CDZ Is it better to give or receive?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I asked that question a while back (sometime around christmas) but for a different reason.
Today I'm asking it because I see a lot of wanting to take and very little wanting to give.

I've heard all my life it's better to give than to receive. As far as I'm concerned it is. Not just at gift giving time either but at every opportunity. The trick to giving a gift is to give what you want someone else to enjoy.

The founders gifted us with a lot. The gift was premised on "all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- they fought a war believing that men had unalienable rights to exercise Liberty at his own discretion in his pursuit of Happiness while enjoying his Life unencumbered by a federal force (gov't) as an obstruction.

Yet we have posters arguing for or against gift giving preferring Nanny State largess not be given to those they don't care for-
I posit the greatest gift one can give, or receive, is that of freedom. The Nanny State grants privileges. The Nanny State charges for the entitlement. The Nanny State revokes privileges. ( I posted this yesterday in another thread in a different forum and it's appalling at the reactions).Yet we have people who applaud that claiming it's evolution. When I counter it's devolution I get a regurgitation/interpretation reaction.
And of course there is usually the straw man Somalia hyperbole thrown in the mix.

Why do we not want to gift the greatest gift possible? Are we so stingy as to believe a gift has to be earned?
If so- I'd suggest those who prefer a Nanny State largess give their freedom to someone who would better appreciate it. Though the belief behind the saying is proving to be true- if something isn't earned it isn't appreciated- I'd like to be introduced to those who believe they have in some manner earned the right to be free while someone else hasn't.
I think it's better to give than to receive because if we are honest in most cases when we give we also recieve anyway, whether that's a good feeling from having made someone else happy or the warm appreciation we receive from them as appreciation , along with the confirmation of the relationship/friendship
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I think it's better to give than to receive because if we are honest in most cases when we give we also recieve anyway, whether that's a good feeling from having made someone else happy or the warm appreciation we receive from them as appreciation , along with the confirmation of the relationship/friendship
begets begets

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