Is the Democrat Party a Corrupt Organization?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Take a look at its record over the past 25 years: Bill Clinton sells missile targeting technology to the Chinese for campaign contributions; Al Gore tries to steal the 2000 election in Florida; Democrats vote for Iraq War but oppose Surge; Harry Reid refuses to allow Budget passage for 3-1/2 years; Obama lets ISIS into Iraq; Hillary bombs Libya and abandons our diplomatic staff there, sells influence for donations and destroys illegal emails; Lynch/Comey whitewash her investigation; Obama pays blood money to Iran; Dems try to undermine 2016 elections results in WI, MI and PA; Dems delay confirmation hearings; Dems promote false stories about Russian collusion and encourage vitriolic hatred and attacks on President Trump and the GOP.

These people should be prosecuted under the RICO Act and the many other federal statutes they have violated.

P.S. Please spare me the moral equivalence argument about GOP misdeeds. The Democrats continue to exceed them on an exponential basis.
Why do you think that the mafia and the Mexican mob stick to blue jurisdictions? no offense but why start a thread about the self evident?

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