Is Hillary Clinton stupid? or just very scared

Actually Hillary was openly e-mailing a devoted Obama hater in her e-mails, this would be one reason to hide her correspondence from the rest of Obamas state dept staff. Hurray for Hilly, the fact is that she was not thinking about being intercepted by Moscow, but she was thinking about hiding from a sitting U.S. President, but she gave everything to Moscow, which could well make the current President look bad. I vote for Guantanamo bay resort and health spa with waterboard sports for Hilly.
Yes, politicians generally get OTHERS to run attack campaigns, it's already happened against sanders from other democrats.. She didn't purposefully let emails go to Moscow.
You may be correct, that she did not purposely give away every U.S. secret, that ever passed her desk in an e-mail. However ignorance is not an excuse, she did it, and is now hoping that saying that she is sorry for being Putin's ears is acceptable to stupid Americans, of which there are many.
You Assume Russia even has emails that would directly affect national security. If we're going to take down Hillary, we also have to take down Cheney..
Hillary's e-mails were offered for sale by an Eastern European hacker, thus Russia has them, there is no if, sad to say Hackers put 32,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails on sale - Red Alert...
That's not verified or credible, I can't find the evidence they're her emails either.

The e-mails were garnered from Sidney Bloomenthals account, the real sad fact is that every person that Hillary ever contacted or was contacted by, may have been targeted. She could go to jail, but would likely be pardoned, even by Trump who might use her as a bathroom towel server in the White House.

It's real, the FBI does not investigate fake.
Ah, another right winger for the site to enjoy. The circle jerk builds up every day.
The circle jerker says I am not sorry yesterday, then says sorry today. Sheesh, that is like launching nukes today and saying sorry tomorrow.

Just what we need.......................
Circle jerking consists of a group of people consistently reaffirming each other's points, I welcome you to the site, although I pray you don't end up like many right wing posters who openly spew racism.
Wait? Is disagreeing with Hillary racist now? Who knew.
Actually Hillary was openly e-mailing a devoted Obama hater in her e-mails, this would be one reason to hide her correspondence from the rest of Obamas state dept staff. Hurray for Hilly, the fact is that she was not thinking about being intercepted by Moscow, but she was thinking about hiding from a sitting U.S. President, but she gave everything to Moscow, which could well make the current President look bad. I vote for Guantanamo bay resort and health spa with waterboard sports for Hilly.
Yes, politicians generally get OTHERS to run attack campaigns, it's already happened against sanders from other democrats.. She didn't purposefully let emails go to Moscow.
You may be correct, that she did not purposely give away every U.S. secret, that ever passed her desk in an e-mail. However ignorance is not an excuse, she did it, and is now hoping that saying that she is sorry for being Putin's ears is acceptable to stupid Americans, of which there are many.
You Assume Russia even has emails that would directly affect national security. If we're going to take down Hillary, we also have to take down Cheney..
Hillary's e-mails were offered for sale by an Eastern European hacker, thus Russia has them, there is no if, sad to say Hackers put 32,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails on sale - Red Alert...
That's not verified or credible, I can't find the evidence they're her emails either.
What was the first statement out of OUR governments mouth about Snowden? "That's not verified or credible,"
Ah, another right winger for the site to enjoy. The circle jerk builds up every day.
The circle jerker says I am not sorry yesterday, then says sorry today. Sheesh, that is like launching nukes today and saying sorry tomorrow.

Just what we need.......................
Circle jerking consists of a group of people consistently reaffirming each other's points, I welcome you to the site, although I pray you don't end up like many right wing posters who openly spew racism.
Says a member of the clown avatar brigade.
What we have seen over the last few months is how devoid Hillary is of true character. She is a pure political animal driven by ego and has no real convictions of her own. At least not yet.
She will have a conviction all of her own, unless she escapes to Moscow and Poopin grants her aslum
What we have seen over the last few months is how devoid Hillary is of true character. She is a pure political animal driven by ego and has no real convictions of her own. At least not yet.
She will have a conviction all of her own, unless she escapes to Moscow and Poopin grants her aslum
Sounds like something truly ridiculous, want to make a bet on it?
What we have seen over the last few months is how devoid Hillary is of true character. She is a pure political animal driven by ego and has no real convictions of her own. At least not yet.
She will have a conviction all of her own, unless she escapes to Moscow and Poopin grants her aslum
Sounds like something truly ridiculous, want to make a bet on it?
What you are saying is that the FBI is currently engaged in truly ridiculous, the fact is that they already have enough information to arrest Hillary, but the fact is that EVERY person who sent her an e-mail, and who took the classified label off of it is also a suspect, thus there are thousands of people being looked at. Not to mention that Hillary wiped off with a cloth (isn't that really funny) 30,000 more e-mails that may well have been really top secret and openly so, demanding that every sender also be arrested. The dude who took the fifth, did so to avoid jail, clear and simple.

Your current choices are Sanders and soon Biden, though when Hilary is indicted there will be others entering the fray, but Hillary is done this time.

PS. Trump will bet you.
To reply to your question....Yes she is stupid but her suppoerts are the real morons.

Your mom the clown says come home now.
To reply to your question....Yes she is stupid but her suppoerts are the real morons.

Your mom the clown says come home now.

Hello, N00b. Don't forget to play with your tonka toys once a day.

I am very glad you are here. You will be an excellent chew-toy.

Can't wait for Hillary to call Trump a womanizer............Wee ha ha ha

That said Hillary and her cohorts who sent her top secret e-mail are all being investigated by the FBI.
Seriously, three days ago she says I am not sorry, because what I did was legal. The next day she says, I am sorry, (for giving Moscow all of my State Dept e-mails). If she is sorry, she is sorry like a caught criminal.
when you are top part of politics, you come across millions things, which we are even can not imagine on ground level and mishaps possible and history full these kind of incidents by top class leaders. So please give her a space.
Former attorney general thinks Hillary could be indicted before Christmas....Wow! could you imagine that?

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