Is A Joe Rogan Endorsement Worth Anything To You??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Podcast Host Joe Rogan Supports Bernie Sanders — but His Controversial Past Is Making Waves

So Bernie is surging in the polls -- and he recently made additional waves when America's most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan, endorsed him for the 2020 presidential campaign....and now, some Democrats are urging Bernie to disavow this endorsement, if I were Bernie, I would say..."fuck em!"

“I think I’ll probably vote for Bernie. Him as a human being, when I was hanging out with him, I believe in him, I like him, I like him a lot,” Rogan said on the episode of his show last week... you could dig up dirt on every single human being that’s ever existed if you catch them in their worst moment and you magnify those moments and you cut out everything else and you only display those worst moments. That said, you can’t find very many with Bernie -- He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.”

I am a fan of comedy and have great respect for the really good comedians (Patrice O'Neal, Dave Chappelle, etc) and those who share that respect for good comedians -- Joe Rogan fits that mold..that doesn't mean I have to agree with every position he holds or think every joke he told was funny -- but when it comes to building solidarity, everybody on your side won't all hold the same opinions on everything as you do -- it is what brought them to your side that matters..

The knock that some democrats have on Joe Rogan's endorsement (mostly corporate establishment hacks) is that he regularly gives a platform to hateful people like Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, James Damore and Steven Crowder, basically the so-called intellectual dark web cucks -- but I chalk that up to Joe Rogan trying to appeal to these folks in order to get paid...Joe Rogan isn't endorsing Bernie because he thinks Bernie shares their views on trannies and fags and all the target minority groups Trumpers love to hate -- he is supporting him based on Bernie's views because he believes they will provide the best policy outcomes for the largest amount of people -- even the trannies and the fags....
Podcast Host Joe Rogan Supports Bernie Sanders — but His Controversial Past Is Making Waves

So Bernie is surging in the polls -- and he recently made additional waves when America's most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan, endorsed him for the 2020 presidential campaign....and now, some Democrats are urging Bernie to disavow this endorsement, if I were Bernie, I would say..."fuck em!"

“I think I’ll probably vote for Bernie. Him as a human being, when I was hanging out with him, I believe in him, I like him, I like him a lot,” Rogan said on the episode of his show last week... you could dig up dirt on every single human being that’s ever existed if you catch them in their worst moment and you magnify those moments and you cut out everything else and you only display those worst moments. That said, you can’t find very many with Bernie -- He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.”

I am a fan of comedy and have great respect for the really good comedians (Patrice O'Neal, Dave Chappelle, etc) and those who share that respect for good comedians -- Joe Rogan fits that mold..that doesn't mean I have to agree with every position he holds or think every joke he told was funny -- but when it comes to building solidarity, everybody on your side won't all hold the same opinions on everything as you do -- it is what brought them to your side that matters..

The knock that some democrats have on Joe Rogan's endorsement (mostly corporate establishment hacks) is that he regularly gives a platform to hateful people like Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, James Damore and Steven Crowder, basically the so-called intellectual dark web cucks -- but I chalk that up to Joe Rogan trying to appeal to these folks in order to get paid...Joe Rogan isn't endorsing Bernie because he thinks Bernie shares their views on trannies and fags and all the target minority groups Trumpers love to hate -- he is supporting him based on Bernie's views because he believes they will provide the best policy outcomes for the largest amount of people -- even the trannies and the fags....

Honestly, I'm baffled by the existence of endorsements. Does that really make a difference?

I've voted in 14 elections if my math is right. I have never once, in any election, considered who was endorsed by who.
Podcast Host Joe Rogan Supports Bernie Sanders — but His Controversial Past Is Making Waves

So Bernie is surging in the polls -- and he recently made additional waves when America's most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan, endorsed him for the 2020 presidential campaign....and now, some Democrats are urging Bernie to disavow this endorsement, if I were Bernie, I would say..."fuck em!"

“I think I’ll probably vote for Bernie. Him as a human being, when I was hanging out with him, I believe in him, I like him, I like him a lot,” Rogan said on the episode of his show last week... you could dig up dirt on every single human being that’s ever existed if you catch them in their worst moment and you magnify those moments and you cut out everything else and you only display those worst moments. That said, you can’t find very many with Bernie -- He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.”

I am a fan of comedy and have great respect for the really good comedians (Patrice O'Neal, Dave Chappelle, etc) and those who share that respect for good comedians -- Joe Rogan fits that mold..that doesn't mean I have to agree with every position he holds or think every joke he told was funny -- but when it comes to building solidarity, everybody on your side won't all hold the same opinions on everything as you do -- it is what brought them to your side that matters..

The knock that some democrats have on Joe Rogan's endorsement (mostly corporate establishment hacks) is that he regularly gives a platform to hateful people like Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, James Damore and Steven Crowder, basically the so-called intellectual dark web cucks -- but I chalk that up to Joe Rogan trying to appeal to these folks in order to get paid...Joe Rogan isn't endorsing Bernie because he thinks Bernie shares their views on trannies and fags and all the target minority groups Trumpers love to hate -- he is supporting him based on Bernie's views because he believes they will provide the best policy outcomes for the largest amount of people -- even the trannies and the fags....

Joe Rogan is a racist bigot and homophobic asshole...

Bernie Sanders Platform to tax the rich and give to you is a damn pipe dream and never will it materialize at all...

Medicare for All will be like the V.A. where you stand in line and the rich political families will get first service while you wait at the back of the bus!

Bernie green deal and riding the nation of nuclear energy will cost us so much your great grandchildren will think slavery was better than what they will be shackled to!!

Dlclosing ICE, allowing convicts to vote and opening the border?

That is a nightmare that Trump voters will eat you on!!!

So Joe Rogan and you think Bernie plan is for the majority, then both of you are nuts!
if you want bernie you will be voting for whomever he picks for VP...the pressure of this thing is only going to get worse.....

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