primitive mindsets. Slavery had been abandoned in some areas of the world, but not all. Hell, the last official ending of slavery was in Saudi Arabia and Yemen....the year...1962. Anyway, some of the founding fathers were more forward thinking and wanted it ended, while other founding fathers saw the end of once purchased free labor being lost. Their reasoning was the bottom dollar....literally. But there should be no squabbling by blacks about slavery. It was done everywhere and in this country, has been gone for well over a century. Thousands, including black regiments fought and died to end it. Period. As for the rampant racism that kept going after that, well....look no further than your average Dixiecrat Democrat and his/her fellow associates. I guess I will never understand why they just won't let the Civil War go and keep thinking that slavery was acceptable. They're just dumber than rocks I guess.
" Well, technically, migrants from Asia crossed a once formed stretch of land between what is now Russia and Alaska and founded the Continent. "

Even these guys were not the first. Blacks (Melanesian) were the first on the continent.

Also slavery is still allowed even in this country.
If Blacks were the first for everything on this planet, then you guys ph uked up royally. I gotta say. Lay blame where it belongs. If it makes you feel better, the Asians or Yellow race are coming up fast and may overtake the no good white race within a few decades. I keep saying this because you need to pay attention to the reality. There are a high percentage of white people who want a diverse nations here with common sense rules and laws. However, there are a percentage of people who make a good living being sociologists spewing endless bull and causing mayhem with it.
"then you guys ph uked up royally."

I wouldnt call it fucking up. I would call it being humane as in humans. It appears to me that whites have something in them that blocks that gene or whatever it is. Could be the neanderthal dna. Hopefully one day we will find out.

Should Nigerians always enjoy black privilege in Nigeria?
Nigeria is in Africa. What are you talking about?
That changes everything...I’ll rephrase.
Shouldn’t Africans always enjoy black privilege while in Africa?
Africa is a different continent than N. America. What are you talking about? Are you trying to compare a country that claims to welcome immigrants and claims that all men are equal to countries that have been colonized, looted, and lied to buy whites?
Our Declaration of Independence states that "all men are born equal." Because of the era they lived in, women aren't mentioned and persons of color aren't mentioned. We're not talking twenty-first century thinking here. Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. For your life, it's only life, liberty and the "pursuit of happiness." You can pursue happiness all you like, but there are no guarantees that you'll achieve it. In no country, is there "equal opportunity AND equal outcome" and never can be. As the old saying goes, "life isn't fair." It's just life.
"Anyway, in essence, it just means we all start out the same "at birth." It doesn't say that anyone is going to stay equal to another along their life's path. "

Thats an interesting interpretation. Where did you get that? My interpretation is that it doesnt matter what you do. Your basic humanity is equal to anyone elses
You are misinterpreting me. You are an equal as a human, but there's no guarantee that your quality of life will be equal to another. Even in strict Communist nations that claim all are equal....they're not. The heads of the politburo live better than the multitude of the poor citizens.
Even in Scandinavian nations, where they have free market economics and multiple social programs, there are those whose life are more monetarily wealthy than their counterparts. Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both.
For example, just because you were to give absolutely everyone the same access to free education, not everyone can successfully achieve their goals. Not everyone has the IQ to become and astrophysicist, or a neurosurgeon, or even necessarily a nurse or paramedic. Humans have differing intellectual abilities and they can only achieve to that level at which they are capable of. What's that old saying? People rise to the level of their incompetence and can go no further.
" Like I said, you can have either equal opportunity or equal outcome, but you can't have both. "

Blacks have had neither for over 400 years in this country. Even worse when we did build up something whites came and tore it down.
Yet strangely, for all the current oppression blacks suffer at, at the hands of the evil whites, that are keeping them victims, we have black astronauts, black physicists, black business owners, black surgeons, black nurses, black paramedics, black police officers, black FBI agents, black, CIA agents, black professors, black teachers, black, military officers, including generals, black town council members, black mayors, black governors, black congressmen/women, black senators and of course, had a black president. There is no "glass ceiling" for blacks. The only thing keeping a black down is the black who looks at his/her fellow black student who is achieving "A's" in class is studious and complains looks down at the achiever and says: "Are you trying to be, white?!" The black complaining would rather that the student just stays down in the hood, never achieving the dreams of those that made it into the occupation they dreamed of. The same douche that complains to that student, believes that the world is not only oppressing him/her, but stifling them from wanting to just sit on a stoop and get nominal handouts from their Democrat party overlords. Basically, keep sucking on the government teat, instead of doing what that student he/she complained at was doing, trying to become something more than a failing human with no real goal.
We've achieved all that in spite of white oppression. Thats one of the reasons whites have their glass ceilings. Whites know they wouldnt be able to compete without racism in place to mentally defeat the Black masses by making them give up or become disoriented. The mentally stronger Blacks out work everyone else and rise to the top regardless of racism. So whites are racist at every turn possible. From the bullshit firings of Blacks because of their hairstyles to the laws that make it impossible to prove racism without the person actually admitting to it or leaving a paper trail. I am one of those Black people who have beat the racism in this country so I can tell you like it really is.
Whites only founded this nation. Blacks built and by virtue of their work funded it.
It's like the old story about the immigrant who, in the old country, was told the streets in America are paved with gold.

Then he got here and found that the streets are not paved with gold. In fact, the streets weren't paved at all! And he was going to be the guy who paved them!

White privilege my ass! People should be free to earn their own and not pay anyone for the 'privilege'!
Whites only founded this nation. Blacks built and by virtue of their work funded it.
It's like the old story about the immigrant who, in the old country, was told the streets in America are paved with gold.

Then he got here and found that the streets are not paved with gold. In fact, the streets weren't paved at all! And he was going to be the guy who paved them!

White privilege my ass! People should be free to earn their own and not pay anyone for the 'privilege'!
"White privilege my ass! People should be free to earn their own and not pay anyone for the 'privilege'!"

Thats exactly the point. Blacks were not paid and they were not free to earn their own. Hell they werent even "immigrants" that came here believing the streets were paved with gold. They were forced to come here and they built this nation for the whites. Thats the white privilege.

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