Iranian chief nuclear scientist assassinated

Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.

Obama says hold my beer
Iran is actually a peace loving country.
But the rogue state of Israel is constantly threatening and terrorizing Iran with illegal military airstrikes and assassinations. ... :cool:

Let me fix that for you...

Iranian people are peace loving people.

The religious extremists mullahs on the other hand, are evil fanatics, very different from Iranian people.
Let me fix it for you...

Trumpsters are the evil fanatics, very different from the normal Bidon peace-loving Americans.

who threw you peanuts?
Charlie Brown!
And well Israel should!
Iranian Gov't constantly preaches death to Israel and the U.S., but you never hear this in return from the official Gov't's of Israel and the U.S..
It was Iran and Egypt that first proposed a nuclear free weapons zone in the Middle East; how did Israel and the US respond to that initiative?

Middle East nuclear weapon free zone - Wikipedia

"The Middle East nuclear weapon free zone (MENWFZ) is a proposed agreement similar to other nuclear-weapon-free zones.

"Steps towards the establishment of such a zone began in the 1960s led to a joint declaration by Egypt and Iran in 1974 which resulted in a General Assembly resolution (broadened in 1990 through the Mubarak Initiative to cover all weapons of mass destruction)."


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Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.
And Obammy the brown turd and 1/2 white faggot, who did he kill again?

Oh yeah, Osuma bin Obama, and Mohammar Kaddafi Obama, all relatives of his.

Bin Laden was a terrorist leader whom Bush & Obama pursued with military action .

The Iranian that Trump killed was a Iranian government official and the scientist was a scientist not associated with killing anyone.

He was in a war zone and Iran was poking the bear
Iran is actually a peace loving country.
But the rogue state of Israel is constantly threatening and terrorizing Iran with illegal military airstrikes and assassinations. ... :cool:

Let me fix that for you...

Iranian people are peace loving people.

The religious extremists mullahs on the other hand, are evil fanatics, very different from Iranian people.
Let me fix it for you...

Trumpsters are the evil fanatics, very different from the normal Bidon peace-loving Americans.

who threw you peanuts?
Charlie Brown!

Iran is actually a peace loving country.
But the rogue state of Israel is constantly threatening and terrorizing Iran with illegal military airstrikes and assassinations. ... :cool:

Let me fix that for you...

Iranian people are peace loving people.

The religious extremists mullahs on the other hand, are evil fanatics, very different from Iranian people.
Let me fix it for you...

Trumpsters are the evil fanatics, very different from the normal Bidon peace-loving Americans. are making me laugh so hard I am crying........

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

The democrat party and in particular the clintons, and now the bidens are neck deep with the Chinese communists.....the country that is committing genocide against Chinese Muslims and running their labor sector with slave labor............

You really are too stupid to take care of yourself.......your nurse needs a raise.
I'm no Intelligence expert and I understand their thinking to deal with this threat before it becomes much bigger but I disagree with this approach. Bear with me, as I approach both positions. I personally think this approach hurts Israel more than it helps them. If it was in retaliation for a specific attack by Iran, maybe it can be justified, but not just the aggressor. They've done this before years ago. Did it work then? I don't know. Who knows?

These types of attacks should only be used against someone who is personally involved in murdering your citizens, not a guy, often forced by government; to work on their governments ambitions. That had always been Israels position, before these nuclear ambitions, which seemed to have forced their hand.

First, say what you want about a man doing what he does for his country, but, he's just an employee. Some schlep hired by the government to help them. He isn't the decision maker, so you are just bombing regular citizens who are now martyred, even if he didn't want to be. He will be replaced by others and you buy, what, three months time?

Second, and this is a big deal, it allows the Iranian government to have more support for a hardline approach to enemies and ensures citizens rally around them. Even those who despise the Iranian government now feel an internal desire to assist them due to a foreign power murdering a citizen on their soil.

