Is there anyone left who thinks marijuana should be illegal?

NotImpressed: oh so you think you're more sophisticated because you smoke marijuana and I don't? Can I ask how old you are?

Where did I say I smoke & what does my age have to do anything?
If I were full of assumptions like you, I would guess that you think I might be some 20something new age hippy.I could be a 90 year old with a healthy dose of common sense & the ability to think for myself.Myself,I do my best to never assume.
To the author of this thread: I'm one who thinks marijuana should be illegal. I think we need to at least try to keep the amount of drugs and drugged people who are circulating in society to a minimum. Marijuana addicts talk about their drug like it's a vitamin pill, but those of us who are thinking with our right minds know that it is just another drug, like tobacco, like alcohol, like heroin, just another poison that you want to minimize your exposure to. It's too bad we really can't afford to fight the drug war anymore, probably partly because we're spending so much money on wars overseas. However, giving up the fight is the wrong move I think. We already have enough trouble dealing with the problems that alcoholics and tobacco addicts create, why legalize another category of substance dependence?

The short answer?
F R E E D O M ! !

Either you are in favor of government telling Americans what they can do in the privacy of their own homes or not.

This attitude of big government directing our lives at every turn will be the downfall of the republic.
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I am less of a danger on the road stoned than I am sober.

I'm sure you're gonna be very sorry when you kill someone through you're fucking outrageous behavior. Seriously.... if you drive stoned, I pray you kill yourself and not some innocent person. I hate (and I mean real, cold, hard, hate) people to drive impaired. You are the scum of society. People like you kill other people.

Which will make you feel worse about yourself - killing someone while driving stoned or killing someone while driving stupid?

Why don't we stop trying to legislate morality among people with such varying appetites and opinions and start legislating responsibility instead?

It'd be SO much easier!
Perhaps you should expand your research horizons beyond the nose on your face. All across Europe, for the past 20 years, they've been researching the impact of drugs on individuals. There is a wealth of firm, scientific research based information clearly demonstrating the fact that MJ can act as a trigger for a variety of mental illnesses.

You're a fucking idiot who expects others to spoon feed you information. I don't spoon feed anyone. The information is there, available via various research facilities, across the globe. I suggest you read up on it before you call me names that best suit you.

Nope. There is no reputable source that demostrates what you claim.

Not one source.... a huge number of sources..... from medical research centers across Europe. Going back at least two decades.

Got Link?

( It's o.k. if they're in European, I speak a little, I can translate. )
I am less of a danger on the road stoned than I am sober.

I'm sure you're gonna be very sorry when you kill someone through you're fucking outrageous behavior. Seriously.... if you drive stoned, I pray you kill yourself and not some innocent person. I hate (and I mean real, cold, hard, hate) people to drive impaired. You are the scum of society. People like you kill other people.

You have zero idea what you are talking about. It's funny.
To the author of this thread: I'm one who thinks marijuana should be illegal. I think we need to at least try to keep the amount of drugs and drugged people who are circulating in society to a minimum.
Yeah.....Stay The Course.....right?


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Perhaps you should expand your research horizons beyond the nose on your face. All across Europe, for the past 20 years, they've been researching the impact of drugs on individuals. There is a wealth of firm, scientific research based information clearly demonstrating the fact that MJ can act as a trigger for a variety of mental illnesses.

You're a fucking idiot who expects others to spoon feed you information. I don't spoon feed anyone. The information is there, available via various research facilities, across the globe. I suggest you read up on it before you call me names that best suit you.

Nope. There is no reputable source that demostrates what you claim.

Not one source.... a huge number of sources..... from medical research centers across Europe. Going back at least two decades.
....But, you're constipated and can't reach that data, right?

I am less of a danger on the road stoned than I am sober.

I'm sure you're gonna be very sorry when you kill someone through you're fucking outrageous behavior. Seriously.... if you drive stoned, I pray you kill yourself and not some innocent person. I hate (and I mean real, cold, hard, hate) people to drive impaired. You are the scum of society. People like you kill other people.

Which will make you feel worse about yourself - killing someone while driving stoned or killing someone while driving stupid?
"I'm sure you're gonna be very sorry when you kill someone through you're fucking outrageous behavior. Seriously.... if you drive stoned, I pray you kill yourself and not some innocent person. I hate (and I mean real, cold, hard, hate) people to drive impaired. You are the scum of society. People like you kill other people."



(What're the chances......)​
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.

So why is there such a problem posting a single :link: to one of them? :dunno:
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.

