Diamond Member

American Bar Association: Ketanji Brown Jackson "well qualified" for Supreme Court
The rating is another point in favor of Biden's nominee ahead of her upcoming confirmation hearings.

"The American Bar Association (ABA) said Friday that Ketanji Brown Jackson is "well qualified" — its highest rating — to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court ahead of her confirmation hearings next week. The ABA, which "confines its evaluation to the qualities of integrity, professional competence, and judicial temperament," unanimously agreed that Jackson is "well qualified," committee chair Ann Claire Williams wrote in a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee."
With that decision, the ABA has basically rendered themselves a useless, laughing stock organization...or quite possibly, this signals something much more sinister. Has the ABA become a racist organization right before our eyes?? The previous 2 judicial nominees to the SC were also well-qualified -- however, we have no reason to be suspicious of these ratings...we can look at them and easily tell they are well-qualified...however, why would the ABA give that rating to someone who is obviously not of the same caliber of the previous nominees? Someone who is quite obviously, inferior.
And why would they give Jackson that rating without asking to see her LSAT's?? or other critical high school documents?? They saw the previous nominees test scores and high school transcripts; why were they being harder on the "white nominees" and not Jackson? Tucker may be onto something big here.