Iraq jail dog scare 'was policy'


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH
US military dog handlers at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison say they were ordered to use their animals to intimidate detainees
They made the allegation in statements provided to military investigators, the Washington Post newspaper says.

The handlers also said the jail's top military intelligence officer had approved the tactic, the paper reports.

Pentagon officials have said abuses at Abu Ghraib were confined to a small group of military police soldiers.

But the Washington Post says the statements reinforce the view that there were two kinds of abuse at the jail - sexual humiliation and beatings at the hands of military police (MPs), and intimidation using dogs during interrogations under the auspices of military intelligence.</blockquote>

After all, what's a few wogs anyways? Presidential counsel, Alberto Gonzales, declared the Geneva Conventions to be "quaint" and "obsolete", so what need has this administration to adhere to them? In a legal brief, a DOJ lawyer said that torture is sometimes justified, so any means are accceptable so long as the ends of the Administration are met. So, what does it matter if some rag-head is tortured and/or humiliated?

I'll tell you why it matters. America helped develope and signed those treaties to prevent our soldiers from suffering such abuses. In abandoning the moral high ground, the Administration has descended to the level of the terrorist, and America cannot win on that level. America must take, and retain the moral high ground. But if retaining that ground cost more American lives than we are willing to sacrifice we must ask, "Is the cause a just one?"
Better to have a dog chewing your ass and still be alive then to be beheaded or to be a piece of charcoal swinging from a bridge. Those pics make me laugh.
Originally posted by OCA
Better to have a dog chewing your ass and still be alive then to be beheaded or to be a piece of charcoal swinging from a bridge. Those pics make me laugh.

would you feel the same if it was YOUR ass being chewed by a dog?
Be happier than a fly on shit that I would eventually see my loved ones again. Mr. Berg(despite what theories I have about him) nor those contractors have that opportunity. Fuck em!
The Geneva convention does not apply to terrorists.
I also think it is inhumane to let military canines get near or(god help us) bite one of those pieces of sh!t.
Originally posted by duke
The Geneva convention does not apply to terrorists.
I also think it is inhumane to let military canines get near or(god help us) bite one of those pieces of sh!t.

You may have a point there!

by the way, Welcome!
So what exactly is wrong with using dogs to intimidate terrorists? What next? we cant use heat lamps? We cant do good cop bad cop? We cant blast metal music and obnoxious volumes? What on earth is wrong with dogs???
Originally posted by Avatar4321
So what exactly is wrong with using dogs to intimidate terrorists? What next? we cant use heat lamps? We cant do good cop bad cop? We cant blast metal music and obnoxious volumes? What on earth is wrong with dogs???

Well IMO I'd say that dogs are fine, but not let them make a snack of people, yeah terrorists are people. I like the intimidation factor, just not canines using canines on people.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
US military dog handlers at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison say they were ordered to use their animals to intimidate detainees

Stand by - sympathy detection scan in progress








none found

end program
Originally posted by Merlin1047
Stand by - sympathy detection scan in progress








none found

end program

Brilliant Bully how about something of substance? Never mind.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kathianne
Well IMO I'd say that dogs are fine, but not let them make a snack of people, yeah terrorists are people. I like the intimidation factor, just not canines using canines on people.

Ive seen no evidence that they were used for anything other than intimidation. the pics that were offered as proof dont have the dogs touching the people.
I find it totally pathetic that nobody gives a damn as to whether or not all of these detainees actually deserved to be there. I've argued before that a sizable percentage of these people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time but nobody seems to give a damn.

Karma's a bitch sometimes so when your's comes back to bite you in the ass (pun intended) don't say I didn't warn you.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I find it totally pathetic that nobody gives a damn as to whether or not all of these detainees actually deserved to be there. I've argued before that a sizable percentage of these people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time but nobody seems to give a damn.

Karma's a bitch sometimes so when your's comes back to bite you in the ass (pun intended) don't say I didn't warn you.

