Iranians Shrug Off Obama - America Soon To Follow?

The fact is, JFK would have little place in today's Democrat Party.

Hell, some so-called Republicans would consider him too conservative.
It is clear that none of you know much about John F. Kennedy...

He was a pragmatist, and a liberal, in THAT order, much like Obama...

Near the end of Ike's administration, the CIA started plans for an invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles who had fled the island... This led to what is called the Bay of Pigs...

Allan Dulles and Richard Bissell (CIA) LIED to Kennedy...they KNEW ahead of time an invasion by the exiles had NO chance of success...unless the US sent in the Marines and Air Force...Kennedy told the CIA he would NOT send in the US military...

Dulles and Bissell thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle...he DIDN'T...

Kennedy was so mad, he threatened to "shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." He did fire Dulles and Bissell. From that point on, Kennedy had no use for CIA or the Chiefs of Staff...

The lessons learned during the Bay of Pigs were all applied successfully during the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK ignored the advice of the Joint Chiefs and most of his cabinet that pushed hard for bombing the missile sites and the military wanted an invasion. Kennedy crafted a peaceful resolution through backdoor channels and smart diplomacy...

We learned later if Kennedy had caved to the Joint Chiefs and invaded Cuba, the Russians would have reduced Washington and major cities within 1000 miles of Cuba into radioactive rubble....and chances are, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because the USA as we know it wouldn't EXIST!

So pea brains...IF JFK were a neocon hawk, as you contend...WHY did he refuse to invade Cuba...TWICE?
It is clear that none of you know much about John F. Kennedy...

He was a pragmatist, and a liberal, in THAT order, much like Obama...

Near the end of Ike's administration, the CIA started plans for an invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles who had fled the island... This led to what is called the Bay of Pigs...

Allan Dulles and Richard Bissell (CIA) LIED to Kennedy...they KNEW ahead of time an invasion by the exiles had NO chance of success...unless the US sent in the Marines and Air Force...Kennedy told the CIA he would NOT send in the US military...

Dulles and Bissell thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle...he DIDN'T...

Kennedy was so mad, he threatened to "shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." He did fire Dulles and Bissell. From that point on, Kennedy had no use for CIA or the Chiefs of Staff...

The lessons learned during the Bay of Pigs were all applied successfully during the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK ignored the advice of the Joint Chiefs and most of his cabinet that pushed hard for bombing the missile sites and the military wanted an invasion. Kennedy crafted a peaceful resolution through backdoor channels and smart diplomacy...

We learned later if Kennedy had caved to the Joint Chiefs and invaded Cuba, the Russians would have reduced Washington and major cities within 1000 miles of Cuba into radioactive rubble....and chances are, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because the USA as we know it wouldn't EXIST!

So pea brains...IF JFK were a neocon hawk, as you contend...WHY did he refuse to invade Cuba...TWICE?

except Kennedy was going to invade cuba. He had been planning it for over a year. Only reason he didn't invade was because he found out the missiles were operational. If you want to cling to your "Thirteen Days"/ camelot version of history, go ahead.
He also bombed the hell out of south vietnam, killing thousands of people, and supported Diem, a brutal dictator.
It is clear that none of you know much about John F. Kennedy...

He was a pragmatist, and a liberal, in THAT order, much like Obama...

Near the end of Ike's administration, the CIA started plans for an invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles who had fled the island... This led to what is called the Bay of Pigs...

Allan Dulles and Richard Bissell (CIA) LIED to Kennedy...they KNEW ahead of time an invasion by the exiles had NO chance of success...unless the US sent in the Marines and Air Force...Kennedy told the CIA he would NOT send in the US military...

Dulles and Bissell thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle...he DIDN'T...

Kennedy was so mad, he threatened to "shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." He did fire Dulles and Bissell. From that point on, Kennedy had no use for CIA or the Chiefs of Staff...

The lessons learned during the Bay of Pigs were all applied successfully during the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK ignored the advice of the Joint Chiefs and most of his cabinet that pushed hard for bombing the missile sites and the military wanted an invasion. Kennedy crafted a peaceful resolution through backdoor channels and smart diplomacy...

