Is the stand your ground law, a good law?

I live in Florida and love that law.

Anyone breaking into my house will meet my shotgun up close and personal.

I will have no problem blowing off a head or two.
You had that before stand your ground or are you saying it was mandatory to do nothing while people broke into your house?

Nope. I sure wouldn't stand around. I'd shoot the bastards. That's what a shotgun is for.

You can stand around if you want. But I sure won't.
It's not a matter of "good" or "bad."

The issue is whether the law is understood by law enforcement, the courts, and armed private citizens.

In many jurisdictions the law is still evolving, lacks comprehensive precedent, and is not being followed or applied consistently.
Then there's that. Clayton actually nailed it here.

No...there is nothing complicated about the law at is very,very simple as in you are not required to retreat before using deadly force.

Now there of course are those who want to complicate it and try and get rid of it....newflash....even if the stand your ground law was done away with(which will not happen as most support it) we would still have the law on self defense...and just as many Negroes got killed under all this nonsense about the stand your ground law being so controversial is just a red herring...simply that and nothing more.
heheh exactly. Obviously she does not even understand what the law is. Being indoctrinated into believing blacks are always innocent...despite the fact that young black males comitt over half of all violent crimes in America including rape as well as murder and as previously documented blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks even though blacks are a minority.

A racial identifier isn't necessary as far as the criminal side is concerned.
That's why I say it's a terrible law.

Because the law isn't the law, for blacks, if you get my meaning.

Just like how blacks get harsher sentences, for doing the same things whites do, we tend to get the brown end of the stick, if you get my meaning.

America has a lot of issues it's still grappling with, because they fail to be honest with their past, they can't recon with the present, and won't be able to recon w/their future, if you get my meaning.

Until things are equitable, it will remain a terrible law, basically a license for hicks and billys to shoot blacks and get away w/it.

As long as people think it's okay for criminals to do what they shouldn't be doing, then what difference does it make the hicks and billys are doing the same thing?

heheh exactly. Obviously she does not even understand what the law is. Being indoctrinated into believing blacks are always innocent...despite the fact that young black males comitt over half of all violent crimes in America including rape as well as murder and as previously documented blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks even though blacks are a minority.
Even tho that is not entirely true -- it does help to have those type of inflammatory stats when you want to make it easier to kill black folks

In fact, since we all agree that blacks are just mostly violent savages -- like we have always characterized them since they've existed here -- wouldn't it be reasonable to find their very existence a threat?

Just shoot em on sight when you see one and them quote stats about how violent they are -- it worked for the jews when they wanted to stand their ground against --- oh wait
I live in Florida and love that law.

Anyone breaking into my house will meet my shotgun up close and personal.

I will have no problem blowing off a head or two.
You had that before stand your ground or are you saying it was mandatory to do nothing while people broke into your house?

Nope. I sure wouldn't stand around. I'd shoot the bastards. That's what a shotgun is for.

You can stand around if you want. But I sure won't.

Exactly....stand around wave your weapon and wait for the thug to take it away form you. If you value your life shoot the b.s.o.b. as in it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Its a good law but when you have video evidence that contradicts the shooters version of events an arrest is warranted...

Videos are interpeted in different ways by biased folks. What the law requires is that the person being attacked must be in reasonable fear of his life or of sustaining grievious bodily harm.

Now due to political correctness many always seek to further their agenda of black victimhood by always claiming the black guy is always matter how egregious his behavior is or how long his rap sheet is. Thus with the help of the media they are using the stand your ground law as a red herring to claim that white people use the stand your ground law unfairly in order to escape being convicted of murder. They also attempt to demonize Florida Law as being responsible when in fact Floridas law on self defense is similar to that of most states.
I agree with what you said but I watched the full video of the Florida shooting and the man on the ground did not have to shoot....the aggressor was backing reasonable person could feel otherwise...
I'm a member of the NRA a former Marine and an avid hunter and gun collector...I am not biased against the stand your ground law...I support it...but I have eyes...

What you are missing is how fast it went down. Watch the video again and use your stopwatch...count how many seconds went by after the white guy managed to get his pistol out...and he shot the black.............and it is also quite obvious the black guy was continuing to advance after he knocked down the white guy until he saw the pistol come out and he sort of lurched backwards and to the side.

A big mistake a lot of folks make is to assume violence prone individuals(the black guy had been arrested for assault before) are logical or rational whereas in real life they are often governed by emotion aka anger. The black guy rushed out of the store fit to be tied and could hardly wait to attack the white guy based on what? Some white dude went into the store and told him something that enraged him...I have seen no reports on exactly what he told him if anyone knows.

If you are in fear of your life when you pull your pistol out you best use it and use it to the best of your ability if you value your life. Just pointing a pistol at someone is no gurantee they will cease their aggressive criminal behavior. Sure the black guy was supprised so see the pistol and his reflex action was to lurch backwards....but say the white guy did not shoot...what would the black guy have done next? No one knows. He was very close to the white guy on the ground which is critical. Anyhow most likely the black guy when he saw the white guy was not shooting and was just waving the gun around would most likely have attempted to engage him in conversation such as ...what you pointing that gun at me for? He might even be angrier now that a gun had been pulled on him....also his g/f was close by. Either one of them upon seeing the white guy was apparantly not going to use the weapon could have rushed him, taken the gun away and shot him with his own weapon. Not like it has never happened before. No just pointing or waving your gun around is no gurantee that it will end the assault. Now most guys might cease and desist when a weapon is pointed at them but not all violent prone thugs will...thus it was a good shoot.

but say the white guy did not shoot...what would the black guy have done next?

Gone home with his family.

Now most guys might cease and desist when a weapon is pointed at them but not all violent prone thugs will...

This guy did.

thus it was a good shoot.

