Is the only reason Democrats continue to wear masks so they can commit crimes?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So we've heard Biden say...."Follow the science." But according to this poll, Democrats either
1) Don't believe the science or
2) They want to continue wearing a mask either for illegal purposes or they are afraid to show their faces!

How often do you wear a medical or non-medical face mask when you leave your home?

Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks in most places -U.S. CDC​

Even though more Democrats (87 percent) than Republicans (69 percent) say they understand the mask guidance, Democrats are twice as likely to wear a mask all the time (54 for Democrats versus. 27 percent GOP).
Those numbers hold even among those who have been jabbed: 56 percent of vaccinated Democrats and 27 percent of vaccinated Republicans report wearing a mask all the time.

SO why don't the Democrats "follow the science"...i.e. Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks
The CDC, (the government!!!) Biden says "follow the science"... so why don't they stop wearing a mask?
A) THEY, these pompous, "smarter-than-thou", Democrats DON"T believe the SCIENCE???
B) The wear the masks for illegal purposes or are afraid to show their faces?

Come on you progressive/liberal/follow-the-government,CCP excusers, why are you still wearing a mask...EVEN though the "Science" says if you are vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask, why don't you believe the science?

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People wearing face masks have always been prohibited from entering banks.

But, now in the coronavirus-era, bank robbers appear to be taking advantage of mask requirements that are needed for COVID-19 safety. Since the nation's first-known armed bank robbery in 1866 by the Jesse James gang, criminals have come up with all sorts of disguises to conceal their identities from employees and security.
So we've heard Biden say...."Follow the science." But according to this poll, Democrats either
1) Don't believe the science or
2) They want to continue wearing a mask either for illegal purposes or they are afraid to show their faces!

How often do you wear a medical or non-medical face mask when you leave your home?

Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks in most places -U.S. CDC​

Even though more Democrats (87 percent) than Republicans (69 percent) say they understand the mask guidance, Democrats are twice as likely to wear a mask all the time (54 for Democrats versus. 27 percent GOP).
Those numbers hold even among those who have been jabbed: 56 percent of vaccinated Democrats and 27 percent of vaccinated Republicans report wearing a mask all the time.

SO why don't the Democrats "follow the science"...i.e. Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks
The CDC, (the government!!!) Biden says "follow the science"... so why don't they stop wearing a mask?
A) THEY, these pompous, "smarter-than-thou", Democrats DON"T believe the SCIENCE???
B) The wear the masks for illegal purposes or are afraid to show their faces?

Come on you progressive/liberal/follow-the-government,CCP excusers, why are you still wearing a mask...EVEN though the "Science" says if you are vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask, why don't you believe the science?

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Trump is still a danger to become president again.... for as long as that is true the Democrats will wear masks.
So we've heard Biden say...."Follow the science." But according to this poll, Democrats either
1) Don't believe the science or
2) They want to continue wearing a mask either for illegal purposes or they are afraid to show their faces!

How often do you wear a medical or non-medical face mask when you leave your home?

Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks in most places -U.S. CDC​

Even though more Democrats (87 percent) than Republicans (69 percent) say they understand the mask guidance, Democrats are twice as likely to wear a mask all the time (54 for Democrats versus. 27 percent GOP).
Those numbers hold even among those who have been jabbed: 56 percent of vaccinated Democrats and 27 percent of vaccinated Republicans report wearing a mask all the time.

SO why don't the Democrats "follow the science"...i.e. Fully vaccinated people can shed their masks
The CDC, (the government!!!) Biden says "follow the science"... so why don't they stop wearing a mask?
A) THEY, these pompous, "smarter-than-thou", Democrats DON"T believe the SCIENCE???
B) The wear the masks for illegal purposes or are afraid to show their faces?

Come on you progressive/liberal/follow-the-government,CCP excusers, why are you still wearing a mask...EVEN though the "Science" says if you are vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask, why don't you believe the science?

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Yes, that and that shit for breath of theirs.
It's only a matter of time before they start offering undergraduate degrees in shoplifting at the Cal. State system. That's the hottest new occupation in liberal cities. I'm sure they'll be recommending wearing a mask for all pilfering too.
Nah democrats are only pro mask because the republicans are anti mask. And vice versa.

Politics now is each side has to be way completely the opposite direction on everything the other side thinks. There is absolutely no middle ground or gray areas or anything they agree on. Everything has to be extremes, right and wrong, agree with us or die.

Both sides of it are guilty of that attitude. Answers and solutions about life are rarely one or the other, they are in the middle somewhere but both sides hate the middle. It's all "my way or the highway".
Nah democrats are only pro mask because the republicans are anti mask. And vice versa.

Politics now is each side has to be way completely the opposite direction on everything the other side thinks. There is absolutely no middle ground or gray areas or anything they agree on. Everything has to be extremes, right and wrong, agree with us or die.

Both sides of it are guilty of that attitude. Answers and solutions about life are rarely one or the other, they are in the middle somewhere but both sides hate the middle. It's all "my way or the highway".
I am anti mask because wearing them for long periods of time gives me a migraine.

Had nothing to do with politics.
They love the prison head stockings as a sign of fashion so I think the answer is Yes.
I am anti mask because wearing them for long periods of time gives me a migraine.

Had nothing to do with politics.
I'm a little claustrophobic and I get bummed breathing my own exhaust. I'll fucking starve before I go back to wearing those things. No politics for me either.
Nancy Pelosi is wearing a mask because another face lift she will be sporting a beard. Adam Shittest is wearing a mask to save on toilet paper. Biden wears a mask to keep ones from seeing he has his mouth crammed, packed full of something dirty, long, and stinky. The other democRats wear them to cover up their sick sex acts with mentally ill chickens. That's it.

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