This cannot be overstated. It was the same issue with Palestinians who bombed an Israeli cafe years ago. One of the women they killed was actually an Israeli woman involved in a group seeking peace. That group, surely didn't have a stomach for such a position afterwards. Israel responded aggressively time and again by bombing terrorists, so, it hurt the terrorists and their cause far more than it hurt Israel.

Third, it provides the argument for their enemies to side with nations like China and to justify their own activities. I have little love lost for the Iranian government, but in the long run, I don't see how this hurts the Iranian government long term. They will retaliate, and we won't know about it. When you lose the higher ground you can rarely recover it.

From a practical standpoint, this attack was probably in the works for some time in the event Trump lost the election. Once Trump lost, Israel acted quickly. If Trump had clearly won, I wonder if they wouldn't have just allowed the U.S to apply pressure through Trump to bring Iran to the table for a more solid, secure deal for the region and world.

Israel has been quite clear, they simply do not want to deal with Iran under the old U.S/Iran nuclear terms. They have always told the world, "we will defend ourselves any way we deem necessary" and they have been outspoken about their dislike for the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

In fairness, we don't live in their neighbourhood, so we don't directly feel the impact of such a deal. I often wonder if the China alliance and some in the West willing to bend for the Communists hasn't clouded the judgement of negotiating with Iran from a position of weakness, even meekness. Maybe a more secure, reliable and enforceable deal could have avoided this. This might be a precursor of many such activities to come in the next few years.
Your logic is silly... If Bill Clinton had taken out Usama Bin Laden when he had a chance years before September 11 th then it never would have happened... By Israel or someone else taking out this guy they buy themselves more time for either the people of a Iran to remove this despicable government or some other means can be found to stop them... By the way Iran is not even ruled by a fellow Iranian and Iranians must hate that after all Khameni is from Azerbaijan so how much more do they despise the ones who rule them...

Obama was directly guiding terror against America, including attacks against U.S embassies long before 9/11. This guy was not. This makes Iranians more loyal to the regime, instead of calling them out for their abuses. You don't take out Bin Laden by whacking the mechanic in the town beside him who happened to work on his vehicle.

The road to success in the Middle East for Israel is the same path they took the last year. Agreements with old enemies, building alliances and telling the world they are the only democratic country in the M.E.

I don't know all the issues there. I do know that Israel killed a couple of scientists when Obama was in power, and if I recalled correctly it slowed down the Iran Nuke Deal, but, also may have allowed Iran to push for a "softer" deal in the end.

If Biden comes into office, they will use the same argument again in any discussions. In fact, Brennan has already publicly called out this attack, an unheard of position by a former government official (Obamas former government officials have been WAY too vocal the last four year in my opinion) which is a signal of what Israel can expect from Biden.

Look, neither you or I are experts in this, at least not behind the scenes to understand all of the circumstances and considerations. Without knowing all the specifics, I believe this is a short sighted approach. The better approach is to isolate Iran and create economic pressure against them while building alliances in the region. The same approach, I believe the U.S should take with China, but with more force.

Israel can do this time and again, I'd argue it's not nearly as effective long term as other approaches.
I'm no Intelligence expert and I understand their thinking to deal with this threat before it becomes much bigger but I disagree with this approach. Bear with me, as I approach both positions. I personally think this approach hurts Israel more than it helps them. If it was in retaliation for a specific attack by Iran, maybe it can be justified, but not just the aggressor. They've done this before years ago. Did it work then? I don't know. Who knows?

These types of attacks should only be used against someone who is personally involved in murdering your citizens, not a guy, often forced by government; to work on their governments ambitions. That had always been Israels position, before these nuclear ambitions, which seemed to have forced their hand.

First, say what you want about a man doing what he does for his country, but, he's just an employee. Some schlep hired by the government to help them. He isn't the decision maker, so you are just bombing regular citizens who are now martyred, even if he didn't want to be. He will be replaced by others and you buy, what, three months time?