From what I've read DK, while that prison itself may have housed 'innocents' that particular block was for the 'worst of the worst'. That in my opinion, does not justify killing or extreme torture. The dogs, was too much.

The pyramid, that girl pointing, that was humiliation. Don't know how that would work for intel, but it's not 'torture' regardless of their religious beliefs.
First, you need to prove that something actually happened with the dogs that was inappropriate. I have yet to see that. All you did was show pics of dogs surrounding and barking at prisoners. What is wrong with that?

Second, you cant expect everyone to feel sorry for these people before you have provided evidence and sadly some people wont care even if you have.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
First, you need to prove that something actually happened with the dogs that was inappropriate. I have yet to see that. All you did was show pics of dogs surrounding and barking at prisoners. What is wrong with that?

Second, you cant expect everyone to feel sorry for these people before you have provided evidence and sadly some people wont care even if you have.

to answer your first portion, there has been no pictures published, but there has been public acknowledgement by lawmakers who have seen the pictures that a few of the detainees had been bitten and mauled.

The second portion, I don't expect everyone to feel the same as I do on many things, sadly thats just the way of some people. It seems that empathy stops at citizenship. The hypocrisy of some people claiming to be christian, or religious in general, yet condone and laugh at what has occurred is heartbreaking at times, especially when it comes from people that I would expect better from.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
to answer your first portion, there has been no pictures published, but there has been public acknowledgement by lawmakers who have seen the pictures that a few of the detainees had been bitten and mauled.

The second portion, I don't expect everyone to feel the same as I do on many things, sadly thats just the way of some people. It seems that empathy stops at citizenship. The hypocrisy of some people claiming to be christian, or religious in general, yet condone and laugh at what has occurred is heartbreaking at times, especially when it comes from people that I would expect better from.

DK I agree with you about the making jokes of. It seems some very sorry people were given too much power. What I posted earlier was that there is a difference between the dogs, torture that may have led to deaths and the humiliation of pyramids, women pointing, and underwear on head. While it may be argured whether any of these things could lead to info, I can't go along with the dogs or murder. If the others work, I think it would be justified in better hands, hands that knew better than to take those pics.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
So what exactly is wrong with using dogs to intimidate terrorists? What next? we cant use heat lamps? We cant do good cop bad cop? We cant blast metal music and obnoxious volumes? What on earth is wrong with dogs???

Dogs are considered filthy animals by Muslims. It took a lot of convincing to persuade the Iraqi police to begin using dogs to sniff out bombs and such. Dogs are similar to pigs in most Muslim societies. Using the dogs during interogation was kind of like forcing them to eat pork during a Ramadan fast. It's culturally insensitive and it's effects will continue to reverberate throughout the Muslim world.
snarling, snapping dogs would be fine in my opinion. If the muslims hate them, so much the better. Dogs that take a bite out of the muslim, that is NOT ok.

Underwear on head, bags on head, fine by me. Pyramids buck neked...questionable at best. Not sure what you could get out of that. Girls pointing at the wienie, probably not a good idea. Not because of insult, more about whether effective way to get someone to talk.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
to answer your first portion, there has been no pictures published, but there has been public acknowledgement by lawmakers who have seen the pictures that a few of the detainees had been bitten and mauled.

The second portion, I don't expect everyone to feel the same as I do on many things, sadly thats just the way of some people. It seems that empathy stops at citizenship. The hypocrisy of some people claiming to be christian, or religious in general, yet condone and laugh at what has occurred is heartbreaking at times, especially when it comes from people that I would expect better from.

Well, I have seen no evidence of bites or mauling and you'll excuse me if I am skeptical of anything that comes out of the mouth of a politician. If dogs were allowed to bite, then that is inappropriate. But I can't get all teary-eyed about a few terrorists being barked at by a guard dog.

And I'll tell you where my empathy stopped. Most of it was killed on Sep 11 2001. Most of what was left died when they murdered and then mutilated the bodies of our folks in Fallujah. The tiny spark that was left extinguished when the rotten bastards beheaded Nick Berg.

If that is hypocritical, I can live with it.
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