Iraqi government: "US-led anti-terror coalition main reason why ISIL still exists."


Nov 14, 2012
The Iraqi government accuses the west of supporting ISIS, receives "daily reports on countless flights led by the U.S.-led coalition’s planes, which airdrop weapons and supplies for the group in terrorist-held areas" and notes "that the coalition is the main reason why ISIL still exists in Iraq."
Now, two British planes carrying supplies for ISIS were shot down by the Iraqi military.

"Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes carrying weapons for ISIL terrorists in Iraq’s Al Anbar province.

Hakem al-Zameli, head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defence Committee revealed that the committee “has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” FARS News reported. The senior lawmaker said that the Iraqi parliament has asked London for explanations and added it is receiving daily reports from security forces and people in the province on countless flights led by the U.S.-led coalition’s planes, which airdrop weapons and supplies for the group in terrorist-held areas.

The Iraqi lawmaker explained that the United States prefers the chaotic situation in the province because it reportedly does not want the ISIL crisis to come to an end. The al-Ahed news website quoted Khalaf Tarmouz, head of Al Anbar Provincial Council saying that they have “discovered weapons made in the United States, European countries and Israel from the areas liberated from ISIL’s control in Al-Baqdadi region.” Mr Tarmouz added that the weapons made by European nations and Israel was discovered from the terorists in the Eastern parts of Ramadi.

Mr Al-Zameli has previously said that the planes of the anti-ISIL coalition have dropped weapons and food supplies for the terrorist group in Al-Anbar, Salahuddin and Diyala provinces. The head of the Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defence Committee noted that the coalition is the main reason why ISIL still exists in Iraq. He told the news agency in January “there are proofs and evidence for the U.S.-led coalition’s military aid to ISIL terrorists through air.” Mr Al-Zameli added that the members of his committee have proved that planes belonging to the United States have dropped advanced weaponry for the ISIL, which is why it has set up an investigation committee to probe into the matter."
Iraqi army downs two U.K. planes carrying weapons for ISIL
Come on, this is an important news!

No, it's not. It is Fars (Iranian) News/Global Research camel crap. We have already had this conversation. I'd like to believe my president is sharp enough to arm both sides with just enough low-tech firepower to keep that fire smoldering for the next 40 years but you will have to do better than foisting that crap here and expecting others to swallow that which you evidently do eagerly.
Find a credible source and we can all celebrate.
Come on, this is an important news!

No, it's not. It is Fars (Iranian) News/Global Research camel crap. We have already had this conversation. I'd like to believe my president is sharp enough to arm both sides with just enough low-tech firepower to keep that fire smoldering for the next 40 years but you will have to do better than foisting that crap here and expecting others to swallow that which you evidently do eagerly.
Find a credible source and we can all celebrate.
Its not the Iranian´s guilt when the oh so free western press is silent about this.
Come on, this is an important news!

No, it's not. It is Fars (Iranian) News/Global Research camel crap. We have already had this conversation. I'd like to believe my president is sharp enough to arm both sides with just enough low-tech firepower to keep that fire smoldering for the next 40 years but you will have to do better than foisting that crap here and expecting others to swallow that which you evidently do eagerly.
Find a credible source and we can all celebrate.
Its not the Iranian´s guilt when the oh so free western press is silent about this.

We are now 2 full weeks since you posted this BS thread and still not a hint of support for your "facts" from any real news source. I would like to believe you are bright enough to admit - at least to yourself - that harvesting "news" from GlobalResearch or Iran's state-run PressTV not only adds nothing to your creds but rather destroys any you may once have had. Unfortunately I harbor serious doubts.
Come on, this is an important news!

No, it's not. It is Fars (Iranian) News/Global Research camel crap. We have already had this conversation. I'd like to believe my president is sharp enough to arm both sides with just enough low-tech firepower to keep that fire smoldering for the next 40 years but you will have to do better than foisting that crap here and expecting others to swallow that which you evidently do eagerly.
Find a credible source and we can all celebrate.
Its not the Iranian´s guilt when the oh so free western press is silent about this.

We are now 2 full weeks since you posted this BS thread and still not a hint of support for your "facts" from any real news source. I would like to believe you are bright enough to admit - at least to yourself - that harvesting "news" from GlobalResearch or Iran's state-run PressTV not only adds nothing to your creds but rather destroys any you may once have had. Unfortunately I harbor serious doubts.
These sources are so busy posting SOHR propaganda, that they have no time for the truth nowadays, I guess.
Furthermore, you are acting like a retarded child that once got an additional rock on his head. "They are not reporting, so it isn´t true, baaaaaaaah!!!!"
Come on, this is an important news!

No, it's not. It is Fars (Iranian) News/Global Research camel crap. We have already had this conversation. I'd like to believe my president is sharp enough to arm both sides with just enough low-tech firepower to keep that fire smoldering for the next 40 years but you will have to do better than foisting that crap here and expecting others to swallow that which you evidently do eagerly.
Find a credible source and we can all celebrate.
Its not the Iranian´s guilt when the oh so free western press is silent about this.

We are now 2 full weeks since you posted this BS thread and still not a hint of support for your "facts" from any real news source. I would like to believe you are bright enough to admit - at least to yourself - that harvesting "news" from GlobalResearch or Iran's state-run PressTV not only adds nothing to your creds but rather destroys any you may once have had. Unfortunately I harbor serious doubts.
These sources are so busy posting SOHR propaganda, that they have no time for the truth nowadays, I guess.
Furthermore, you are acting like a retarded child that once got an additional rock on his head. "They are not reporting, so it isn´t true, baaaaaaaah!!!!"

As predicted, you just aren't bright enough. Thanks for playing.

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