Iraq transition going well

I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

That's good and every American should be delighted. But I didn't hear many liberals supporting the war or our troops in recent years. As a matter of fact it had been quite the opposite. I guess it's par for the course that liberals will find delight now that we've succeeded there.
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

That's good and every American should be delighted. But I didn't hear many liberals supporting the war or our troops in recent years. As a matter of fact it had been quite the opposite. I guess it's par for the course that liberals will find delight now that we've succeeded there.

There is and always has been a difference between supporting the war as a political choice and supporting our troops and praying that now we are in this mess that things work out well in the end.

That is a difference, sadly, that many choose to ignore thru ignorance or intentionally for political gain.
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

Now if only someone would get Obama out of office so Americans can run their own business, too.
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

Now if only someone would get Obama out of office so Americans can run their own business, too.
Obama and his ilk are ruining this country.
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

That's good and every American should be delighted. But I didn't hear many liberals supporting the war or our troops in recent years. As a matter of fact it had been quite the opposite. I guess it's par for the course that liberals will find delight now that we've succeeded there.

MAYBE because we were against the war from the outset, and it was a FIASCO under Rumsfeld...

Rumsfeld Forbade Planning For Postwar Iraq, General Says

Long before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld forbade military strategists to develop plans for securing a postwar Iraq, the retiring commander of the Army Transportation Corps said.

Brig. Gen. Mark E. Scheid told the Newport News Daily Press in an interview published yesterday that Rumsfeld had said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a postwar plan.

Scheid was a colonel with the U.S. Central Command, the unit that oversees military operations in the Middle East, in late 2001 when Rumsfeld "told us to get ready for Iraq."

"The secretary of defense continued to push on us . . . that everything we write in our plan has to be the idea that we are going to go in, we're going to take out the regime, and then we're going to leave," Scheid said. "We won't stay."

Planners continued to try "to write what was called Phase 4" -- plans that covered post-invasion operations such as security, stability and reconstruction, said Scheid, who is retiring in about three weeks, but "I remember the secretary of defense saying that he would fire the next person that said that."
I am a Liberal and am DELIGHTED that things are going well. :clap2: Then our troops can get out of there sooner and the Iraqis can run their own business.

Now if only someone would get Obama out of office so Americans can run their own business, too.
Obama and his ilk are ruining this country.

No, they are cleaning ups the mess, Bush-Cheney left behind.

I love the whinning, however.

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