Debate Now Is CNN the "useful idiot"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Now, I think of all the efforts by CNN to just go after the President, even before he was elected, but certainly after. When I consider who benefits the most from Trump being tossed out of office, CHINA, is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

Or do they really fool themselves into thinking they are just loyal partisan hacks for the left?
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When I consider who benefits the most from Trump being tossed out of office,

The country and the world.
Now, I think of all the efforts by CNN to just go after the President, even before he was elected, but certainly after. When I consider who benefits the most from Trump being tossed out of office, CHINA, is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists? Are are do they really fool themselves into thinking they are just loyal partisan hacks for the left?

How could anyone not know by now that CNN, MSNBC, the progressive movement, liberalism, and the Democrat Party aren't both willing and unwilling tools of communism?

I thought that was common knowledge?
CNN and MSNBC gave up on trying to have a wide and inclusive mainstream audience.
They are pandering to the narrow far left wing knuttjobs.
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Remember, some of the stated goals of communism which were made public in 1963:

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Now, I think of all the efforts by CNN to just go after the President, even before he was elected, but certainly after. When I consider who benefits the most from Trump being tossed out of office, CHINA, is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists? Are are do they really fool themselves into thinking they are just loyal partisan hacks for the left?

How could anyone not know by now that CNN, MSNBC, the progressive movement, liberalism, and the Democrat Party aren't both willing and unwilling tools of communism?

I thought that was common knowledge?

That does seem to be the common belief among the fox crowd, but they're nuts.
CNN and MSNBC gave up on trying to have a wide and inclusive mainstream audience.
They are pandering to the narrow far left wing knuttjobs.
A salient fact that we all need to be aware of is that only six – repeat, six – mega-corporations own 90% of all newspapers and TeeVee networks and stations. Clearly, they all group-think in leftist lockstep, with the exact same buzz words and phrases mouthed and printed across the board. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have done an excellent job of putting together montage after montage of the media spewing identically worded Democrat talking points, night after night, day after day. The stranglehold that these fascist corporations have on our media needs to be broken. They are clearly making it difficult, if not impossible, for people with ideas other than the ones they force upon us to compete with them. There is obvious collusion among them, and a quick look at the practices covered by anti-trust laws shows that if one substitutes ideas and knowledge for money and profits, the tech giants and the media giants have broken just about every one of them. Time to put the anti-trust laws to work protecting the American people from our Enemies Within
CNN has become a useful idiot for Trump by its mindless regurgitations. However, its gullible foreign audiences still think it is a "trusted news source."
I am not qualified to participate in this debate because I stopped watching that fake news scum back in 2015.
is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.
is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?
is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.
is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.

  1. You need money to live.
  2. The more money the better you live.
  3. Everyone wants to live well.
  4. People who want money to live well then are evil.
  5. Therefore capitalism is evil and we need government-run Socialism.
is CNN simply the Useful Idiot doing the work for the Communists?

No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.

  1. You need money to live.
  2. The more money the better you live.
  3. Everyone wants to live well.
  4. People who want money to live well then are evil.
  5. Therefore capitalism is evil and we need government-run Socialism.

Such a perfect example of childish thinking.
No, they are the useful idiots of George Soros, who has every interest in seeing America cut up and used by his global oligarchy, and Trump is complicating all his plans.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.

  1. You need money to live.
  2. The more money the better you live.
  3. Everyone wants to live well.
  4. People who want money to live well then are evil.
  5. Therefore capitalism is evil and we need government-run Socialism.

Such a perfect example of childish thinking.

Such a perfect example of another Bulldog Deflection and typical Leftist ploy: try to change the subject with puerile put downs because you don't have any defense of your statements.
Yea, ok. Soros hasen't amassed enough wealth, right?

George Soros- a bright shiny object for you Trumptards.

I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.

  1. You need money to live.
  2. The more money the better you live.
  3. Everyone wants to live well.
  4. People who want money to live well then are evil.
  5. Therefore capitalism is evil and we need government-run Socialism.

Such a perfect example of childish thinking.

Such a perfect example of another Bulldog Deflection and typical Leftist ploy: try to change the subject with puerile put downs because you don't have any defense of your statements.

I'm not sure how commenting on the childishness of your post could be considered a ploy to change the subject, but then, I gave up on trying to figure out right wing logic long ago.
I'm late to the party but why is wealth evil to you libtards?

Money isn't the root of all evil. The love of money is.

  1. You need money to live.
  2. The more money the better you live.
  3. Everyone wants to live well.
  4. People who want money to live well then are evil.
  5. Therefore capitalism is evil and we need government-run Socialism.

Such a perfect example of childish thinking.

Such a perfect example of another Bulldog Deflection and typical Leftist ploy: try to change the subject with puerile put downs because you don't have any defense of your statements.

I'm not sure how commenting on the childishness of your post could be considered a ploy to change the subject, but then, I gave up on trying to figure out right wing logic long ago.

TRANSLATION: Liberal admission of defeat.

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