Is Real Peace in Palestine Even Possible?

Indeed, the Zionist plan to take over Palestine emerged at the turn of the century.

Another stupid remark from a Pro- Palestinian. The " two State Solution" was thought of after WW 1 which the Arabs also rejected . Notice how these Pro- Pals can't keep their story straight? :cool:
"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,” he said, “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Maybe the Arabs rejected Sir Ronald?

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

So how did that opinion work out for Sir Ronald? Obviously the guy was just plain wrong. :D
Have you ever heard the expression "whistling past the graveyard?"

"Israel now looks north to a Lebanon where Hezbollah possesses more and better rockets than the metal-shop jobs Hamas fired off. Beyond lies a powerful Turkey whose prime minister just declared Israel a 'terrorist' state.

"To the northeast lies Syria, where the 40-year truce on the Golan is unlikely to last after Bashar al-Assad falls and is replaced by a Sunni regime rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood, or becomes a failed state saturated with jihadists and loose chemical weapons.

"To the east lies Jordan, wracked by riots, a monarchy that looks to be a candidate for an Arab Spring uprising.

"To the south and west are Hamas, a Sinai that is a no man’s land, and an Egypt dominated by the Brotherhood, millions of whose people would like to see the Israeli peace treaty trashed.

"Israel is as isolated as she has been in a region that is more hostile to her presence than perhaps at any time since the war of ’48."

A Mirage of Mideast Peace | The American Conservative

Whistle all you want, but from your perspective it won't be a happy tune, since no combination of Israel's enemies has the potential to defeat the Jewish state. Israel has the world's most effective air defense system and within two years it will be able to handle anything any of its enemies can throw at it as easily as it handled the 1,500 + rockets Gaza fired at it. Its home front defense is superior to that of any other country in the world. Each home or apartment built in Israel since 1991 is required by law to have a safe room capable of withstanding a direct hit by these rockets and there are numerous public shelters and more being built all the time.

Israel's enemies are capable of making a lot of noise but not of doing much harm.

"If international civil society is serious about urgently ending Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights, including ending the occupation, then suspension of SWIFT transactions to and from Israeli banks offers an instrument to help bring about a peaceful resolution of an intractable conflict..."

"SWIFT links 8,740 financial institutions in 209 countries. Without access to SWIFT and its interbank payment network, countries are unable either to pay for imports or to receive payment for exports. In short, no payment — no trade."

Terry Crawford-Browne: To end the occupation, cripple Israeli banks | Israeli Occupation Archive

That article is over 2 years old and the "ideas" expressed are much older. So how have your "Palestinian" clients fared in that time? How 'bout the Israelis? :D
Regarding your second link:

"The Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries (Arabic: التهجير الجماعي لليهود من الدول العربية والإسلامية* at-tahjīr al-jamāʻī lil-yahūd min ad-duwal al-ʻArabīyah wal-Islāmīyah) was a mass departure, flight[1] and expulsion of Jews, primarily of Sephardi and Mizrahi background, from Arab and Muslim countries, from 1948 until the early 1970s."

That would seem to be in response to the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine.

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you justify the destruction of ancient Jewish communities in the "peaceful" Muslim World because a Jewish Homeland was created? Both you and your Arab clients are indeed the most lame people on the planet. :D
Dwarfed by the cost of maintaining massive US military deployments to defend our allies like South Korea and Japan in the East and our allies in Europe. Were our other allies as capable of defending their interests and ours with only this little bit of military aid, the cost of America's foreign policy would be much lower and many fewer US troops would have to be put in harm's way.
South Korea and Japan haven't been on the receiving end of nearly one hundred UNSC Resolution condemning them for illegal occupations.

Got your ears pinned back by the "chosen people" and you respond by changing the subject.
Did NOT!

Obviously, the logical brilliance of my reply went right OVER that totally empty head of yours.
The most controversial topic is PAlestinian Exodus. There is NO DOCUMENTED INFORMATION that shows how all 700 000 Palestinians left. there are only theories. There's the realistic theory and the Nazi Islamic theory, that the Jews forced everyone out their homes with force.
"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, known in Arabic as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War."

Some wealthy Arabs fled because they could afford to save their families.
Some Arabs fled on the advice of their "leaders".
Some Arabs were transferred at the point of a Jewish bayonet.
Some Arabs were murdered for their homes, businesses, and bank accounts.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, I know I read that. Now read this

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And if we're going to discuss Palestinian Exodus, then we might as well discuss Jewish Exodus, considering it happened during the same time:

Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indeed, they were both because of Israel.
In 1948, my hubby was IN HOSPITAL ----in jerusalem. along with lots of other kids for care for a chronic illness he had contracted in the filthy gutters of the shariah shit hole
in which he was born and forced to remain for a few years in
a matter related to shariah shit. One of his friends was an arab kid----ill with the same sickness. One day the kid's parents showed up to take the child to "the other side" ---the doctors and nurses tried to convince them to leave the kid for MORE CARE-----but they left anyway Now tell me WHERE WAS THE GUN?

I have known--not many---but some, eyewitnesses to the events of 1948----arabs packed up their donkeys and left----unmolested There was a war going on, a shortage of fighters and a shortage of guns and some of the people called to fignt had never shot a gun in their lives-----but you idiots imagine that the scene was complicated with DEATH MARCHES-----that no one ever saw
The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals. Bravo.
The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals. Bravo.

What "goals"???? an examination of their charter----the REASON FOR
THEIR EXISTENCE -----is the annhilation of Israel and the islamization
of the whole area. What have they done to advance that 'noble
endeavor for allah/isa?
The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals. Bravo.

