Is it time to impeach Obama ?

If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states “very significant” executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

The secret service and FBI must be enjoying the title of your post:eusa_whistle:
What is the title of the post, Guano?

At the time of this post it was,
"Is it time to take Obama out?" That's why the next post after it (mine) also makes no sense any more.
Code language for killing the president and changing the OP and then saying "just kidding' is not legitimate. I am quite sure a number of posters have reported you.

You are trash,and I won't argue with you.

Let's put this damaged OP where it belongs, the badlands.

Seems to me you're AFRAID to actually discuss and debate a hot topic.... Typical pond scum maneuver!

From the asshat with a total of maybe four posts that consisted of anything more than an internet meme generator image...


Nice MEME, Pogo dear!.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You just can't make them fuck up the way they do by themselves! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
We have lived with the asshole for 6 years...we can do another 2. By the time you go through the hoops to get rid of him he will be gone. The non sycophant lazy LIBTARDS need to figure out how they let this happen, and get it corrected. Elect the right people, demand they do their jobs, get it right or be hung from the Washington monument.

Um... "how they let this happen"?

The alternative was.... what?


If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states “very significant” executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

The secret service and FBI must be enjoying the title of your post:eusa_whistle:

Thank goodness for our board it got changed. I forgot one don't believe the OP made his word choices without thinking about the meaning.

His opening sentence reinforces his original title choice. There is no doubt whatsoever as to his intentions. Jake is correct that this thread belongs in the Badlands.
If this son of a bitch goes completely rogue with some completely unacceptable immigration executive order, then I'm for taking extreme measures to get rid of this bastard once and for all !!

Impeachment has been talked about quite a bit lately, and although polls show that most Americans are against such drastic action, I think you'll see a lot more Americans get onboard for impeachment should he take action that rewards these illegals for breaking into our house. Will it be a majority ? Probably not, but it will be a sizeable percentage that will be wanting him out.
Again, it all depends on how draconian his actions are, but notice in the article it states “very significant” executive action on immigration."

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says

Obama will take executive action on immigration after summer, adviser says -

First of all, I would ask that you have more respect for the Office of the President of the United States and refrain from using such vulgar language when speaking about the current officeholder, President Obama. That can only show the degree of education a person has or the lack thereof.

As to impeachment for President Obama? For what? He is only doing his job. Conservatives in Congress are not doing theirs and the people did not elect either party to just sit on their hands and do nothing. They want Congressional bills passed and signed in order to bring justice to this matter that it so rightfully deserves. Will we see it from House Republicans any time soon?

First of all, I would ask that you have more respect for the Office for the office.., yes, but the muslime mulatto..., FUCK NO !!of the President of the United States and refrain from using such vulgar language when speaking about the current officeholder, >>>>>-----------> :fu:

If you could please point us to that part of the Constitution that specifies what the President's race or religion must be .... thanks :eusa_angel:

After that you could maybe post your evidence of Kenya. Because Saturday Night Live still has a slot to fill by tonight.

Instead of whining about impeachment, perhaps you would have done better had you not alienated everyone outside your base and won the election.

'Zackly. A case of BWH -- Butthurt Writ Large. When the basis for impeachment becomes a little more tangible than "waaah- I didn't vote for him", wake me. We did that 16 years ago; the rest of the world found it hilarious.

So did the impeachee! :D
Barack Obama has already checked out of his job - Telegraph

Barack Obama has already checked out of his job
The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing


By Matt K Lewis

12:04PM BST 26 Jul 2014

President Obama has ...​

Obama golfs left handed?

He is probably French.


He IS lefthanded. So is McCain. So were both Kerry AND Edwards. So were both Gore AND Clinton. AND Perot. So were both Reagan AND Bush I. Then there's Bob Dole, who's naturally righthanded but switched to his left due to his war injury.

It's a vast left hand conspiracy, and it started with Gerry Ford.

Now why would lefthandedness be associated with "French"? :dunno: FTR, Mitt Romney is not lefthanded (and he lost). But he does speak French.

