Is President Trump disrespecting us QANONers? We're his hugest supporters. I am very upset by this video


Gold Member
May 28, 2020

We cannot wear QANON clothes? Is he ashamed of us? After all the support we have shown him? I'm starting to think he is not truly on our side. We need to demand that either President Trump show support for our support, or we will be forced to believe he's been compromised. If he's been compromised, then we cannot vote for him. We need to sit this one out if he cannot show us the same respect and support we've shown him. I'm literally in tears right now over this. I thought he was a good guy.

We cannot wear QANON clothes? Is he ashamed of us? After all the support we have shown him? I'm starting to think he is not truly on our side. We need to demand that either President Trump show support for our support, or we will be forced to believe he's been compromised. If he's been compromised, then we cannot vote for him. We need to sit this one out if he cannot show us the same respect and support we've shown him. I'm literally in tears right now over this. I thought he was a good guy.

How old are you? 12? You HAVE to wear something or advertise something just to choose the POTUS? You sound like Antifa.

We cannot wear QANON clothes? Is he ashamed of us? After all the support we have shown him? I'm starting to think he is not truly on our side. We need to demand that either President Trump show support for our support, or we will be forced to believe he's been compromised. If he's been compromised, then we cannot vote for him. We need to sit this one out if he cannot show us the same respect and support we've shown him. I'm literally in tears right now over this. I thought he was a good guy.

Really...that's what you're in tears over

I am slowly drowning in a pathetic sea
of human idiocy, stupidity, ignorance and vile evil and wickedness

We cannot wear QANON clothes? Is he ashamed of us? After all the support we have shown him? I'm starting to think he is not truly on our side. We need to demand that either President Trump show support for our support, or we will be forced to believe he's been compromised. If he's been compromised, then we cannot vote for him. We need to sit this one out if he cannot show us the same respect and support we've shown him. I'm literally in tears right now over this. I thought he was a good guy.

on top of that, his favorite lawyer is a pedo

After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”

We cannot wear QANON clothes? Is he ashamed of us? After all the support we have shown him? I'm starting to think he is not truly on our side. We need to demand that either President Trump show support for our support, or we will be forced to believe he's been compromised. If he's been compromised, then we cannot vote for him. We need to sit this one out if he cannot show us the same respect and support we've shown him. I'm literally in tears right now over this. I thought he was a good guy.

on top of that, his favorite lawyer is a pedo

After she removes his microphone, Giuliani, 76, can be seen lying back on the bed, fiddling with his untucked shirt and reaching into his trousers. They are then interrupted by Borat who runs in and says: “She’s 15. She’s too old for you.”

He was told she was a journalist. Good lord, read your own link, dumbfuck.

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