Is the Low IQ Joe/Hate Hoax Harris ticket the worst ever?

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Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Let's be serious. These two have a combined ZERO in the "merit of life" column. Low IQ Joe is a dumb whore who has sold out at every opportunity. He bragged that Delaware was a "slave state," and voted multiple times for KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd to be Democrat Senate Majority Leader. His son is a meritless drug addict who is worth over half a billion dollars solely from using Low IQ Joe to sell out and leech off the taxpayer. The only question if Low IQ Joe wins isn't if Hunter Biden becomes a billionaire, but how fast.... Hate Hoax Harris' #1 supporter is Jussie Smollett.... LOL!!! When Smollett did the hate hoax, Hate Hoax Harris and Bigot Booker were pushing an "anti lynching" bill, nevermind there hasn't been a "lynching" in 40 years, and BOTH on cue from the cowardly closeted compromised Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief, declared the Smollett hate hoax as a "modern day lynching." Talking Points from the "community Hate Hoax organizer..."

The Jewish Atlanta Times claimed that if the Mossad had taken out HomObama, Low IQ Joe would've lied about it and sold out our troops to go to war with Iran over yet another sell out to AIPAC, something Low IQ Joe has done every time he had $$$$$$$$$$$$$ waved in his face, and Bernie was hammering him on that. With Low IQ Joe as Prez, we'll watch our kids in uniform sold out immediately to AIPAC yet again....

What position would Jussie Smollett hold in a Low IQ Joe Administration??

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