Is there a place in America...

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021

I've never heard of police interviewing neighbors for a conceal carry. What state is this?
Paranoid schizos use those guns on themselves usually. They're not aggressive towards other people.
If he bought a gun and has a CCW permit then he has had a background check. So he has been cleared. If he get too weird then report it to the police.

I've never heard of police interviewing neighbors for a conceal carry. What state is this?
..some people that murder, mass murderers, usually go down a path for a long time.....they are fine one day, but then they start obsessing/etc on all kinds of insignificant crap = it takes time for them to go from ok to crazy ---so, you never know.....a totally good, sane, nice person can turn into a murderer
....most everyone, sometimes, interprets words/actions/communications/etc wrong......we all do it advice:
be very careful and cautious
That’s why people with certain types of mental illness shouldn’t have guns.

No one suggested you have a gun, Nazi Jill.

It isn’t anti 2nd amendment. (You know, that whole well-regulated militia thing). It’s probably common sense

Too bad you never took an introductory to law class, or you'd know "well regulated" means "well maintained" in the vernacular of the second amendment.

But alas, you're a fucking moron....
That’s why people with certain types of mental illness shouldn’t have guns. It isn’t anti 2nd amendment. (You know, that whole well-regulated militia thing). It’s probably common sense

Dipshit.......people who have already been adjudicated, in a real court of law, mentally ill and dangerous, can't buy or own guns...

You ignorant moron....
Really? Let's see some stats on the number of CCW holders who commit suicide with their guns?

I only ask because I think you're a fucking liar who just made shit up....
I knew of two schizophrenics that committed suicide by shooting themselves in the head.
I knew of two schizophrenics that committed suicide by shooting themselves in the head.

And if they didn't have those guns they would have been just fine?

You could ask the Japanese about that....
That’s why people with certain types of mental illness shouldn’t have guns.
This is already covered by state and federal law.
It isn’t anti 2nd amendment. (You know, that whole well-regulated militia thing)
You are completely aware of the fact the right to keep and bear arms is unconnected to a person's relationship to the militia - and thus, you know the "well regulated miltia thing" is irrelevant.
His lie was that CCW holders shoot themselves with their own guns.

We all know he's a pathological liar and just made that up. Such is the nature of the fascists.
Show me where I posted "CCW holders shoot themselves with their own guns."

You're the fucking liar.

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