Is a business allowed to violate civil rights?

Freedom stops at the doors of business and corporations, how nice. Seems fascism is alive and well in American but now calls itself by some other equally bizarre name that needs to find the exact wording in the Constitution or it just ain't so. Article XII needs rewrite:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, unless businesses and corporations decide otherwise.

Bold added by right wing nuts of the libertarian and conservative flavor.
The country was founded on the principal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...the federal documents (the constitution) includes the bill of rights. If someone wants to be an American and/or operate in America they cannot act in an un-American manner and violate someone else's civil rights.

What liberty do you really have if someone can refuse to serve you a meal simply because of your skin color?

A Business has the right to serve who ever they please, the recourse is to make it known who they refuse and let public opinion drive their decisions.
Why? Explain how a business can violate someone's civil rights when neither the government nor an individual can.

Consider the perspective that pretty much every contract we sign limits choice, ability, freedom, by design. Sometimes both party's are effected, most times the Individual may get the shorter end of the stick, which is the price or cost of a needed service. You are not going in blind when you sign a cell phone contract, for example.
My theory: We will never rid ourselves of racists while we force them underground. We will rid ourselves of them by shining a bright light on them for all to see.

Yeah that worked really well in the 50's when businesses actually put up signs saying "Whites Only". All the tolerant liberal minded whites saw those signs and were like "No way I'm shopping there! I'm going to the hood for my cheese!" That's exactly what happened.

Seriously, how fucking naive are you?

Any restaurant who refused to seat a black person should have the right to do that (no matter how abhorrent I find it) just like I would have the right never to give my business to those businesses.

Sorry, but a restaurant is engaged in interstate commerce. A fundamental right is the right to travel freely, and restaurants refusing service based on color violate this right. If you want to see the effects of such bigotry, just look back in history at all the black musicians and athletes who couldn't eat at a restaurant with the white band or team they were traveling with, or who could not find accommodations and had to sleep in the fucking bus. This is the United States - we don't have 2nd class citizens here. The 14th amendment clearly protects the right to travel regardless of race, and it clearly grants Congress the authority to protect this right. You don't like it, renounce your citizenship.
Can a man join a female only athletic club like "Curves". Why not? Why can "Curves" exclude men from joining? Why can a country club exclude non-members from eating at the restaurant or playing golf on it's course? It's not fair!!! Why can the United Negro College Fund exclude whites from scholarships? Why can the Masters exclude woman from joining?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
Freedom stops at the doors of business and corporations, how nice. Seems fascism is alive and well in American but now calls itself by some other equally bizarre name that needs to find the exact wording in the Constitution or it just ain't so. Article XII needs rewrite:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, unless businesses and corporations decide otherwise.

Bold added by right wing nuts of the libertarian and conservative flavor.

You first have to sign your consent away. Keep that in mind when dealing with Government sanctioned Monopolies V.S. the competitive market where you get more bang for your buck.
The country was founded on the principal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...the federal documents (the constitution) includes the bill of rights. If someone wants to be an American and/or operate in America they cannot act in an un-American manner and violate someone else's civil rights.

What liberty do you really have if someone can refuse to serve you a meal simply because of your skin color?

Believe it or not, you do not have a civil right to enter private property. Many country clubs and private clubs limit their membership, and thus their customer base, on whatever criteria they choose. Like it or not, SCOTUS is the one who said this, so you have to live with it. (If you accept the rules of some posters here, you have to accept it.) The case law is a bit complicated, but the result is that any private club has the right to refuse service to anyone as long as they are not normally open to the public.
The really sad thing about this is our country already decided this one.

There are sadly some idiots who think going backwards will make them happy

Then there are the idiots that think violating one person's civil rights is perfectly fine, as long as it promotes their agenda.
The really sad thing about this is our country already decided this one.

There are sadly some idiots who think going backwards will make them happy

Then there are the idiots that think violating one person's civil rights is perfectly fine, as long as it promotes their agenda.
So then you're in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The country was founded on the principal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...the federal documents (the constitution) includes the bill of rights. If someone wants to be an American and/or operate in America they cannot act in an un-American manner and violate someone else's civil rights.

What liberty do you really have if someone can refuse to serve you a meal simply because of your skin color?

So long as a private business is involved in, or in any way affects, interstate commerce, that business cannot violate anyone's civil rights. SpidermanTuba has it right.