SYG Laws aside, anyone who shoots in self defense must justify the act.

There is no presupposition of innocence because it is admitted that the person acting in self defense did indeed shoot someone.
I live in Florida and love that law.

Anyone breaking into my house will meet my shotgun up close and personal.

I will have no problem blowing off a head or two.
You had that before stand your ground or are you saying it was mandatory to do nothing while people broke into your house?

Nope. I sure wouldn't stand around. I'd shoot the bastards. That's what a shotgun is for.

You can stand around if you want. But I sure won't.

Exactly....stand around wave your weapon and wait for the thug to take it away form you. If you value your life shoot the b.s.o.b. as in it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Do blacks have equal justification to be fearful of whites to the point they can just shoot them the minute they feel threatened?

I saw this black guy get followed home by this white guy in a van, the white guy was calling him racial slurs, yelling at him --- shouldn't the black guy have shot him?
That's why I say it's a terrible law.

Because the law isn't the law, for blacks, if you get my meaning.

Just like how blacks get harsher sentences, for doing the same things whites do, we tend to get the brown end of the stick, if you get my meaning.

America has a lot of issues it's still grappling with, because they fail to be honest with their past, they can't recon with the present, and won't be able to recon w/their future, if you get my meaning.

Until things are equitable, it will remain a terrible law, basically a license for hicks and billys to shoot blacks and get away w/it.

As long as people think it's okay for criminals to do what they shouldn't be doing, then what difference does it make the hicks and billys are doing the same thing?

heheh exactly. Obviously she does not even understand what the law is. Being indoctrinated into believing blacks are always innocent...despite the fact that young black males comitt over half of all violent crimes in America including rape as well as murder and as previously documented blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks even though blacks are a minority.
Even tho that is not entirely true -- it does help to have those type of inflammatory stats when you want to make it easier to kill black folks

In fact, since we all agree that blacks are just mostly violent savages -- like we have always characterized them since they've existed here -- wouldn't it be reasonable to find their very existence a threat?

Just shoot em on sight when you see one and them quote stats about how violent they are -- it worked for the jews when they wanted to stand their ground against --- oh wait

Nonsense. Jews and blacks have nothing in common.
The Color of Crime, 2016 Revised Edition - American Renaissance
I live in Florida and love that law.

Anyone breaking into my house will meet my shotgun up close and personal.

I will have no problem blowing off a head or two.

My wife is a retired school teacher. She has true grit but she would have a hard time standing up to some 20 year old gang banger. She knows how to use a gun and she conceal carries.

Florida law allows her to have great leeway in protecting herself and that is a good thing. She doesn't have to worry about being second guessed if she is threatened.

Like yourself I would pity the guy the guy that would threaten her. She has the ability, skill and mental fortitude to do what is necessary and the law in Florida would give her the presumption of innocence.
That's why I say it's a terrible law.

Because the law isn't the law, for blacks, if you get my meaning.

Just like how blacks get harsher sentences, for doing the same things whites do, we tend to get the brown end of the stick, if you get my meaning.

America has a lot of issues it's still grappling with, because they fail to be honest with their past, they can't recon with the present, and won't be able to recon w/their future, if you get my meaning.

Until things are equitable, it will remain a terrible law, basically a license for hicks and billys to shoot blacks and get away w/it.

As long as people think it's okay for criminals to do what they shouldn't be doing, then what difference does it make the hicks and billys are doing the same thing?

heheh exactly. Obviously she does not even understand what the law is. Being indoctrinated into believing blacks are always innocent...despite the fact that young black males comitt over half of all violent crimes in America including rape as well as murder and as previously documented blacks kill more whites than whites kill blacks even though blacks are a minority.
Even tho that is not entirely true -- it does help to have those type of inflammatory stats when you want to make it easier to kill black folks

In fact, since we all agree that blacks are just mostly violent savages -- like we have always characterized them since they've existed here -- wouldn't it be reasonable to find their very existence a threat?

Just shoot em on sight when you see one and them quote stats about how violent they are -- it worked for the jews when they wanted to stand their ground against --- oh wait

Nonsense. Jews and blacks have nothing in common.
Yea, fair point...even though Jews lived in a country where they had a very rational fear of being murdered by Germans -- apparently, that doesn't make Germans inherently violent

Meanwhile, blacks are just violent no matter what the conditions --- geesh, it must really suck to be black -- if only there were things "good" blacks could do to not make whites feel afraid when they bump into each other on the street
I live in Florida and love that law.

Anyone breaking into my house will meet my shotgun up close and personal.

I will have no problem blowing off a head or two.
You had that before stand your ground or are you saying it was mandatory to do nothing while people broke into your house?

Nope. I sure wouldn't stand around. I'd shoot the bastards. That's what a shotgun is for.

You can stand around if you want. But I sure won't.

Exactly....stand around wave your weapon and wait for the thug to take it away form you. If you value your life shoot the b.s.o.b. as in it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Oh I'll be firing my weapon. Not waving it around. Of course my dogs could always chew the shit out of them. But my shotgun will make it permanent.
Its almost like a black guy can be confronted by a Klan or Neo Nazi member, and still be called a thug if he shoots that Klan member due to his reasonable fear of that Klan member -- geesh, no wonder we feel much better when our blacks are more subservient and docile
Do I have to retreat?
Have I retreated enough?
Now that I've retreated am I allowed to defend myself?
Technically, it can be argued that there's "hoops" to all laws.

Part of being part of a society.


And the fewer hoops involved when your life is in danger, the better.

Unless the dead people are trying to attack you.

By the way, do you feel that less children killed on demand is better than more children killed on demand or do you only apply that standard to Black thugs that get killed when they attack Whites?
The best way for evil to prevail is for good to stand there and not do a thing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, not only is it a good law, but it might be the most important one that is out there.

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