We learned later if Kennedy had caved to the Joint Chiefs and invaded Cuba, the Russians would have reduced Washington and major cities within 1000 miles of Cuba into radioactive rubble....and chances are, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because the USA as we know it wouldn't EXIST!

So pea brains...IF JFK were a neocon hawk, as you contend...WHY did he refuse to invade Cuba...TWICE?
you are the pea brain
It is clear that none of you know much about John F. Kennedy...

He was a pragmatist, and a liberal, in THAT order, much like Obama...

Near the end of Ike's administration, the CIA started plans for an invasion of Cuba using Cuban exiles who had fled the island... This led to what is called the Bay of Pigs...

Allan Dulles and Richard Bissell (CIA) LIED to Kennedy...they KNEW ahead of time an invasion by the exiles had NO chance of success...unless the US sent in the Marines and Air Force...Kennedy told the CIA he would NOT send in the US military...

Dulles and Bissell thought the young President would cave in the heat of battle...he DIDN'T...

Kennedy was so mad, he threatened to "shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." He did fire Dulles and Bissell. From that point on, Kennedy had no use for CIA or the Chiefs of Staff...

The lessons learned during the Bay of Pigs were all applied successfully during the Cuban Missile Crisis. JFK ignored the advice of the Joint Chiefs and most of his cabinet that pushed hard for bombing the missile sites and the military wanted an invasion. Kennedy crafted a peaceful resolution through backdoor channels and smart diplomacy...

We learned later if Kennedy had caved to the Joint Chiefs and invaded Cuba, the Russians would have reduced Washington and major cities within 1000 miles of Cuba into radioactive rubble....and chances are, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because the USA as we know it wouldn't EXIST!

So pea brains...IF JFK were a neocon hawk, as you contend...WHY did he refuse to invade Cuba...TWICE?

except Kennedy was going to invade cuba. He had been planning it for over a year. Only reason he didn't invade was because he found out the missiles were operational. If you want to cling to your "Thirteen Days"/ camelot version of history, go ahead.
He also bombed the hell out of south vietnam, killing thousands of people, and supported Diem, a brutal dictator.

My knowledge of Kennedy is not from "13 Days" or "JFK"...I've read about and studied the man for 46 years...

I'm really excited! We found out in 2002 that the missiles on the island were operational and nuclear...I THOUGHT I read where Jack Kennedy died...years ago...I HOPE I can get to meet him!!!

NO, he never planned an invasion of Cuba...the CIA was working with the Mafia to take out Castro... Actually Kennedy wanted to normalize relations with Cuba because he believed we could sell them TV's and refrigerators...always the pragmatist...

Supported Diem??? THAT'S interesting! When a coup d'etat was being planned by General Minh, the United States gave secret assurances they would not interfere. Diem was overthrown November 1, 1963 and he and his brother were murdered on November 2, 1963.

Now THAT is support!
no one was rooting for another four years of A-jad, you dumb fuck. We were saying that your Messiah had no pull over him winning or losing.

Actually a number of right-wingers were rooting for Ahmadinejad, sadly enough.

How the fuck would you know you know, dumb ass??? Tell me how do you know??? Bet you can't put any names out there, and your just spewing you far left wingnut opinion. :cuckoo:

I already posted them, dumbass. Reading comprehension fail.
How the fuck would you know you know, dumb ass??? Tell me how do you know??? Bet you can't put any names out there, and your just spewing you far right wingnut opinion. :cuckoo:

he posted two, quoted from the Huffington post.
Oh...I see, the Huffington Post. :lol::lol: They probably paid a couple of derelicts to pose as republicans and stated that nonsense. Nickie would buy into it.

Umm, no. Try reading the article, dickface. They linked to the website and video of Republicans saying as much. Oh, but I'm sure it was all staged, cause you are a little conspiracy nutter, aren't you?
so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Oy. Let me make this very clear for all the retarded fucking rightwingers.