Second, and this is a big deal, it allows the Iranian government to have more support for a hardline approach to enemies and ensures citizens rally around them. Even those who despise the Iranian government now feel an internal desire to assist them due to a foreign power murdering a citizen on their soil.

This cannot be overstated. It was the same issue with Palestinians who bombed an Israeli cafe years ago. One of the women they killed was actually an Israeli woman involved in a group seeking peace. That group, surely didn't have a stomach for such a position afterwards. Israel responded aggressively time and again by bombing terrorists, so, it hurt the terrorists and their cause far more than it hurt Israel.

Third, it provides the argument for their enemies to side with nations like China and to justify their own activities. I have little love lost for the Iranian government, but in the long run, I don't see how this hurts the Iranian government long term. They will retaliate, and we won't know about it. When you lose the higher ground you can rarely recover it.

From a practical standpoint, this attack was probably in the works for some time in the event Trump lost the election. Once Trump lost, Israel acted quickly. If Trump had clearly won, I wonder if they wouldn't have just allowed the U.S to apply pressure through Trump to bring Iran to the table for a more solid, secure deal for the region and world.

Israel has been quite clear, they simply do not want to deal with Iran under the old U.S/Iran nuclear terms. They have always told the world, "we will defend ourselves any way we deem necessary" and they have been outspoken about their dislike for the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

In fairness, we don't live in their neighbourhood, so we don't directly feel the impact of such a deal. I often wonder if the China alliance and some in the West willing to bend for the Communists hasn't clouded the judgement of negotiating with Iran from a position of weakness, even meekness. Maybe a more secure, reliable and enforceable deal could have avoided this. This might be a precursor of many such activities to come in the next few years.
Your logic is silly... If Bill Clinton had taken out Usama Bin Laden when he had a chance years before September 11 th then it never would have happened... By Israel or someone else taking out this guy they buy themselves more time for either the people of a Iran to remove this despicable government or some other means can be found to stop them... By the way Iran is not even ruled by a fellow Iranian and Iranians must hate that after all Khameni is from Azerbaijan so how much more do they despise the ones who rule them...

Obama was directly guiding terror against America, including attacks against U.S embassies long before 9/11. This guy was not. This makes Iranians more loyal to the regime, instead of calling them out for their abuses. You don't take out Bin Laden by whacking the mechanic in the town beside him who happened to work on his vehicle.

The road to success in the Middle East for Israel is the same path they took the last year. Agreements with old enemies, building alliances and telling the world they are the only democratic country in the M.E.

I don't know all the issues there. I do know that Israel killed a couple of scientists when Obama was in power, and if I recalled correctly it slowed down the Iran Nuke Deal, but, also may have allowed Iran to push for a "softer" deal in the end.

If Biden comes into office, they will use the same argument again in any discussions. In fact, Brennan has already publicly called out this attack, an unheard of position by a former government official (Obamas former government officials have been WAY too vocal the last four year in my opinion) which is a signal of what Israel can expect from Biden.

Look, neither you or I are experts in this, at least not behind the scenes to understand all of the circumstances and considerations. Without knowing all the specifics, I believe this is a short sighted approach. The better approach is to isolate Iran and create economic pressure against them while building alliances in the region. The same approach, I believe the U.S should take with China, but with more force.