Fun tangent: ask Healthmyths which hand they all wipe their ass with.
Last edited:
Still no citation from anyone on the right as to a 'crime' committed by the president.

Issuing EOs is not a 'crime.'

The president deciding how and when to implement laws is not a 'crime,' nor is the Administration invoking prosecutorial discretion a 'crime.'

There is much misinformation about President Obama’s use of executive orders.[...] Like many criticisms of many presidents, policy disagreements stemming from presidential actions do not automatically make those actions illegal. Executive orders are no different. They are not an abuse of power, but a necessary presidential power critical to the function of government.

Obama's Executive Orders; A Reality Check | Brookings Institution

The manner in which the Administration implemented the ACA was neither 'illegal' nor 'un-Constitutional':

In Sunday's Washington Post, Bush II Health & Human Services Secretary Michael O. Leavitt concurred that "The [Obama] Administration's decision to delay the employer mandate was wise," in light of the Bush Administration's initially bumpy but ultimately successful phase-in of the 2004 prescription drug benefit to Medicare. Though "wise," is the current postponement "illegal"? On the contrary, Treasury's Mazur wrote to Chair Upton, such temporary postponements of tax reporting and payment requirements are routine, citing numerous examples of such postponements by Republican and Democratic administrations when statutory deadlines proved unworkable.

In fact, applicable judicial precedent places such timing adjustments well within the Executive Branch's lawful discretion. To be sure, the federal Administrative Procedure Act authorizes federal courts to compel agencies to initiate statutorily required actions that have been "unreasonably delayed." But courts have found delays to be unreasonable only in rare cases where, unlike this one, inaction had lasted for several years, and the recalcitrant agency could offer neither a persuasive excuse nor a credible end to its dithering.

Delaying Parts of Obamacare: 'Blatantly Illegal' or Routine Adjustment? - Simon Lazarus - The Atlantic

And there is nothing 'illegal' as to the Administration's addressing of issues concerning immigration:

The president can't bar people from applying for political asylum. Those guidelines are set by the United Nations Refugee Convention, which the United States has signed, said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration attorney and professor at Cornell University Law School.

Obama also can't just eliminate judicial review for people ordered deported — such a move would violate the Constitution.

[T]he administration can't put immigrant kids "on a bus like we normally do and send them back down to Guatemala," as Alabama Republican Rep. Mike Rogers suggested[...] without some sort of legal hearing. That type of action also would violate the law.
"The Constitution says that all persons have due process rights in the U.S. whether they are from another country or the U.S.,"
Yale-Loehr said.

5 things Obama can/can't do on immigration -

Clearly there are no 'legitimate' grounds upon which to 'impeach' the president.

Yes, the House can 'impeach' the president because the sky is blue, but to what end? Are House republicans actually considering 'impeaching' the president in bad faith, knowing full-well that they'd never win conviction in the Senate? If so then this is just further proof that republicans are motivated solely by partisan politics, and not the facts and truth, where those on the right seek 'impeachment' only as a political weapon against the president.

And that would be the actual abuse of power.
Barack Obama has already checked out of his job - Telegraph

Barack Obama has already checked out of his job
The degree to which Barack Obama is now phoning it in – sleepwalking perfunctorily through his second term, amid golf rounds and dinner parties – is astonishing


By Matt K Lewis

12:04PM BST 26 Jul 2014

President Obama has ...​

Obama golfs left handed?

He is probably French.


He IS lefthanded. So is McCain. So were both Kerry AND Edwards. So were both Gore AND Clinton. AND Perot. So were both Reagan AND Bush I. Then there's Bob Dole, who's naturally righthanded but switched to his left due to his war injury.

It's a vast left hand conspiracy, and it started with Gerry Ford.

Now why would lefthandedness be associated with "French"? :dunno: FTR, Mitt Romney is not lefthanded (and he lost). But he does speak French.

Fun tangent: ask Healthmyths which hand they all wipe their ass with.

See how quickly the French can corrupt normal people. It is like some sort of virus.

Obama wants an impeachment. He's purposely trying to cause the GOP to lose patience with him and start one.