If you have a problem with the source, point to exactly what you disagree with. Attacking the authority is a logical flaw and causes you to fail.
he posted two, quoted from the Huffington post.
Oh...I see, the Huffington Post. :lol::lol: They probably paid a couple of derelicts to pose as republicans and stated that nonsense. Nickie would buy into it.

Umm, no. Try reading the article, dickface. They linked to the website and video of Republicans saying as much. Oh, but I'm sure it was all staged, cause you are a little conspiracy nutter, aren't you?

Fine, fuckhead. We'll start quoting from Hannity's website, then.
An editorial from the Huntington Post, who cited TWO neocons. I'm convinced now.:cuckoo:

You asked who did that. I gave you an answer. You should be convinced unless you are even more of a dishonest shithead than I previously thought.

And do tell what it being from the huffington post has to do with anything?
that shows again, how fucking koronic and braindead you are

first off because NEOCONS are NOT right wing by any means
they are moderate to LIBERAL


You can't be serious?
Never said I took it seriously. I said Obama has no impact on the final outcome of the election, and that anyone who thinks so is being silly, and for that, I get accused of supporting our enemies. doesn't fly.

I didn't say you support our address the person that accused you...

Neocon Daniel Pipe saying he would vote for Ahmadinejad at a Middle East Forum at the Heritage Foundation has nothing to do with the Huffington Post...

You being oblivious to WHO said it and WHERE he said it makes my accusation one of a lack of awareness...(a nice way of calling you a pea brain)

Mousavi ran on a platform of "change" and "hope". AND we've seen large public crowds of support absent in Iran for 30 years...


It has everything to do with the Huntington Post. The headline in the H-post says that neocons are rooting for our enemies. they back that up by saying that TWO count em TWO neocons made that statement. So now that trash-whore Maggie says everyone who KNEW obama's speeches would have zero impact on the outcome of the election is supporting our enemies.
Mousavi uses Obama's words, therefore Obama made a difference. Obamabot (nice way of calling you Obama's bitch.)

Moron. I don't give a shit about their opinions, I was pointing to them because they listed the neocon shitheads who supported Ahmadinejad. You and your retarded right-wing bitches can't seem to get past the fact that its *gasp* the huffington post. Maybe its because you know that if you actually read the damn thing, you wouldn't have anything to say in response.
You asked who did that. I gave you an answer. You should be convinced unless you are even more of a dishonest shithead than I previously thought.

And do tell what it being from the huffington post has to do with anything?
that shows again, how fucking koronic and braindead you are

first off because NEOCONS are NOT right wing by any means
they are moderate to LIBERAL


You can't be serious?

may want to read up on the history of neoconservatism before you start criticizing others on the subject, fuckstain.
so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Oy. Let me make this very clear for all the retarded fucking rightwingers.

If you have a problem with the source, point to exactly what you disagree with. Attacking the authority is a logical flaw and causes you to fail.
you are one to call anyone retarded, you fucking moron
the puffington post is a piece of SHIT
i suppose you would deal with us using newsmax or WND as a source and treat it as gospell

grow a fucking brain asshole
You asked who did that. I gave you an answer. You should be convinced unless you are even more of a dishonest shithead than I previously thought.

And do tell what it being from the huffington post has to do with anything?
that shows again, how fucking koronic and braindead you are

first off because NEOCONS are NOT right wing by any means
they are moderate to LIBERAL


You can't be serious?
its the truth you fucking moron
I didn't say you support our address the person that accused you...

Neocon Daniel Pipe saying he would vote for Ahmadinejad at a Middle East Forum at the Heritage Foundation has nothing to do with the Huffington Post...

You being oblivious to WHO said it and WHERE he said it makes my accusation one of a lack of awareness...(a nice way of calling you a pea brain)

Mousavi ran on a platform of "change" and "hope". AND we've seen large public crowds of support absent in Iran for 30 years...


It has everything to do with the Huntington Post. The headline in the H-post says that neocons are rooting for our enemies. they back that up by saying that TWO count em TWO neocons made that statement. So now that trash-whore Maggie says everyone who KNEW obama's speeches would have zero impact on the outcome of the election is supporting our enemies.
Mousavi uses Obama's words, therefore Obama made a difference. Obamabot (nice way of calling you Obama's bitch.)