Israel can do this time and again, I'd argue it's not nearly as effective long term as other approaches.
The soft approach does not work... Respect and caution by your enemies is gained when they see you will punish them harshly... You are living in a country that is protected by vast oceans and a benevolent neighbour to the south. You can afford to be soft and weak in your response Israel cannot she is surrounded by sworn enemies who wish her nothing but ill and need I remind you that most of her original citizens were either forcibly removed from their native lands Or were the remains of those that were killed outright for being different from their hosts...Israel is doing the right thing for her and will always....She doesn’t need to apologize to anyone ...We do not know who killed this guy but he certainly wasn’t working on the means to improve the average guys life therefore he was working on something that would harm others and he knew the risks but continued in his evil ways. He did not atone or walk away therefore he is fair game for those who would have suffered at his hands if he was successful in his endevears. People respect strength they walk over those that show weakness remember that the next a bully approaches you and tries to harm either you or yours...
I'm no Intelligence expert and I understand their thinking to deal with this threat before it becomes much bigger but I disagree with this approach. Bear with me, as I approach both positions. I personally think this approach hurts Israel more than it helps them. If it was in retaliation for a specific attack by Iran, maybe it can be justified, but not just the aggressor. They've done this before years ago. Did it work then? I don't know. Who knows?

These types of attacks should only be used against someone who is personally involved in murdering your citizens, not a guy, often forced by government; to work on their governments ambitions. That had always been Israels position, before these nuclear ambitions, which seemed to have forced their hand.

First, say what you want about a man doing what he does for his country, but, he's just an employee. Some schlep hired by the government to help them. He isn't the decision maker, so you are just bombing regular citizens who are now martyred, even if he didn't want to be. He will be replaced by others and you buy, what, three months time?

Second, and this is a big deal, it allows the Iranian government to have more support for a hardline approach to enemies and ensures citizens rally around them. Even those who despise the Iranian government now feel an internal desire to assist them due to a foreign power murdering a citizen on their soil.

This cannot be overstated. It was the same issue with Palestinians who bombed an Israeli cafe years ago. One of the women they killed was actually an Israeli woman involved in a group seeking peace. That group, surely didn't have a stomach for such a position afterwards. Israel responded aggressively time and again by bombing terrorists, so, it hurt the terrorists and their cause far more than it hurt Israel.

Third, it provides the argument for their enemies to side with nations like China and to justify their own activities. I have little love lost for the Iranian government, but in the long run, I don't see how this hurts the Iranian government long term. They will retaliate, and we won't know about it. When you lose the higher ground you can rarely recover it.

From a practical standpoint, this attack was probably in the works for some time in the event Trump lost the election. Once Trump lost, Israel acted quickly. If Trump had clearly won, I wonder if they wouldn't have just allowed the U.S to apply pressure through Trump to bring Iran to the table for a more solid, secure deal for the region and world.

Israel has been quite clear, they simply do not want to deal with Iran under the old U.S/Iran nuclear terms. They have always told the world, "we will defend ourselves any way we deem necessary" and they have been outspoken about their dislike for the Iranian Nuclear Deal.

In fairness, we don't live in their neighbourhood, so we don't directly feel the impact of such a deal. I often wonder if the China alliance and some in the West willing to bend for the Communists hasn't clouded the judgement of negotiating with Iran from a position of weakness, even meekness. Maybe a more secure, reliable and enforceable deal could have avoided this. This might be a precursor of many such activities to come in the next few years.
Your logic is silly... If Bill Clinton had taken out Usama Bin Laden when he had a chance years before September 11 th then it never would have happened... By Israel or someone else taking out this guy they buy themselves more time for either the people of a Iran to remove this despicable government or some other means can be found to stop them... By the way Iran is not even ruled by a fellow Iranian and Iranians must hate that after all Khameni is from Azerbaijan so how much more do they despise the ones who rule them...

Obama was directly guiding terror against America, including attacks against U.S embassies long before 9/11. This guy was not. This makes Iranians more loyal to the regime, instead of calling them out for their abuses. You don't take out Bin Laden by whacking the mechanic in the town beside him who happened to work on his vehicle.

The road to success in the Middle East for Israel is the same path they took the last year. Agreements with old enemies, building alliances and telling the world they are the only democratic country in the M.E.

I don't know all the issues there. I do know that Israel killed a couple of scientists when Obama was in power, and if I recalled correctly it slowed down the Iran Nuke Deal, but, also may have allowed Iran to push for a "softer" deal in the end.

