Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

"While several political and historical comparisons between Israel and South Africa have been published, there has been no systematic legal analysis of Israeli apartheid as it affects all sectors of Palestinian society: Palestinians in the occupied territory, Palestinian citizens of Israel, and Palestinian refugees.

"This article is a work in progress which aims to provide a legal framework within which the applicability of the crime of apartheid to Israel can be discussed.

"It argues that the policies and practices of the Israeli government amount to apartheid against Palestinian nationals - wherever they are and whatever their legal status. Hence, Palestinian citizens of Israel, refugees, and those in the OPT are victims, albeit in different ways, of Israel's regime of apartheid.

While this article is limited to the applicability of the crime of apartheid, it does not negate nor contradict the fact that Israel's regime against the Palestinian people is also one of belligerent occupation and colonialism..."

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

The Zionist colonization of Palestine has always depended upon an "Iron Wall of bayonets" to discourage the indigenous Palestinian from effectively resisting the theft of their natural resources. The British supplied the initial bayonets for Zionist expansion and the US continues His Majesty's policies of colonial conquest today.

If the expert on Israel, George, would actually visit Israel, he would see Arab doctors and nurses, such as the ones who treated my grandmother in Haifa, or Arab students and teachers, like ones who studied with my cousin at Hebrew University. It's easy to scream "apartheid" while reading Wikipedia articles in one's apt., while never visiting the place that you have dedicated your life to bashing.
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If Israel is the same as SA, then when is Israel going to give back the land they took from the natives?
If Israel is the same as SA, then when is Israel going to give back the land they took from the natives?

There are negotiations going on right now, but whenever Israel gives up any land, death follows. Also, many ppl are of the opinion that Jews are the natives of the land, and Arabs from Arabia are the squatters.
"While several political and historical comparisons between Israel and South Africa have been published, there has been no systematic legal analysis of Israeli apartheid as it affects all sectors of Palestinian society: Palestinians in the occupied territory, Palestinian citizens of Israel, and Palestinian refugees.

"This article is a work in progress which aims to provide a legal framework within which the applicability of the crime of apartheid to Israel can be discussed.

"It argues that the policies and practices of the Israeli government amount to apartheid against Palestinian nationals - wherever they are and whatever their legal status. Hence, Palestinian citizens of Israel, refugees, and those in the OPT are victims, albeit in different ways, of Israel's regime of apartheid.

While this article is limited to the applicability of the crime of apartheid, it does not negate nor contradict the fact that Israel's regime against the Palestinian people is also one of belligerent occupation and colonialism..."

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

The Zionist colonization of Palestine has always depended upon an "Iron Wall of bayonets" to discourage the indigenous Palestinian from effectively resisting the theft of their natural resources. The British supplied the initial bayonets for Zionist expansion and the US continues His Majesty's policies of colonial conquest today.

If the expert on Israel, George, would actually visit Israel, he would see Arab doctors and nurses, such as the ones who treated my grandmother in Haifa, or Arab students and teachers, like ones who studied with my cousin at Hebrew University. It's easy to scream "apartheid" while reading Wikipedia articles in one's apt., while never visiting the place that you have dedicated your life to bashing.
I wonder how many "apartheid" screamers have read Michener's historical novel, The Covenant? It's a novel but Michener gives the best description, history and examples of the practice of apartheid one could find. I think the reason they wouldn't read it is because they are afraid of the truth and would have to amend and retract their unfounded charges. That's just my opinion.
If Israel is the same as SA, then when is Israel going to give back the land they took from the natives?

The so called Natives as you call them took the land from the Israelis.
Arab Muslims invaded them and took the land from them.
Jews were there way before the religion of Islam.
If Israel is the same as SA, then when is Israel going to give back the land they took from the natives?

The so called Natives as you call them took the land from the Israelis.
Arab Muslims invaded them and took the land from them.
Jews were there way before the religion of Islam.

If Israel didn't displace any natives, then why do they need a law barring some people from returning?
Bumberclyde, et al,

Yes, good question.

If Israel didn't displace any natives, then why do they need a law barring some people from returning?

This is somewhat of a reverse view.

Israeli law doesn't actually "bar" people from entering Israel. What it does is outline who can enter and under what circumstances.

Almost all displaced persons have some grievance with the based on a perception of their claim. That is why these are best negotiated out; or, subjected to legal adjudication.