What "goals"???? an examination of their charter----the REASON FOR
THEIR EXISTENCE -----is the annhilation of Israel and the islamization
of the whole area. What have they done to advance that 'noble
endeavor for allah/isa?

Doesn't matter to me WHAT their goals are, I probably don't agree with them any more then I agree with Israel's goals. But at least they proved that they don't need the Axis of Zionism's permission to do things. It's a start.:clap2:
The Pals just proved that they don't need Israel's permission to advance their goals. Bravo.

What "goals"???? an examination of their charter----the REASON FOR
THEIR EXISTENCE -----is the annhilation of Israel and the islamization
of the whole area. What have they done to advance that 'noble
endeavor for allah/isa?

Doesn't matter to me WHAT their goals are, I probably don't agree with them any more then I agree with Israel's goals. But at least they proved that they don't need the Axis of Zionism's permission to do things. It's a start.:clap2:

you comment is silly
What "goals"???? an examination of their charter----the REASON FOR
THEIR EXISTENCE -----is the annhilation of Israel and the islamization
of the whole area. What have they done to advance that 'noble
endeavor for allah/isa?

Doesn't matter to me WHAT their goals are, I probably don't agree with them any more then I agree with Israel's goals. But at least they proved that they don't need the Axis of Zionism's permission to do things. It's a start.:clap2:

you comment is silly

And you're too old to understand it.
Doesn't matter to me WHAT their goals are, I probably don't agree with them any more then I agree with Israel's goals. But at least they proved that they don't need the Axis of Zionism's permission to do things. It's a start.:clap2:

you comment is silly

And you're too old to understand it.

My intellect is intact-----dementia does not run in my family. My grandmother died at age 96 with no sign of dementia----my mother is now 93---also no sign of dementia----

I am sure you can explain your notions with some clarity---despite your
obvious cognitive deficiencies
you comment is silly

And you're too old to understand it.

My intellect is intact-----dementia does not run in my family. My grandmother died at age 96 with no sign of dementia----my mother is now 93---also no sign of dementia----

I am sure you can explain your notions with some clarity---despite your
obvious cognitive deficiencies

I' l l. t y p e. s l o w l y . f o r . y o u . s i n c e . y o u ' r e . s o . c l o s e. t o . d e a t h .

No thinking person can agree with what either side is doing. Simple enough for you?
And you're too old to understand it.

My intellect is intact-----dementia does not run in my family. My grandmother died at age 96 with no sign of dementia----my mother is now 93---also no sign of dementia----

I am sure you can explain your notions with some clarity---despite your
obvious cognitive deficiencies

I' l l. t y p e. s l o w l y . f o r . y o u . s i n c e . y o u ' r e . s o . c l o s e. t o . d e a t h .

No thinking person can agree with what either side is doing. Simple enough for you?

wonderful answer COMPREHENSIVE AND COGENT you have touched
Which would seem to raise the issue of "transfer."
The issue of transfer is what the international community should've been busying itself with yesterday, of course. International experimentations on live palistanians for whatever - feel-good, jew-pestering, etc. - purpose is a rather vile occupation.
So...Zionist transfer policies designed to cleanse the Jewish state of all non-Jews are just as deplorable as the "filth of Islamist...whatever" in Muslim states. Your only defense of Jewish crimes is to point out similar atrocities committed by Muslims. Is that your way of saying Jews and no worse than misogynistic pedophiles?

Wrong again what Israel did in the 1940s and early 50s can far
more precisely be described as SOCIAL ENGINEERING ---a process
which goes on in every country regarding various groups within the
society ----than actual ethnic cleansing Despite the claims of
islamo nazi pigs-----arab villages in Israel were not subjected to
pogroms, pillaging and rape There is NO question that lots
of arabs felt EXTREMELY ALIENATED by the fact that jews---
fleeing both your fellow nazis AND islamic oppression were
coming into Israel and the arabs faced the HORROR of living
in a JEWISH DOMINATED SOCIETY----so they left. In the USA
all it takes is a minor shift in "services" or even "welfare" support to
create a DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT-----sometimes job oppotunities
which are CREATED BY GOVERNMENTAL programs
produce significant demographic shifts. The "NAQBA"
was far more a DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT by arabs
---than any level of ethnic cleansing In my town whole
neighborhoods SHIFTED ------because the

decades ago-----parts of my own extended family MOVED
along with the neighbors because of DEMOGRAPHICS

(bronx new york----victim of the maniac Robert Moses)

try as they will-----the islamo nazis cannot find those DEATH
MARCHES ---or POGROMS that they claim sent the arabs
of Israel scurrying.
South Korea and Japan haven't been on the receiving end of nearly one hundred UNSC Resolution condemning them for illegal occupations.

Got your ears pinned back by the "chosen people" and you respond by changing the subject.
Did NOT!

Obviously, the logical brilliance of my reply went right OVER that totally empty head of yours.
I wonder if the "brilliant" Georgie Boy can tell us why the U.N. is not busy with resolutions regarding the fact that China is occupying Tibet, not only occupying Tibet but killing off the Tibetan culture. Could it be that the UN has many Muslim countries as members and also the fact that the European members depend on the Arab oil and don't want it shut off. And of course these European countries have large Muslim populations that they don't want to get angry if they happened to stick up for Israel.
People like georgie are the reason that the world YAWNED WHILE two million sudanese christians were murdered----a few million raped and tens of thousands of children ended up enslaved. People like georgie were busy CONDEMNING ISRAEL for taking a walk in Jerusalem------as to the starving muslim children in the MILLIONS in africa-----another yawn from georgie----the gazan kids do not have enough crayons

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