Is Obama taking out Sen.Mendez because he is against his appeasing Iran and Cuba?

Ignoring the corruption and cronyism of Harry Reid and Dianne Feinstein . Holder goes after Sen.Menendez

Yo, we can only hope so? That will open up another Senate seat for the Republicans!!!


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Yo, we can only hope so? That will open up another Senate seat for the Republicans!!!



Republican is not going to win a senate seat in New Jersey, which is another reason Obama can take out Mendez
Obama's Chicago thug politics in plain view

Oh wait, this has to be Val Jarrett's doing
Obama's Chicago thug politics in plain view

Oh wait, this has to be Val Jarrett's doing
Obama and his crony attorney general most likely. Obama dosen't like descent much, being the narcissist that he is
When Menendez was interviewed after a session of Congress outside the chamber and made his statements about Cuba and Iran, I thought at the time, "Man, you just committed political suicide." Some of the news commentators even commented on his statements.
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You think his base of voters would stand up and say something?

forget it. they will let Obama and Holder DESTROY anyone the feel like. they took their side against us citizens with the IRS. so don't expect to hear anything about this disgusting ABUSE OF POWER..

They cheered them over ruining General Petraeus.... so don't expect ANYTHING from these sheep who vote Democrat
Obama is butt hurt again

He cant use the race issue against Menendez. So they push corruption, Harry Reid is scum of the earth, and has done much worst then anything Menendez has done. So has Diane Fienstien for that matter, enriching their family by welding their political influence. If you come out forcefully against Obama, you will be targeted. That is the message, like a third world dictator
I'm not a fan of Menendez, but this is blaring in their face what this all about

stand up or be beat the hell down by these people in this government YOU VOTED in on us

NEVER FORGET THIS by this administration and his party of Fascist tyrants

Adolf obama definitely is prosecuting Menendez for his contrary opinions on Iran and Cuba, among others.

This is what happens n totalitarian countries, people....

In Turkey criticizing the president can land you in jail - Yahoo News

And they do it to prominent people to scare the rest back into line.

What was it Mao used to say? "Sometimes you have kill a few chickens to scare the Monkeys"

communist scum all think alike

Just like Hitlery being thrown under the bus by the DNC. Do you IDIOTS in the dimocrap party really think that Hitlery's email scandal was broken by anybody other than the Lying Cocksucker in Chief?

Congratulations, dimocrap scum. You have the totalitarianism you've always wanted

White House Was Actually Notified Of Clinton Email Problem In August, Despite Seeming To Claim They Just Found Out

Josh Earnest tried to claim yesterday that “I wouldn’t be surprised, however, if he had learned about that by reading the newspaper”.

Yet, in fact, they’ve known, and covered it up since at least August, at the behest of the Clinton team who urged them to keep it quiet.

Via Politico:

The White House, State Department and Hillary Clinton’s personal office knew in August that House Republicans had received information showing that the former secretary of state conducted official government business through her private email account — and Clinton’s staff made the decision to keep quiet.
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Sources familiar with the discussions say key people in the Obama administration and on Clinton’s staff were aware that the revelation could be explosive for the all-but-announced candidate for president. But those involved deferred to Clinton’s aides, and they decided not to respond.

In the end, Clinton’s staff waited six months — until after the New York Times published a story on Tuesday about the email account and the possibility that it hampered public access to official records — to begin their response.

Keep reading…
Obama's Chicago thug politics in plain view

Oh wait, this has to be Val Jarrett's doing
Obama and his crony attorney general most likely. Obama dosen't like descent much, being the narcissist that he is
When Menendez was interviewed after a session of Congress outside the chamber and made his statements about Cuba and Iran, I thought at the time, "Man, you just committed political suicide." Some of the news commentators even commented on his statements.

In Obama's face now he's a target..

Menendez to escort Netanyahu to congressional speech that Watson Coleman and Payne will skip


U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez plans to help escort Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the House chamber today to address a joint session of Congress.

Some other members of the New Jersey congressional delegation won't be there. Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12th Dist.) and Donald Payne Jr. (D-10th Dist.), both members of the Congressional Black Caucus are staying away, accusing House Republicans of playing partisan politics and disrespecting President Obama, the first black U.S. chief executive.
Menendez to escort Netanyahu to congressional speech that Watson Coleman and Payne will skip

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