Is Canada a cultural paradise?


Apr 4, 2006
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Is Canada a cultural paradise? This is actually a serious question. From what I read in the internet, Canada sounds like the country that the progressive Democrats want America to become.

My real question is this: what is Canada really like? I may want to move there one day... :cof:
Madacapa said:
Is Canada a cultural paradise? This is actually a serious question. From what I read in the internet, Canada sounds like the country that the progressive Democrats want America to become.

My real question is this: what is Canada really like? I may want to move there one day... :cof:

Well, on the health care front, I heard somewhere that illegal fee for service "pirate" clinics are popping up all over due to the failures of socialized medicine.
rtwngAvngr said:
Well, on the health care front, I heard somewhere that illegal fee for service "pirate" clinics are popping up all over due to the failures of socialized medicine.
Socialized medicine in Canada is not well. An aging population, bureacrats with no knowledge making cuts in funding and long wait times for surgery have spelled out its demise. Private health care will become the alternative for many.
Wolfe said:
Socialized medicine in Canada is not well. An aging population, bureacrats with no knowledge making cuts in funding and long wait times for surgery have spelled out its demise. Private health care will become the alternative for many.

Are MRI clincs covered by Quebec's provincial plan?

That's the problem here. MRI's are covered by OHIP here. What the prov gov doesn't want people doing is charging people fees for services covered by their own provinces under their provincial plan. Seems like a really bad form of protectionism. Something like 50% of Ontario's budget on social spending goes towards health care. Most of it is probably perscription drugs for Ottawa's depressed over medicated public servants. :laugh:
Big Blue Machin said:
It was 40% of Ontario's lastest budget went to health care.

So? The point is it's HIGH. 40 cents of every budgetary dollar goes to healthcare, and is rising every year.

The following chart shows increases in spending over a 10 yr period, not including recent increases. I know you're young an all, but inlight of spending compaired to cut backs to services, this is a huge waste.

Canada is infested by Saddam worshipping liberals. South Park exposed them.

Darn the draw of 1812. :terror:
Big Blue Machin said:
1812 wasn't really a draw. We burned down your White House.
Canada did? :wtf:
Said1 said:
Actually, I think it was BBM's ggg-granpa!
Hey, we learned that it probably wasn't a good idea to take on more Natives or ice and snow! :tng: Benedict Arnold could have told them from the Revolutionary War, but no one was listening to him for some reason. ;)
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