If you can think of a business that is not involved in interstate commerce in any way, then go to it. Until then, if you as a private business owner violate someone's civil rights, NO SOUP FOR YOU! COME BACK, ONE YEAR!!
Can a man join a female only athletic club like "Curves". Why not? Why can "Curves" exclude men from joining? Why can a country club exclude non-members from eating at the restaurant or playing golf on it's course? It's not fair!!! Why can the United Negro College Fund exclude whites from scholarships? Why can the Masters exclude woman from joining?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Privacy in the first case, financial support for the enterprise in the second case, long term discrimination in the third (although if we go back far enough...), Masters? thought that was qualifying? Am i wrong?

Discrimination in public services is a bit different for most freedom loving Americans. And unless the business is suspended above earth it is a public structure.
Sorry, but a restaurant is engaged in interstate commerce. A fundamental right is the right to travel freely, and restaurants refusing service based on color violate this right. If you want to see the effects of such bigotry, just look back in history at all the black musicians and athletes who couldn't eat at a restaurant with the white band or team they were traveling with, or who could not find accommodations and had to sleep in the fucking bus. This is the United States - we don't have 2nd class citizens here. The 14th amendment clearly protects the right to travel regardless of race, and it clearly grants Congress the authority to protect this right. You don't like it, renounce your citizenship.

This just shows how fucked up the interpretation of the constitution has gotten, and how much people have to stretch language to justify their fucked up logic.

If I own a restaurant the only way I would be involved in interstate commerce would be if my restaurant somehow crossed state lines to do business. It does not matter if I own the most famous restaurant in the world, there is no way that would happen unless I actively shipped my meals to people in other states.
Can a man join a female only athletic club like "Curves". Why not? Why can "Curves" exclude men from joining? Why can a country club exclude non-members from eating at the restaurant or playing golf on it's course? It's not fair!!! Why can the United Negro College Fund exclude whites from scholarships? Why can the Masters exclude woman from joining?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Privacy in the first case, financial support for the enterprise in the second case, long term discrimination in the third (although if we go back far enough...), Masters? thought that was qualifying? Am i wrong?

Discrimination in public services is a bit different for most freedom loving Americans. And unless the business is suspended above earth it is a public structure.

I'd flow with education as opposed to mandate first off. Second, a business agreement can be as simple as an agreement between two parties, how about allowing breathing room??? Where reason fails, you may have warrant. The perspective of resolving existing problems without creating new ones. Show cause where you have grievance.
The country was founded on the principal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...the federal documents (the constitution) includes the bill of rights. If someone wants to be an American and/or operate in America they cannot act in an un-American manner and violate someone else's civil rights.

What liberty do you really have if someone can refuse to serve you a meal simply because of your skin color?

So long as a private business is involved in, or in any way affects, interstate commerce, that business cannot violate anyone's civil rights. SpidermanTuba has it right.

If you can think of a business that is not involved in interstate commerce in any way, then go to it. Until then, if you as a private business owner violate someone's civil rights, NO SOUP FOR YOU! COME BACK, ONE YEAR!!

Curves is a business that definitely crosses state lines, yet it, as has been pointed out, deliberately discriminates against men. As I believe this is legal I will ask you to explain why they can get away with something that is clearly discriminatory if your view is correct.
Unless you are another one of those republicans who admire and tout the republican record in passing the CRA but who doesn't really think the republicans should have done what they now boast as a proud part of their Civil Rights legacy.

I'm seeing a lot of these folks lately. Shocker, eh?
Sorry, but a restaurant is engaged in interstate commerce. A fundamental right is the right to travel freely, and restaurants refusing service based on color violate this right. If you want to see the effects of such bigotry, just look back in history at all the black musicians and athletes who couldn't eat at a restaurant with the white band or team they were traveling with, or who could not find accommodations and had to sleep in the fucking bus. This is the United States - we don't have 2nd class citizens here. The 14th amendment clearly protects the right to travel regardless of race, and it clearly grants Congress the authority to protect this right. You don't like it, renounce your citizenship.

This just shows how fucked up the interpretation of the constitution has gotten, and how much people have to stretch language to justify their fucked up logic.

If I own a restaurant the only way I would be involved in interstate commerce would be if my restaurant somehow crossed state lines to do business. It does not matter if I own the most famous restaurant in the world, there is no way that would happen unless I actively shipped my meals to people in other states.

I thought that was why God made lawyers? To work every angle including inside out, backwards, up side down, what if, make believe, alternate reality, and coulda-woulda-shoulda.