So why is there such a problem posting a single :link: to one of them? :dunno:

Hey I'm new here.I suspect you would know the answer to that better than I would.:eusa_think::eusa_wall::lol:
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.
You are absolutely correct. All of the claims connecting marijuana to mental illness, or any kind of illness, amount to nothing more than Reefer Madness propaganda. Those who propagate such nonsense either are simply ignorant or have some unresolved personal issues that compel them to support utter fabrications. The fact is there is no authoritative evidence anywhere in the annals of medical science to prove or even suggest that anyone has ever died from or was medically harmed by the normal ingestion of uncontaminated marijuana.

The following is a map to the truth:

Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. According to the prestigious European medical journal, The Lancet, "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health. ... It would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat ... than alcohol or tobacco."

About Marijuana - NORML
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.

So why is there such a problem posting a single :link: to one of them? :dunno:

Hey I'm new here.I suspect you would know the answer to that better than I would.:eusa_think::eusa_wall::lol:

About Marijuana - NORML
So why is there such a problem posting a single :link: to one of them? :dunno:

Hey I'm new here.I suspect you would know the answer to that better than I would.:eusa_think::eusa_wall::lol:

About Marijuana - NORML

Go in to your control panel and turn your Sarcasm setting to "on".

The thesis of my post was directed to California Girl. She says that there is, and I quote, "vast amounts of data...".

I simply believe that if she can post a few links to what she's been reading, it may shed some light on her position and this discussion. If she CAN'T produce a link... well, that will shed a slightly different light on her position.
So why is there such a problem posting a single :link: to one of them? :dunno:

Hey I'm new here.I suspect you would know the answer to that better than I would.:eusa_think::eusa_wall::lol:


Hey I'm new here.I suspect you would know the answer to that better than I would.:eusa_think::eusa_wall::lol:

Go in to your control panel and turn your Sarcasm setting to "on".

The thesis of my post was directed to California Girl. She says that there is, and I quote, "vast amounts of data...".

I simply believe that if she can post a few links to what she's been reading, it may shed some light on her position and this discussion. If she CAN'T produce a link... well, that will shed a slightly different light on her position.

NORML is a great resource for those already in the know but I would guess the naysayers would want a more legitimate link such as wearepaidhandsomelytospreadthisgarbagedotcom

I am no stranger to sarcasm & I know where your comment was directed .If you look closely,my smilies tell a story.:tongue:
California Girl is correct,there is a plethora of data & studies In Europe linking marijuana use to mental illness.What she obviously doesn't know is that in the last couple of years,these claims have come under under scrutiny & recent studies have shown that the data is incomplete & inconclusive at best.Even some of the originators of these claims are saying so now.Again I'm new & cannot post the links but anyone that is google savvy can find them quickly & easily.
You are absolutely correct. All of the claims connecting marijuana to mental illness, or any kind of illness, amount to nothing more than Reefer Madness propaganda. Those who propagate such nonsense either are simply ignorant or have some unresolved personal issues that compel them to support utter fabrications. The fact is there is no authoritative evidence anywhere in the annals of medical science to prove or even suggest that anyone has ever died from or was medically harmed by the normal ingestion of uncontaminated marijuana.

The following is a map to the truth:

Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose. According to the prestigious European medical journal, The Lancet, "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health. ... It would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat ... than alcohol or tobacco."

There are some extremely rare cases of some people being allergic to marijuana.Just wanted to throw that out there for an assist to your post just in case certain folks would make a mountain out of an ant hill.But I'm sure you know that some(a lot)are allergic to common sense as well.

Your Reefer Madness reference is spot on.It amazes me that so many still buy into that line of thinking & are oblivious to why something so ridiculous & outdated is still believed today.I'm just not talking about the older alldopeisthesame crowd either.Not to mention that vaporizers totally kill the tar,carcinogen argument leaving them with absolutely no ground to stand on.

This thread is about decriminalization though & heres some food for thought since some in this thread mentioned hard drugs such as heroin.Opiates also come in pill form such as oxycontin,percocet,etc which are abused daily by millions but it's ok because those forms are legal,right?Different form,same effect.It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the hypocrisy.The war on drugs is & always was a complete failure resulting in billions of dollars down the toilet & many innocent lives as well.Here's a crazy thought.Maybe if all drugs were legalized & the black market was taken out of the equation,there just might be...wait for it... a decrease in illegal aliens crossing the border.A good portion of the hard drugs that come into our country come from or through Mexico.Seems like a win/win to me.
I am less of a danger on the road stoned than I am sober.

I'm sure you're gonna be very sorry when you kill someone through you're fucking outrageous behavior. Seriously.... if you drive stoned, I pray you kill yourself and not some innocent person. I hate (and I mean real, cold, hard, hate) people to drive impaired. You are the scum of society. People like you kill other people.

You have zero idea what you are talking about. It's funny.

Driving while your judgement is impaired through drink or drugs is not funny. At least not to those who are impacted by such despicable behavior. I have absolutely no problem with you killing yourself through your own stupidity but, sadly, innocent people die because of people like you.

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