If Biden comes into office, they will use the same argument again in any discussions. In fact, Brennan has already publicly called out this attack, an unheard of position by a former government official (Obamas former government officials have been WAY too vocal the last four year in my opinion) which is a signal of what Israel can expect from Biden.

Look, neither you or I are experts in this, at least not behind the scenes to understand all of the circumstances and considerations. Without knowing all the specifics, I believe this is a short sighted approach. The better approach is to isolate Iran and create economic pressure against them while building alliances in the region. The same approach, I believe the U.S should take with China, but with more force.

Israel can do this time and again, I'd argue it's not nearly as effective long term as other approaches.
The soft approach does not work... Respect and caution by your enemies is gained when they see you will punish them harshly... You are living in a country that is protected by vast oceans and a benevolent neighbour to the south. You can afford to be soft and weak in your response Israel cannot she is surrounded by sworn enemies who wish her nothing but ill and need I remind you that most of her original citizens were either forcibly removed from their native lands Or were the remains of those that were killed outright for being different from their hosts...Israel is doing the right thing for her and will always....She doesn’t need to apologize to anyone ...We do not know who killed this guy but he certainly wasn’t working on the means to improve the average guys life therefore he was working on something that would harm others and he knew the risks but continued in his evil ways. He did not atone or walk away therefore he is fair game for those who would have suffered at his hands if he was successful in his endevears. People respect strength they walk over those that show weakness remember that the next a bully approaches you and tries to harm either you or yours...

You're right in one respect. The greatest threat to Canadians are the covert police and their lineage.
I thought it was Trudeau and his globalist ways. Reminds me of the frog in the pot( no disrespect to French canadians) You know the story if you leave the frog in there and turn up the heat slowly he doesn’t jump out till itis too late but if you place him in the boiling water he will jump out right away... Seems like we are all frogs being slowly boiled to death by our rights being taken away one by one the longer this crisis is allowed to simmer and boil...
I thought it was Trudeau and his globalist ways. Reminds me of the frog in the pot( no disrespect to French canadians) You know the story if you leave the frog in there and turn up the heat slowly he doesn’t jump out till itis too late but if you place him in the boiling water he will jump out right away... Seems like we are all frogs being slowly boiled to death by our rights being taken away one by one the longer this crisis is allowed to simmer and boil...

The abuses of Canadian police aren't the doing of Trudeau, it's inherent in the Canadian system. One that refuses to evolve and adapt to the global system based on competition and innovation.

So, police from Toronto to the RCMP do as they please, as politicians allow them, as long as they leave them alone. The rest of us have to deal with them on our own, it's Open Season on any other Canadian, especially if born poor.
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.

Fuck Iran. What are they gonna do? Launch their flotilla of bass fishing boats? :blowpop:
Mossad the Israeli Intelligence Service is no doubt responsible....again!

You are condoning murder and don't say itis justified cos of Iranian terrorism, the guy was a civilian.

These wrongdoings have a habit of coming back on the perpetrators, remember 9/11.

Some people deserve to be assassinated.
That's why Obama droned a U.S. citizen overseas.
Even he knew that!
Nobody 'deserves to be assassinated unless caught in the act of being about to kill someone else.
Designing a NUCLEAR BOMB to attack Israel with is an act of war he was a fair target.
Just because he was a nuclear scientist doesn't mean he was working on a nuclear bomb.
If there is evidence there are international institutions to deal with it. They may not always be that efficient but they are all we have got and sure beat uncivilised murder.

This was civilized killing, not murder. Murder would be if this guy was an innocent, but he worked for the leading state sponsor of terrorism around the world.

I swear, you fucking left wing asshats will fight tooth and nail to protect the worst monsters of the world, and then accuse good men and women of being the problem...

You are fucking insane.
No, you work for the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world the USA and the CIA who have been responsible for causing more wars and putting more despotic dictatorships killing their people since WWll.
than any other power in history.

