Iraq Back on Track

Excellent news! And quite the proof needed to challenge those who claim that democracy is impossible in the Arab world.

The natural state of human beings is to crave liberty and self-determination. Anything else is a perversion.
Yes. A truly historic event. And we can all say "I remember when.." to our grandkids, and they'll ignore us.
And here is hoping we do see it. It would be disastrous for the region as well as the rest of the world for Iraq to revert to a tyrannical form of government.
A beacon of light in the arab world. A friend to Isreal and the united states. We 1 country closer to a peaceful mid east. The only problem i see is that down the road Iraq may become to "bright" a becaon of freedom and the Govts of the region may decide to try to extinguish that light...i.e war in Iraq....again!!!
The only problem i see is that down the road Iraq may become to "bright" a becaon of freedom and the Govts of the region may decide to try to extinguish that light...i.e war in Iraq....again!!!

That is one problem, but the real and much more immediate and plausible problem is an iraq plagued with civil war. Just because the Shi'a finally decided to sign a piece of paper doesn't mean that the serious problems between the kurds and shi'a is gone.
The likleyhood of a civil war in Iraq while we have 130,000 troops stationed ther is highly unlikly. It is a possibility down the road. Once a free elected govt. is in power it will be hard to get a army together big enough and powerful enough to take on the Govt.
page one in what is hoped will be a long chapter in Iraqi history.. the beginings of Democracy in the Middle east..there will be plenty of bumps and holes in the road for them but once they truly realize what Democracy and freedom are all may very well catch fire and Spread to other countrys!!! someday they will be without their oil and income from it..what will they do then with no form of real government??? go back to being bedions??? wander the desert as there fore fathers did? this generation and those that follow will never let that happen.
Agreed, jon. Once people get a taste of freedom, they are not eager to take on the mantle of oppression.
Especially Coca Cola that is still made with real cane sugar instead of that crappy corn syrup.
Oh Puh-leeeeze. What a narrow minded view.

I'll bet that most people here who are in favor of democracy for Iraq feel that way because we do not wish to see anyone live in a totalitarian nightmare (except for Hillary, Michael Moore and Joe Wilson).
Originally posted by spillmind
yeah, let's see it. :rolleyes: the main reason most people here LOVE it is because it makes the republican party look good. period.

And no once could possibly be happy that Iraq is making advancements?
get of your political horse. The freedom and democracy of Iraq have nothing to do with political parties. Just because most of us are conservative doesn't mean we don't like a free Iraq. Bush got the job done that's all that needs to be said. Why don't you get off your horse and rejoice that a totalitarian country is now a free democracy...or almost there!!!!!

the spinster returns...the only thing sad about Iraq is the loss of lives on all sides...freedoms up front cost for Iraq might seem high now but in the years to come I think not.
Originally posted by spillmind
the main reason most people here LOVE it is because it makes the republican party look good. period.

You could just have easily written:

the main reason some people here HATE it is because it makes the republican party look good. period.

Which is the more detestable position?
visit the 'who's voting for bush' thread. get a clue. repeat. nuff said.

Have visted it, replied in it. am voting for bush, nuf said!!!!!

You still waste time and space. Why don't you answer the question. Do you hate freedom in Iraq because it was brought at the head of a bayonet pushed by a republican and held back by the dems. Do you hate the fact that we liberated Kuwait in 91 because a republican did it? do you still wish that Sadam was in power and he controleed the entire middle east? or would you rather we had waited till a dem got elected to pres and then went? you are a truly un-american. You rote for the enemy because you hate your countries intentions!!! :fu2:

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