Is America Burning?


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
America is cooling, according to Berkeley Earth and Ceres data.

Watts Up With That?

Is America Burning?
1 hour ago

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach


For the last couple of decades since I started seriously studying the climate, I’ve been hearing Americans of all kinds claiming that the United States is suffering terribly from “global warming”. Over and over, from American educators, government officials, and media, the claim is made that the US is heating up fast, and that the dreaded and endlessly warned of US Thermageddon is just around the corner.

America is cooling, according to Berkeley Earth and Ceres data.

Watts Up With That?

Is America Burning?
1 hour ago

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach


For the last couple of decades since I started seriously studying the climate, I’ve been hearing Americans of all kinds claiming that the United States is suffering terribly from “global warming”. Over and over, from American educators, government officials, and media, the claim is made that the US is heating up fast, and that the dreaded and endlessly warned of US Thermageddon is just around the corner.

Cooling down???.....EXCELLENT. They told me in the 70's this would be coming....yipppeeeeeee
So ski seasons are going to get better?

Hope they hurry up, because this one sucked.

That's just the pandemic speaking


It's burning up but not from the climate. It's the democrats civilian army Antifa/Blm. They're gonna burn down the nation.




And, since it is idiotic to think there is any significance to the climate on the 6.1% of the globe occupied by the US, here's what's really been happening:
This is the fault of the author for believing what educators, politicians and the media say about matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ... or trusting what actors say when paid to read a script into a microphone ... give me $50,000 and I'd be happy to say billions of people are going to die ... but no way will that get published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal ...
This is the fault of the author for believing what educators, politicians and the media say about matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ... or trusting what actors say when paid to read a script into a microphone ... give me $50,000 and I'd be happy to say billions of people are going to die ... but no way will that get published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal ...

You are a bit vague about what you are disputing, here is what he posted:

"For the last couple of decades since I started seriously studying the climate, I’ve been hearing Americans of all kinds claiming that the United States is suffering terribly from “global warming”. Over and over, from American educators, government officials, and media, the claim is made that the US is heating up fast, and that the dreaded and endlessly warned of US Thermageddon is just around the corner."

It is his fault for correctly saying that American educators, government officials, and media are full of shit?

He ends with this:

"Now, before anyone starts yelling “But that’s just the contiguous US, not the globe!”, yes, I know that. I’m just saying that if you think the US temperature has gone up over the 21st century, you’re wrong. The US has cooled over that time.

And this reveals a deep truth, which is that if it were not for accurate thermometers, hundreds and hundreds of US surface temperature station sites, and satellites, we’d never know if the US had warmed or cooled over the last two decades … the changes are far too small and too widespread for our human senses to register. Millions of US citizens have been firmly convinced that the US has been warming in the 21st century, when in fact it has been cooling."

Yes the American educators, government officials, and media are indeed full of lying shit!

Did you even read the article at all?
Yes the American educators, government officials, and media are indeed full of lying shit!

... and so is the author ... the question is how full of shit are you to post this shit for the 487th time? ...

"... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..." I didn't mean for that to be a whoosh, I have no idea why that statement confuses you ...
Yes the American educators, government officials, and media are indeed full of lying shit!

... and so is the author ... the question is how full of shit are you to post this shit for the 487th time? ...

"... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..." I didn't mean for that to be a whoosh, I have no idea why that statement confuses you ...

YOU wrote this "... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..." , NOT Willis.

Again this is what Willis wrote:

" Over and over, from American educators, government officials, and media, the claim is made that the US is heating up fast, and that the dreaded and endlessly warned of US Thermageddon is just around the corner."

bolding mine

No mention of scientists or climatologists at all in the article. YOU injected that part, which has NOTHING to do with the article at all, you made it up for no good reason.

He is complaining about people misleading the public with their lies about temperature trends in America.

That was the focus of his article, it doesn't look like you read the article at all.
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YOU wrote this "... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..." , NOT Willis.

You're confusing yourself again ...

You are a bit vague about what you are disputing ...

You should start reading what you write ... and learn how to use the second person pronouns correctly ... Willis is correct to say these others don't know what they're talking about, but Willis is wrong to say he does ... he doesn't advance the logic, which is a logical fallacy ... burning coal for the sake of burning coal is all ...
YOU wrote this "... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..." , NOT Willis.

You're confusing yourself again ...

You are a bit vague about what you are disputing ...

You should start reading what you write ... and learn how to use the second person pronouns correctly ... Willis is correct to say these others don't know what they're talking about, but Willis is wrong to say he does ... he doesn't advance the logic, which is a logical fallacy ... burning coal for the sake of burning coal is all ...

You should start reading what you post:

"... matters poorly understood by actual climatologists ..."

Now read what Willis posted:

"For the last couple of decades since I started seriously studying the climate, I’ve been hearing Americans of all kinds claiming that the United States is suffering terribly from “global warming”. Over and over, from American educators, government officials, and media, the claim is made that the US is heating up fast, and that the dreaded and endlessly warned of US Thermageddon is just around the corner."

Not even close!

It has nothing to do with science, it is all about PROPAGANDA!

He then continues:

"So I decided to do some research. There is a bunch of gridded surface temperature data out there, typically on a 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid. So first, I had to figure out just which gridcells are in which countries. That involved what we used to call a “SMOP”, a “small matter of programming”, which only took about a day of locating the country borders data and then actually writing the code to convert it to a usable form … but at the end of it, I knew which gridcells are in which countries.

Then I pulled up the temperature information from Berkeley Earth and from the CERES satellite data and graphed it up … here’s the result:"

boldings mine


He turns to temperature and satellite data to show what is actually going on, that is doing research based on evidence, which is HOW you counter propaganda.

You are so lost and failed to understand the thrust of his post completely, you threw in something that was IRRELEVANT to the article.

Sometimes I wonder if you are a doppelganger, because you at times suddenly veer hard right into nonsense.
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