Iranian chief nuclear scientist assassinated

We don’t know who did it lol
You really think it was Larry David ??
Galt, you didn't tell us that you have Jewish hit teams after you! :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe you ???
You go to either the general or super specific store ; then then a high speed motorcycle appears with an UZI

He even had several body guards !
Do you approve of these assassinations ???
Wait a minute, isnt Iran the homeland of Islamic terrorism? Did Iran go out and kill their own?

No. Saudi Arabia is the home of Islamic terrorism.

He even had several body guards !
Do you approve of these assassinations ???
Wait a minute, isnt Iran the homeland of Islamic terrorism? Did Iran go out and kill their own?

No. Saudi Arabia is the home of Islamic terrorism.
So Iran is just a Terrorists state that sponsors terrorism?
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
And Obammy the brown turd and 1/2 white faggot, who did he kill again?

Oh yeah, Osuma bin Obama, and Mohammar Kaddafi Obama, all relatives of his.
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
As for scientists and military leaders afre killed(you said it not me) it will be Joe Bite Me Biden again, just like it was when Fort Hood, San Bernardino and Orlando all had people gunned down under Joe XiBidens watch....
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
And Obammy the brown turd and 1/2 white faggot, who did he kill again?

Oh yeah, Osuma bin Obama, and Mohammar Kaddafi Obama, all relatives of his.

Bin Laden was a terrorist leader whom Bush & Obama pursued with military action .

The Iranian that Trump killed was a Iranian government official and the scientist was a scientist not associated with killing anyone.

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