Is the world getting worse?

Is the world getting better?

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VIP Member
Aug 22, 2017
Okay my first big rant that I hope to get input from.
We always hear that things are getting worse no matter the subject regarding human beings.
Of course many make a living off spouting these things like people in the media and politicians trying to use fear for their own agenda but what if things in the country and in the world are not as bad as everyone screams it to be.
I mean Child mortality, Hunger, Illiteracy, Pollution, Poverty rates have gone down. On average 285,000 more people have gained access to safe water every day for the past 25 years. Since the Cold War extreme poverty has decreased from 37% per cent to 9.6%. Advancements in medicine has increased life expectancy and comfort from pain and sooo much more I can go on and on.
The reason I'm making this post is because I'm baffled by the amount of people that think the world is somehow getting worse!
A YouGov Poll shows in United States 65% of adults say all things considered the world is getting worse,
23% say neither and only 6% say its getting better . The Brits think even worse with only 5% saying that they think its getting better.

I believe there has been no place or time that is better to live in than right here in the U.S. right now and its going to get even better.
Disagree? let me know why :D

This reminds me of something Billy Joel said "We didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning".
You title asks if its getting better. Your poll asks if its getting worse. Which is it?
What are the statistical arguments against my claim that the world is getting better? I'm the only one so far to vote yes
More people believe in bigfoot than human progress.
aw , i voted that the world is getting worse . --- BUT , what i really meant after some thinking about the question is that the USA is what is getting worse Joker .
What are the statistical arguments against my claim that the world is getting better? I'm the only one so far to vote yes
More people believe in bigfoot than human progress.
----------------------------------------------- i guess that i only care about American Progress rather than Human progress or world progress . And as far as American progress goes i see that as being degraded by a lack of American [Western] standards , law and tradition Joker .
What are the statistical arguments against my claim that the world is getting better? I'm the only one so far to vote yes
More people believe in bigfoot than human progress.
----------------------------------------------- i guess that i only care about American Progress rather than Human progress or world progress . And as far as American progress goes i see that as being degraded by a lack of American [Western] standards , law and tradition Joker .
Ah I see and what do you mean tradition?
What are the statistical arguments against my claim that the world is getting better? I'm the only one so far to vote yes
More people believe in bigfoot than human progress.
----------------------------------------------- i guess that i only care about American Progress rather than Human progress or world progress . And as far as American progress goes i see that as being degraded by a lack of American [Western] standards , law and tradition Joker .
Ah I see and what do you mean tradition?
------------------------------------ well , its really Western law , tradition and American and Western standards . The problem in my opinion is the inflow of third world imported people into the USA since about 1964 - 65 that is causing problems in the USA . Same goes for 'europe' Joker .
Okay my first big rant that I hope to get input from.
We always hear that things are getting worse no matter the subject regarding human beings.
Of course many make a living off spouting these things like people in the media and politicians trying to use fear for their own agenda but what if things in the country and in the world are not as bad as everyone screams it to be.
I mean Child mortality, Hunger, Illiteracy, Pollution, Poverty rates have gone down. On average 285,000 more people have gained access to safe water every day for the past 25 years. Since the Cold War extreme poverty has decreased from 37% per cent to 9.6%. Advancements in medicine has increased life expectancy and comfort from pain and sooo much more I can go on and on.
The reason I'm making this post is because I'm baffled by the amount of people that think the world is somehow getting worse!
A YouGov Poll shows in United States 65% of adults say all things considered the world is getting worse,
23% say neither and only 6% say its getting better . The Brits think even worse with only 5% saying that they think its getting better.

I believe there has been no place or time that is better to live in than right here in the U.S. right now and its going to get even better.
Disagree? let me know why :D

This reminds me of something Billy Joel said "We didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning".

Worse? Worse than what?

Today we don't send Jews to their deaths by the millions in ovens, instead we take unborn children and toss them in ovens by the millions.

Today we have all the comforts technology gives us, but are now held hostage by such things as never ending e-mails and cell phones and monitored 24/7 by Big Brother because of them. Now we are helpless to survive without them. Soon such technology as robotics and AI will render most unemployed.

Today we no longer declare war, we just invade hapless countries on the premise of giving them democracy or safety from tyrants.

Today we no longer accept economic down turn like the Great Depression because we refuse to allow it to happen. In fact, the revenue we don't have we simply print out of thin air to the tune of a debt of $20 trillion plus in order to maintain our "lifestyle". When will it end and how far before it blows up in our face?

Are we better off? No, probably not.
Can't really answer the poll, cause it depends on perspective and to answer neither would mean that nothing has changed. Yet it has changed.

Some things are better today than previous......though not sure what timeline you're comparing too. But yes medical, poverty, fresh water, etc have all advanced tremendously.

The human side of the coin has been failing and I don't think it's just in the US, but around the world. Everyone does whatever the heck they want, just because they want to, for whatever reasoning and they don't think or care what or who it may impact. Either for shock value or to show off, it's all about ME, ME, ME & screw anyone that disagrees.
Can't really answer the poll, cause it depends on perspective and to answer neither would mean that nothing has changed. Yet it has changed.

Some things are better today than previous......though not sure what timeline you're comparing too. But yes medical, poverty, fresh water, etc have all advanced tremendously.

The human side of the coin has been failing and I don't think it's just in the US, but around the world. Everyone does whatever the heck they want, just because they want to, for whatever reasoning and they don't think or care what or who it may impact. Either for shock value or to show off, it's all about ME, ME, ME & screw anyone that disagrees.
Agreed if you are someone of faith I see how it can be getting worse since Christianity is losing influence for some reason I forgot to think about how some hold spirituality, health, and happiness differently to some your spirit is worth more than the other two and to others who simply don't believe in such will more likely hold overall happiness more heavily than the taintedness of a spirit they don't believe in.
Of course everyone's "perfect world" is different but when compared to history I still lack the thought that we as a whole are not improving. Home | is a great website to check out there you can find the stats of all things Human Progress.
Can't really answer the poll, cause it depends on perspective and to answer neither would mean that nothing has changed. Yet it has changed.

Some things are better today than previous......though not sure what timeline you're comparing too. But yes medical, poverty, fresh water, etc have all advanced tremendously.

The human side of the coin has been failing and I don't think it's just in the US, but around the world. Everyone does whatever the heck they want, just because they want to, for whatever reasoning and they don't think or care what or who it may impact. Either for shock value or to show off, it's all about ME, ME, ME & screw anyone that disagrees.
Agreed if you are someone of faith I see how it can be getting worse since Christianity is losing influence for some reason I forgot to think about how some hold spirituality, health, and happiness differently to some your spirit is worth more than the other two and to others who simply don't believe in such will more likely hold overall happiness more heavily than the taintedness of a spirit they don't believe in.
Of course everyone's "perfect world" is different but when compared to history I still lack the thought that we as a whole are not improving. Home | is a great website to check out there you can find the stats of all things Human Progress.

I would think being a decent human being wouldn't depend on faith or lack thereof. But maybe that's just me

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