Iraqi officials may be overstating the amount of explosives

Fmr jarhead said:
A little late, but needs to be stated, again, and again, and again!!!!!

There might have been 3 tons of explosives, not 377 tons.

Think about it.....they were told it was there , they dont know when it was removed, they dont know who took it, so why are you worried about the exact amount. Maybe worry that there may be more sites like this one.
sagegirl said:
Think about it.....they were told it was there , they dont know when it was removed, they dont know who took it, so why are you worried about the exact amount. Maybe worry that there may be more sites like this one.

think about it.... they were told it was there BEFORE the war. When we arrived there, it was not there. Who took it? It is obvious is was not there upon our arrival. A matter-of-fact, it is obvious it was taken WHILE the UN was supposedly keeping tabs on it. Furthermore, these materials were banned by the UN in 1991 as part of the cease fire. It all keeps falling back on the UN's shoulders yet Kerry and his ilk are trying to blame Bush.

And BTW, there is a huge difference between 3 tons and 300 tons.
Big difference between 3 tons and 377 tons, wouldn't you agree?

A pickup could haul away 3 tons (easier to hide). A convoy would be necessary to haul out 377 tons (do you understand?)

There may not have been 377 tons of anything in storage since 2002, for all we know....but it is GWB's fault, right?

Follow along, and you might get the whole picture, unless emotions get in the way. I prefer to deal with facts! Too much guessing (even Kerry's campaign manager said they did not know the facts....yet they are trying to play on your emotions, and are evidently doing a good job of pulling your strings!)
I tell ya I'm feeling good about this. I think that guy on Hannity and Colmes (Dick Morris I think) was right, this is gonna blow up in Kerry's face, huge.
theim said:
I tell ya I'm feeling good about this. I think that guy on Hannity and Colmes (Dick Morris I think) was right, this is gonna blow up in Kerry's face, huge.

I saw Dick on H&C last night and I agree. Kerry should have stuck to what NORMALLY gets dems elected - social issues. Now that he is making the war the central part of why HE should win, he WILL lose.
sagegirl said:
Think about it.....they were told it was there , they dont know when it was removed, they dont know who took it, so why are you worried about the exact amount. Maybe worry that there may be more sites like this one.

damn--you just can't give up can ya ??? The dems and media drum up this BS story and try to make this shit stick-------it doesn't and you try to make it stickier-----sorry :banana:
Hey, I don't doubt it's existence, any more than you doubt the existence of the WMD stockpiles that are missing.
I don't understand Iraq.

Hmmmm, or women.

Wow, or the dewie decimal system.

And I also don't know how many licks it takes to get to the cent-- fuck it.

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