However, these have not been methods the Palestinians have chosen in the past to avail themselves. The history of their behaviors is that they choose the combative approach; very HAMAS like.

Most Respectfully,
Bumberclyde, et al,

Yes, good question.

If Israel didn't displace any natives, then why do they need a law barring some people from returning?

This is somewhat of a reverse view.

Israeli law doesn't actually "bar" people from entering Israel. What it does is outline who can enter and under what circumstances.

Almost all displaced persons have some grievance with the based on a perception of their claim. That is why these are best negotiated out; or, subjected to legal adjudication.

However, these have not been methods the Palestinians have chosen in the past to avail themselves. The history of their behaviors is that they choose the combative approach; very HAMAS like.

Most Respectfully,

So your trying to say that Israel was created in a non-combative way? Really? Then go tell Pat Sajak that you want to buy a clue.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Here are the basic interrogatives.

P F Tinmore. et al,

Again, this is a HAMAS position, and not held in fact.


It is hard to say who speaks for the Palestinian.

There is no voice for the Palestinian and not documented position other than the above. Are you suggesting that the Palestinians have flip-flopped on the issue again?

Are you guessing at the Palestinian Position? Or, do you have something you base it on.

The UN Position is quite clear. It uses GA Resolution 181(II) as a basis for Resolution 273 (III) - Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations; with declarations and explanations.

Most Respectfully,

It is hard to say who speaks for the Palestinian.

Indeed, the PA was created by foreigners and imposed on Palestine.

Do they really speak for the Palestinians?

  • Who speaks for the Palestinians?
    • Gaza
    • West Bank
    • Other Refugees
Israel :laugh::laugh: No seriously. All the MSM outlets have their offices in Israel. All articles about Palestine are written in Israel. Only select information gets reported.

  • Who does the Permanent UN Observer for Palestine Represent?
  • What validity does State of Palestine Have?
  • Borders?
  • Government?
    • How does it communicate?
    • Does it have a Constitution of some foundation for the Government?
    • Who is the leader (Head of State) for Palestine?
    • Where is the seat of Government?
  • Self-Sustaining?
Palestine has had international borders since 1922.

Palestine is now under the Amended Basic Law of 2003. It defines the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. It has a bill of rights similar to, and in some instances more comprehensive than, the US constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar.

There is a serious problem with leadership. The last legally constituted government was the unity government of March 2007. It was the model government in the ME.

The US and Israel did not like it. With the assistance of the US and Israel, Abbas attempted to overthrow the legal government. When this coup failed in Gaza in June of 2007, Abbas quit the government.

Again, with the help of the US and Israel Abbas set up an illegal government in the West Bank.
Most Respectfully,
Palestine has no internationally recognized borders.
If they did, what are they ? Where are the agreements ?
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Bumberclyde, et al,

Yes, good question.

If Israel didn't displace any natives, then why do they need a law barring some people from returning?

This is somewhat of a reverse view.

Israeli law doesn't actually "bar" people from entering Israel. What it does is outline who can enter and under what circumstances.

Almost all displaced persons have some grievance with the based on a perception of their claim. That is why these are best negotiated out; or, subjected to legal adjudication.

However, these have not been methods the Palestinians have chosen in the past to avail themselves. The history of their behaviors is that they choose the combative approach; very HAMAS like.

Most Respectfully,

People who have homes in Israel cannot go home.

Why is that?
Bumberclyde, et al,

Yes, good question.

If Israel didn't displace any natives, then why do they need a law barring some people from returning?

This is somewhat of a reverse view.

Israeli law doesn't actually "bar" people from entering Israel. What it does is outline who can enter and under what circumstances.

Almost all displaced persons have some grievance with the based on a perception of their claim. That is why these are best negotiated out; or, subjected to legal adjudication.

However, these have not been methods the Palestinians have chosen in the past to avail themselves. The history of their behaviors is that they choose the combative approach; very HAMAS like.

Most Respectfully,

People who have homes in Israel cannot go home.

Why is that?

That is to be determined in negotiations. The dad of a friend of mine was forced out of his home in Egypt, but he started a clothing store here in Brooklyn. This friend now works in the media. Like Tom Petty sang, "You don't have to live like a refugee." My parents were also once refugees, but they went on with their lives.