You people from 2nd rate countries are so live in a world protected by the blood and treasure of the United States, keeping China from taking over your country and forcing you to all make I-phones, like the millenials living in your parents basement, eating snack foods and playing video games while the adults keep you safe and provide for your every need...

You really are cute when you are acting really stupid....
You support the illegal murder of civilians in foreign countries thus YOU ARE A TERRORIST!
I think that and your love of guns makes you particularly dangerous especially with a President you loath in office. The US authorities should keep a close eye on you before you 'turn' and become the next Timothy McVeigh.

Bidon taking away your guns would be a good first step.

And the child has a tantrum on the left wing asshats will shill for every mass murdering regime out there, then smear anyone who calls you out on would be simpler if you just allowed us to protect you and just said thank you.....
Fuck off! You can't protect yourself from the worst pandemic America has ever faced - NO not Covid but Trumpist ideology!

Blah, Blah, Blah, posts the Kiwi idiot who lives under the protection of the United States, lives under the innovative miracles of the United States, then bitches about everything we do to keep them safe....

Whiny ass little babies are all you morons are...........

If not for the U.S. you would be speaking Chinese and making I-phones in Chinese run labor camps.
You started with the bogeyman Muslim terrorists but having been sent packing with that you wheel out the Chinese bogeyman. How many more lurk in that insecure mental closet of yours?
Typical hysterical British buffoon
Probably Israel. They & Trump have started the assassination protocol if they don't like what another country is doing.

When our scientists & military leaders afre killed, you will know who to blame.

Fuck Iran. What are they gonna do? Launch their flotilla of bass fishing boats? :blowpop:
Mossad the Israeli Intelligence Service is no doubt responsible....again!

You are condoning murder and don't say itis justified cos of Iranian terrorism, the guy was a civilian.

These wrongdoings have a habit of coming back on the perpetrators, remember 9/11.

Some people deserve to be assassinated.
That's why Obama droned a U.S. citizen overseas.
Even he knew that!
Nobody 'deserves to be assassinated unless caught in the act of being about to kill someone else.
Designing a NUCLEAR BOMB to attack Israel with is an act of war he was a fair target.
Just because he was a nuclear scientist doesn't mean he was working on a nuclear bomb.
If there is evidence there are international institutions to deal with it. They may not always be that efficient but they are all we have got and sure beat uncivilised murder.

This was civilized killing, not murder. Murder would be if this guy was an innocent, but he worked for the leading state sponsor of terrorism around the world.

I swear, you fucking left wing asshats will fight tooth and nail to protect the worst monsters of the world, and then accuse good men and women of being the problem...

You are fucking insane.
No, you work for the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world the USA and the CIA who have been responsible for causing more wars and putting more despotic dictatorships killing their people since WWll.
than any other power in history.

You people from 2nd rate countries are so live in a world protected by the blood and treasure of the United States, keeping China from taking over your country and forcing you to all make I-phones, like the millenials living in your parents basement, eating snack foods and playing video games while the adults keep you safe and provide for your every need...

You really are cute when you are acting really stupid....
You support the illegal murder of civilians in foreign countries thus YOU ARE A TERRORIST!
I think that and your love of guns makes you particularly dangerous especially with a President you loath in office. The US authorities should keep a close eye on you before you 'turn' and become the next Timothy McVeigh.

Bidon taking away your guns would be a good first step.

And the child has a tantrum on the left wing asshats will shill for every mass murdering regime out there, then smear anyone who calls you out on would be simpler if you just allowed us to protect you and just said thank you.....
Fuck off! You can't protect yourself from the worst pandemic America has ever faced - NO not Covid but Trumpist ideology!
Come to 5th World UK :
Enjoy the worst food on the planet
Enjoy our 10 months of rain
Nah ..we don’t have any dentist !!!
Come get acid tossed in your face by a nice Muslim

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