Moron. I don't give a shit about their opinions, I was pointing to them because they listed the neocon shitheads who supported Ahmadinejad. You and your retarded right-wing bitches can't seem to get past the fact that its *gasp* the huffington post. Maybe its because you know that if you actually read the damn thing, you wouldn't have anything to say in response.

like I said, we'll start quoting Hannity's site, then.
I could not help but chuckle at the naive implorations by a few in this forum declaring that Obama was altering the attitude of the Muslim world through a few speeches given in recent weeks.

It is that degree of naivety that is the now-crumbling foundation of the Obama administration. They were elected on the power of speech, so they are now convinced they can actually govern by that same power - that words in essence, are more critical than actual results.

So, while Obama's personal popularity remains high, his job approval has fallen, particularly in the categories of handling the economy, government spending, and taxes. The reality of the time is now in stark contrast to the lofty rhetoric of Obama's so often contradictory words.

And now with the overwhelming victory by Iranian Muslim hardliner President Ahmadinejad in Iran, re-elected by well over 60% of the population (a far more statistically significant victory than Obama's own victory in the United States last year) we see Obama's impotence with the American economy now extending to foreign policy.

The Obama White House is a place of increasing uncertainty. The community organizer turned President struggles for a coherent message - particularly when removed from the safety of his teleprompted script. The economy continues to stagnate, and a tide of opposition grows against his health care plan, where more moderate Democrats are now quietly backing away from the White House for fear of being attached to its quite possible legislative failure.

And so, this White House continues its campaign of words-words-words, but fewer and fewer and fewer care to listen, with a hint of fomenting contempt against this overly scripted and verbose President beginning to accumulate across America.

The vast majority of Iranian people are not impressed with Obama.

Perhaps it is that one thing which the Iranians and the American people wil sooner rather than later, have in common.

Oy. Another retarded article that assumes that the election was free and fair.

Another mindless leftbot troll who can't address the topic with anything more than a deflection.

I'm sorry, do you actually have anything to say about the topic? Or are you just going around trashing lefties because you are too stupid to form an opinion other than "lefties are evil!"?

You come in here and post no substance and then attack me for not posting substance? Fuck off, bitch.
Your linked article shares NONE of your take or your right wing pea brain views...oh, I take that back. both mention Iran

You were trying to pass off YOUR pea brain Obama HIT piece as a NY Times article...You are a SCUM BAG !!!

Actually not, but thanks for stopping by.

Now I suggest you further your studies of your own nation's recent history, particularly the interesting links between JFK and the neoconservative movement...
of course, if you hadn't provided a link to anything, they would have just dismissed it off hand

I know. Damn lefties always dismiss links out of hand without reading them. Like the guy who said this:

so, the puffington post says it so it MUST be true

thanks for showing how fucking braindead you really are

Consistency fail, bitch.
It has everything to do with the Huntington Post. The headline in the H-post says that neocons are rooting for our enemies. they back that up by saying that TWO count em TWO neocons made that statement. So now that trash-whore Maggie says everyone who KNEW obama's speeches would have zero impact on the outcome of the election is supporting our enemies.
Mousavi uses Obama's words, therefore Obama made a difference. Obamabot (nice way of calling you Obama's bitch.)

Moron. I don't give a shit about their opinions, I was pointing to them because they listed the neocon shitheads who supported Ahmadinejad. You and your retarded right-wing bitches can't seem to get past the fact that its *gasp* the huffington post. Maybe its because you know that if you actually read the damn thing, you wouldn't have anything to say in response.

like I said, we'll start quoting Hannity's site, then.
hey, how about we find stuff on the freerepublic
its as reliable as the puffington post
Oy. Another retarded article that assumes that the election was free and fair.

Another mindless leftbot troll who can't address the topic with anything more than a deflection.

I'm sorry, do you actually have anything to say about the topic? Or are you just going around trashing lefties because you are too stupid to form an opinion other than "lefties are evil!"?

You come in here and post no substance and then attack me for not posting substance? Fuck off, bitch.

Aw what's the matter, did chris refuse to use lube again last night?

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