CDZ Is empathy the key to this hate and division?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
One definition of "empathy" is: "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

As I think about the deepening divisions in our country, and as I observe our strengthening proclivity for binary thought and a clear unwillingness to give an inch in political conversation, it occurs to me that an increasing lack of empathy may be at its foundation - both as a cause and an effect.

The less we communicate civilly, the more we distance ourselves from contrary thought and opinion, the less understanding we have of those with whom we disagree. It seems like we can in no way even understand the other person's perspective, that we tend to create immediate distortedcaricatures of it, and that gives us license to ignore/dismiss it out of hand.

Do we, or do we not, want to at least have an accurate understanding of, and appreciation for, another person's perspective on an issue before we respond?

Isn't there something potentially constructive or valuable, something we haven't thought about, somewhere within another person's perspective?

What stops us, do you suppose, from maintaining enough empathy for at least understanding and appreciating the view of someone who does not agree with us?

Three questions there. Let's see if we can put down our fists and dig a little.
Sure, it totally is. The problem is when empathy goes right over, totally failed with total effort. Where do people make sense of their issue in the first place? I didn't see any education benefits from desegregation in my school, they can both be focused not socializing. Blacks and whites like to socialize too much.

Kick me off for that opinion, will you, and mandate that I Talked through any solution about anything across races, Forever, More then I would normally?

That's the Nuremberg trials, where the case is Not the issue, and lets set up a large televised arena that validates to the world our own sense of unilateral justice. That can happen all the time. Somebody will capture the US government and big lights camera action, policy # 4593 and policy #5849 , I'm as against the Nazis as anybody, lets not be stupid though. Korea sits there all day saying we didn't prosecute any post-war justice, we didn't either. We looked into no losses of Korea against Japan, now Korea is begging at Japan's door all day about Reparations?! We left the Empire there, basically. So some people in this world have a systemized sense of justice, all the world's "Justice" is done in nationalized court systems, that's the end of the people's concern with Justice. They looked into 2 dutch comfort women, totally sure about those two.

Villainizing people in the Shadow of your own Characters, that should be the definition of Racist. I don't know if MLK Jr. was trying to say, judged not by the color of skin. Setting up events with no material, judgable, ill-intent, harassment, negative emotion or measurable Result at Any time, and outcasting, everybody makes for the "outcast" theme, everybody will join in with me and Oddity on the one I Choose, I'm not going to be guilty of the slightest racist utterance.
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If you even attempt to find some middle ground, you are dismissed by both sides, its a sad place to live when Americans hate other Americans and choice party over working towards a more united America.
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.
If you even attempt to find some middle ground, you are dismissed by both sides, its a sad place to live when Americans hate other Americans and choice party over working towards a more united America.
It's a combination of a lack of empathy and a lack of curiosity.

How do people go through life not looking outside their little bubble?
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.

Fixing problems or focusing on issues removes the abstract playground. Like...........there is theory and then there is application.
everybody on this site literally has this huge bias like that. Like we're all in a safezone making up junk for egos. Right to Life is some fetus healthcare issue? There are probably no appreciable homeless resources in your area, when anybody has to let you go for whatever reason, you're "safe zone", stuff is poorly capitalized around this, stuff is poorly organized.
One definition of "empathy" is: "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

As I think about the deepening divisions in our country, and as I observe our strengthening proclivity for binary thought and a clear unwillingness to give an inch in political conversation, it occurs to me that an increasing lack of empathy may be at its foundation - both as a cause and an effect.

The less we communicate civilly, the more we distance ourselves from contrary thought and opinion, the less understanding we have of those with whom we disagree. It seems like we can in no way even understand the other person's perspective, that we tend to create immediate distortedcaricatures of it, and that gives us license to ignore/dismiss it out of hand.

Do we, or do we not, want to at least have an accurate understanding of, and appreciation for, another person's perspective on an issue before we respond?

Isn't there something potentially constructive or valuable, something we haven't thought about, somewhere within another person's perspective?

What stops us, do you suppose, from maintaining enough empathy for at least understanding and appreciating the view of someone who does not agree with us?

Three questions there. Let's see if we can put down our fists and dig a little.
I say no.

The divisive elements need to be mocked and ridiculed to within inches of their pathetic lives.... They're not interested in serious conversations and should be treated as such.
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.
I've found that a significant number of partipants here don't understand and can't articulate their alleged own point of view let alone that of their opponent. But you can't have a discussion or debate if the other side's response to a statement such of "well that's not actually true" or "that's not factually correct" is to attack and denigrate you as opposed to your comment, I've had several individuals go into a complete meltdown because I disagreed with something they posted.

And as an aside, the use of the terms 'Democrat' and 'Liberal' as slurs only adds to it, in my opinion.
Gee Oddball, I guess we should find out what you find divisive. That way we can conform.
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.
I've found that a significant number of partipants here don't understand and can't articulate their alleged own point of view let alone that of their opponent. But you can't have a discussion or debate if the other side's response to a statement such of "well that's not actually true" or "that's not factually correct" is to attack and denigrate you as opposed to your comment, I've had several individuals go into a complete meltdown because I disagreed with something they posted.

And as an aside, the use of the terms 'Democrat' and 'Liberal' as slurs only adds to it, in my opinion.
I know Democrats and I shun Liberals; they are miles apart.
Probably the first Liberal you meet is 17 in class saying, duuudes, dudettes, legalize marijuana And Prostitution, *yay*, free lunch period.
I think people confuse empathy and sympathy. Not even sure if empathy even exists.

If I stub my toe, other people can sympathize with my pain, but I am the only person feeling it. Pain is not telepathically transmitted to those around me.
Misguided, irrational empathy has been weaponized by the enemies of western society to rot it from within. That's where the terms "virtue signaling" and "suicidal altruism" comes from. Millions of people in western societies have been brainwashed into the cult of multiculturalism. They're blind to the downsides of unlimited immigration and view white, christian society as the ultimate evil that must be eradicated from this earth. It's pointless to even try to reason with zealots.
So Bill Gates is a mild autistic right? He's not going to Read your feelings, even if you're a science fiction nerd, to look in your face and figure out something. But, tell people to be sympathetic, oh, do you need a bandage , a warm bed, a hot soup, its got different word usage?
Culture may seem to be dominated by trigger warning and hypersensitivity. A sizable new poll, however, finds that 81% of Americans agree that “people are too easily offended these days,” an opinion that also spans political beliefs.

The poll found that 94% of Republicans, 82% of independents and 70% of Democrats agree with this idea. 81% of Americans say people are too easily offended these days
Hope for brighter tomorrow
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.
I've found that a significant number of partipants here don't understand and can't articulate their alleged own point of view let alone that of their opponent. But you can't have a discussion or debate if the other side's response to a statement such of "well that's not actually true" or "that's not factually correct" is to attack and denigrate you as opposed to your comment, I've had several individuals go into a complete meltdown because I disagreed with something they posted.

And as an aside, the use of the terms 'Democrat' and 'Liberal' as slurs only adds to it, in my opinion.
I know Democrats and I shun Liberals; they are miles apart.

You are like two posts from touching mine. You're too freaking close says the liberal. Cut it out.....
Yes, in a sense it is. Misguided empathy says we must throw open our gates and take in any and everyone and throw whatever free services they need to be comfortable. That is not sustainable. And that same misguided empathy makes Liberals hate Trump because they assume he is a heartless ogre because he wants to protect our border.

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