Is Dylan Mulvaney a Girl?

He was born a he, so he's genetically a he. However, I think he may have had his junk removed, which makes him an IT or an ex-he. Beyond that ... he's a lunatic; a national embarrassment; and a public distraction.

Nope, still a he. There is no such thing as transitioning from one sex to another
He is a joke... he doesn't think he is but he may as well be a bearded lady in a carney act.... the sad part is how many great female athletes were passed over for Nike contracts so they could get to him?....

Sometimes I wonder if he does realize people treat him like a freak at a carnival or as some kind of fetish. No one actually cares about him. He exists purely as a spectacle.

Even his supporters or people who give him money to promote stuff only do so for their own benefit.

He isn't even a real person. He is some overly exaggerated caricature of what a woman is. He is pretty much a real life cartoon character with no hint of a real human being. Sure Bruce Jenner is a tranny also, but at least you can see an actual person in there. Dylan is like if 1980s scifi technology tried to create an artificial woman.
I'm not sure that it is conservatives who draw attention to him.

All the conservatives that I know would be happy to ignore transgenders if that were one of the options.

If we could just work our jobs without being forced to attend trans sensitivity training, if we could send out kids to the public schools that we pay for without our kids secretly being trained to be transgender, or openly read confusing stories by men dressed as women, and if we did not have to be assaulted by crossdressers for speaking out against men taking over women's sports, we would absolutely ignore them, as we have for all the decades before this one.

Exactly. Most people on the right are "live and let live" with the one single exception of the abortion issue.
I think he may have had his junk removed, which makes him an IT or an ex-he.
Nope, still a he. There is no such thing as transitioning from one sex to another

Nope. Still a He. Just a ruined, mutilated, fucked-up version of a He.

I don't know how reliable this is, but my understanding is that the only surgeries he's had so far have been to feminize his face.

He was born a he, so he's genetically a he. However, I think he may have had his junk removed, which makes him an IT or an ex-he. Beyond that ... he's a lunatic; a national embarrassment; and a public distraction.

They should be called eunuchs. they were noted for being insane and amoral, too.
He's a grifter and getting rich off of it. Maybe conservatives should stop drawing so much attention to him.
uh... he had millions of followers before he ever hit the conservative radar about 7-8 months ago.
Seems to me what you are saying is we should all just be quiet and get in line and allow this mentally ill man continue to influence, literally, millions of our children.

uh... yeah... fuck that.
This man made videos of himself pretending to be a 6 year old little girl. He continuously makes videos targeting children and sharing their interest. Dylan Mulvaney is 26 years old.
A 26 year old should not be consistently making videos enthusiastically acting like a child, talking about child hood things. He is a disturbed person. And he has a VERY powerful influence on many people.
uh... he had millions of followers before he ever hit the conservative radar about 7-8 months ago.
Seems to me what you are saying is we should all just be quiet and get in line and allow this mentally ill man continue to influence, literally, millions of our children.

uh... yeah... fuck that.
This man made videos of himself pretending to be a 6 year old little girl. He continuously makes videos targeting children and sharing their interest. Dylan Mulvaney is 26 years old.
A 26 year old should not be consistently making videos enthusiastically acting like a child, talking about child hood things. He is a disturbed person. And he has a VERY powerful influence on many people.
He doesn't understand that it sure wasn't Conservatives who put him on a beer can to virtue signal.

Who would have thought a few years ago that making an utter mockery of women would be seen as virtuous by a bunch of brainwashed idiots, anyway?
Putting on eyelashes and a dress didn't make Dylan a female. His chromosomes are still and always will be XY. Having your testicles removed doesn't make you a woman. It makes you sterile. The whole point of mutilating the children...
Dylan still has his male anatomy. He is a poser.

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