Is there any interest in having an expanded Clean Debate Zone that might be premium?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
That is, people would pay a fee to be able to access it and in exchange, could perhaps have a full time mod for the section? The full time mod idea came from what a mod said about a previous idea of mine. The idea would be to have forums mirroring the regular sections, but with a requirement to not be using ad hominem attacks, which is allowed in the regular sections.
That is, people would pay a fee to be able to access it and in exchange, could perhaps have a full time mod for the section? The full time mod idea came from what a mod said about a previous idea of mine. The idea would be to have forums mirroring the regular sections, but with a requirement to not be using ad hominem attacks, which is allowed in the regular sections.
From reading the replies my answer to you is... NO! You are stuck here with the tribe!
What is a moderator going to do, if there are no dialectic rules? The ultimate goal is to go through the reasoning aspects of the discussion to try to reveal the ultimate truth - what is right, what is wrong, what is efficient, what is wasteful.

Otherwise, who cares???
What is a moderator going to do, if there are no dialectic rules? The ultimate goal is to go through the reasoning aspects of the discussion to try to reveal the ultimate truth - what is right, what is wrong, what is efficient, what is wasteful.

Otherwise, who cares???

Ok, so... does that mean you are in favour of an expanded Clean Debate Zone?
So you expect people to pay good money, just to have a conversation??? That's what the reglar Clean Debate Zone is supposed to be, for free. So if the CDZ rules aren't being followed, what makes you think an expanded one would???

If you're looking for intelligent conversation or debate without attacks, you'd be better off going to another forum that has those rules
So you expect people to pay good money, just to have a conversation??? That's what the reglar Clean Debate Zone is supposed to be, for free. So if the CDZ rules aren't being followed, what makes you think an expanded one would???

If you're looking for intelligent conversation or debate without attacks, you'd be better off going to another forum that has those rules

I started this thread because of the following comment by a mod in another thread:
I think the CDZ is fine as it is. Any more and we would need a full time mod watching those forums.

So I thought, maybe CDZ needs a full time mod? And then I started thinking, what could entice USMB to make that so? So I thought of money.
I have a better idea.

let's just create a forum with minimum IQ requirements in order to participate?

There are problems with IQ tests. I think this article I just googled up highlights some of them:

I think it makes more sense to try to just limit the amount of insults allowed, as the CD Zone does. However, I also think it would be good if the CD Zone had different forums, otherwise if you want to talk about anything without having to deal with the regular amount of insults in regular forums, it's all got to be lumped in the same CD Zone forum.

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