Irregardless of sensationalized reporting, murder is down.

True. It is down amongst citizens vs citizens.

The murder of police officers is up. Up 31% from last year.

One reason is the wonderful police in America are fully engaged with the criminal element, meaning more risk and unfortunately more officers killed.

But part of it is the radical armed anti-government element who murder cops. "Sovereign Citizen" loons have killed 12 cops in just a few recent years alone.
Thanks, Obama?

Thank the military and police.

The military has eliminated and kept out the foreign threat to US citizens.
The police have engaged and managed within reason the domestic threat to US citizens.

Naturally, terrorists- foreign AND domestic- will resist this effort in their hatred of the United States.

Sadly, 2 domestic terrorists struck yesterday at the Las Vegas Police. GOP leader John Boehner refused to call it "domestic terrorism", but that's exactly what it is.
Murder Rates Nationally and By State | Death Penalty Information Center

As evidence by FBI statistics murders have been falling for years. All while firearms ownership went UP. While States passed open carry and conceal carry laws.

The chart at the end clearly shows murders are DOWN and have been dropping since the 90's.

The murder rate has dropped, but the technological ability of the media to bring you every murder in full living color instantaneously has gone way up. Now you can be there live as the killing is happening in real time.

And to keep the rubes nervous, you see the 24 hour news channels in recent years adding loud clashing doom music to their broadcasts. Doom music is not objective reportage. It is the exact opposite of journalistic detachment. It is deliberate propaganda at this point.

You know where I first heard manipulative music being played behind a newcaster? In communist Cuba. I used to watch their over-the-air channels when I was stationed in Gitmo.

Then, years later, Fox News starting doing it. Now they all do it.
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Thanks, Obama?

Thank the military and police.

The military has eliminated and kept out the foreign threat to US citizens.
The police have engaged and managed within reason the domestic threat to US citizens.

Naturally, terrorists- foreign AND domestic- will resist this effort in their hatred of the United States.

Sadly, 2 domestic terrorists struck yesterday at the Las Vegas Police. GOP leader John Boehner refused to call it "domestic terrorism", but that's exactly what it is.

You mean like Obama called the Fort Hood shooter work place shootings? Like that?
You have not seen violence like you will see once the obamakids get out of their holding pens and released into unsuspecting towns. They are expecting everything and expecting it free. There will be incredible resentment when the free isn't coming. No doubt the cartels already present are slavering over the prospect of so many new recruits.
Irregardless - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Afraid it is a word and has been around for almost 100 years.

from your link you moronic hick


Irregardless is a word commonly used in place of regardless or irrespective, which has caused controversy since the early twentieth century, though the word appeared in print as early as 1795.[1] Most dictionaries list it as "nonstandard" or "incorrect" usage, and recommend that "regardless" should be used instead.[2][3][4]

Irregardless - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its not a word..
[cue loud doom music]

FOX HOST: Irregardless is being used as a word. Marxist brainwashing or Taliban plot? It can only be one or the other. We report, you decide. Fair and balanced. I'm joined now by the always beautiful Fox contributor Bambi Hotness, and also by one seriously ugly libtard from Berkeley whose name I am going to mispronounce "accidentally" at least three times in the next two minutes while never letting him complete a sentence.

[cue the sound of multiple explosions, crashing airplanes, dropped cymbals, and shrieking accompanied by apocalyptic music]

FOX HOST: Uh, we're going to interrupt this segment to take you live to a shooting in a mall in middle America. We have Biff Hunk from our local affiliate on the scene. How many dead are there so far, Biff, and have the police waxed the shooter yet?

BIFF: I don't know.

FOX HOST: Is the shooter a Democrat?

BIFF: Most likely.

FOX HOST: And I bet he has an ID, too. So much for the claim there are Democratic voters who don't have Voter IDs! Irregardless, Biff, what are the police doing right now?
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More guns less crime. Fits the motto, an armed society is a polite society.

Now if we didn't have so many baby trayvons(aka youths or teens) offing each other everyday, it would be far lower.
More guns less crime. Fits the motto, an armed society is a polite society.

Now if we didn't have so many baby trayvons(aka youths or teens) offing each other everyday, it would be far lower.

Damned darkies! :mad:

As long as they just keep it to their neighborhoods, I don't care, but it does inflate our statistics.

Perhaps they can resettle in Africa as Kanye West has suggested.

Lets start a USMessageboard resettlement fund.

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