He thinks it will drive up his approval rating.

I think if they want to do it they need to wait till they have both houses. Personally, I think it will be one of the worst episodes in American history and put a stain on this country that will last for hundreds of years. It will be very unpopular, but many will say that it was necessary. For the first time we have a president that literally hates his own country. He's doing everything he can to tarnish if not destroy it.

The Congress has a duty to take him out. They are the only ones with the power to remove him.
Repubs will impeach if and when they control the senate. They declared war on obama and their own country back in january 2009. None of their other phony issues worked for them, benghazi, fast and furious, bill ayers, birth certificate issues. What an empty life a few republican posters here must have at home. Wasted hours scouring the internet looking for something to get on the colored guy in their white house. They'll probably take a bullet or finally come out of the closet or something radical when their fatal obsession obama leaves office if impeachment doesn't work.
Is it really impeachment? Or, it is just recognizing that obama has effectively quit?

obama is the Bartleby for the time.

A narrator, an elderly Manhattan lawyer with a very comfortable business, relates the story of the strangest man he has ever known: Bartleby. At the start of his chronicle, the [unnamed] narrator already employs two scriveners to copy legal documents by hand: Nippers and Turkey. An increase in business leads him to advertise for a third, and he hires the forlorn-looking Bartleby in the hope that his calmness will soothe the irascible temperaments of Nippers and Turkey.

At first, Bartleby produces a large volume of high-quality work. But one day, when asked to help proofread a document, Bartleby answers with what soon becomes his perpetual response to every request: "I would prefer not to." To the dismay of the narrator and to the irritation of the other employees, Bartleby performs fewer and fewer tasks.
The time to impeach was 12:01 PM, January 20, 2009.

That would have made The Dick Cheney President for seven and a half hours. :eek:

Hey, we could have had two impeachments.

Now maybe three?

Impeach Obama President of the United States of America | Petition2Congress

Impeach Obama President of the United States of America

According to the Constitution of the United States of America, Article 2, Section 1, "No Person except a "Natural Born Citizen", or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the signing of this Constitution, shall be eligible to hold the Office of President."

Whereas, The Second Session of the First Continental Congress, back in March of 1790, defined "Natural Born Citizen" to mean a child born of two parents who must both be American Citizens”;and Whereas, The wording of the definition of “Natural Born Citizen” as established by our First Continental Congress in 1790 states: "And the children of "citizens" of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens; Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."

Whereas, Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the written will and authority of We the People; and

Whereas, We the People contend that Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, has failed to meet the requirement necessary to hold the office of President of the United States of America; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, failed to disclose his Indonesian citizenship and hid the fact that he had previously renounced his U.S. citizenship; and

Whereas, The law requires that such persons who want to regain their U.S. citizenship, upon reaching the age of 18, must go before the appropriate US State Department and apply for re-instatement of citizenship, and swear allegiance to the United States of America; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro failed to confirm his allegiance to the United States of America upon his 18th birthday as prescribed by law; and Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro was still using his Indonesian citizenship to gain entry into Pakistan in 1981; and

Whereas, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, did not disclose his Indonesian citizenship, and has failed to affirm his allegiance to the United States of America and has withheld that from the American public; and

Whereas, The House and Senate has failed to act on this matter and abide by and honor the Constitution of the United States of America and failed to honor their pledge to defend our Constitution; and Therefore, We the People demand that the House Judiciary Committee take immediate action to remove the usurper, Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, from unlawfully and unconstitutionally holding the office of President of the United States of America.

Be it further resolved that, the House Judiciary Committee start an immediate investigation into Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro to determine his true citizenship, and this investigation be followed by removing said usurper Mr. Barack H. Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro, from the Office of President of the United States of America.
Is that what you think?

That's what the title of this thread said at the time.
The title of the thread said "Obama should be assassinated"? That's pretty rough language. Are you sure he didn't have a different title that never mentioned assassination?

I'm sure. I was here. That's why the first page or so of posts make all those references to it. With the current revised title, those posts don't make sense. As you just pointed out.

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