Iranian Bastards Holding Christian Pastor: 8 YEAR sentence (they do this regularly)

Since undercover work has shown that many mosques here in the U.S. preach violence,
Silly-Sally, I assume you have a :link: to back that up. ... :cool:

Why, Mr. Cuckoo, I would think that you were capable of googling this. Try it for a few minutes. I am certain you will find something. Then you can tell us if we should imprison the Muslim clergy the same way the Iranians do the Christian pastors.
I think it is wonderful how a Sunni who hates the Shia, which the Iranians are, is now sticking up for them. This is how all Muslims stick together even if they hate each other for belonging to the wrong sect.
Incorrect nitwit.

If a Russian, Chinaman, African, etc. came here and broke US. law.

I have No problem seeing him sent to prison.

Now do you understand?? .. :cool:
Since undercover work has shown that many mosques here in the U.S. preach violence,
Silly-Sally, I assume you have a :link: to back that up. ... :cool:

Why, Mr. Sunni Man, I would think that you were capable of googling this. Try it for a few minutes. I am certain you will find something. Then you can tell us if we should imprison the Muslim clergy the same way the Iranians do the Christian pastors.
Silly-Sally, you are the one who made the statement; so the onus is on you to provide evidence to back up your claim.

That's how it works........ :cool:
I think it is wonderful how a Sunni who hates the Shia, which the Iranians are, is now sticking up for them. This is how all Muslims stick together even if they hate each other for belonging to the wrong sect.
Incorrect nitwit.

If a Russian, Chinaman, African, etc. came here and broke US. law.

I have No problem seeing him sent to prison.

Now do you understand?? .. :cool:

But, Sunni Man, the readers have already perceived how you hate the Shia so you really are making a big hullabaloo sticking up for them here now. Perhaps you can tell us what the Iranians are afraid of if someone is a Christian or Baha'i and tells about his faith? In fact, what are the other Muslim countries afraid of?
Christianity has always been spread, throughout the history of Christianity, through the persecution of Christians.

You mean you are not going to use your influence to get this man released as well as the other one who is very ill and was just sentenced to prison? No doubt the Pastor's wife and young children don't want to see their father persecuted (they are probably better Christians than Mrs. Sherr), but Mrs. Sherri doesn't mind at all what is happening with any pastor imprisoned by Iran. Maybe when some radical Mullah is arrested in the U.S. or Europe, thenn she will be up in arms.

HE knew the risks he was taking from the onset and he chose to do it. What he is facing is his destiny, who am I to change that? It would be like trying to stop/save Jesus from crucifixion, saving the Apostle Paul from his death as a martyr, stopping/saving all the Martyrs of Christianity from Martyrdom from the beginning of Christianity.

What I do is pray for God's will to be done in this man's life and pray for better diplomatic relations between the US and Iran. With better relations, we actually have a better ability to encourage Iran to respect human rights of her people, to include political prisoners and prisoners jailed for their religious beliefs.

You are more full of shit than a constipated 3 year olds pamper.:eusa_liar:
I think it is wonderful how a Sunni who hates the Shia, which the Iranians are, is now sticking up for them. This is how all Muslims stick together even if they hate each other for belonging to the wrong sect.
Incorrect nitwit.

If a Russian, Chinaman, African, etc. came here and broke US. law.

I have No problem seeing him sent to prison.

Now do you understand?? .. :cool:

But, Sunni Man, the readers have already perceived how you hate the Shia so you really are making a big hullabaloo sticking up for them here now. Perhaps you can tell us what the Iranians are afraid of if someone is a Christian or Baha'i and tells about his faith? In fact, what are the other Muslim countries afraid of?
Why don't you ask them yourself?

I remember the tall tales you have told about rescuing Iranians and all the personal friends you have who fled Iran. .. :eusa_liar:

Surely, they could answer your questions better than I could. ... :eusa_whistle:
Incorrect nitwit.

If a Russian, Chinaman, African, etc. came here and broke US. law.

I have No problem seeing him sent to prison.

Now do you understand?? .. :cool:

But, Sunni Man, the readers have already perceived how you hate the Shia so you really are making a big hullabaloo sticking up for them here now. Perhaps you can tell us what the Iranians are afraid of if someone is a Christian or Baha'i and tells about his faith? In fact, what are the other Muslim countries afraid of?
Why don't you ask them yourself?

I remember the tall tales you have told about rescuing Iranians and all the personal friends you have who fled Iran. .. :eusa_liar:

Surely, they could answer your questions better than I could. ... :eusa_whistle:

Yes, Sunni Man would have preferred that no Americans went into Iran and rescued those who wanted to leave, no matter what religion they were. He would have rather they live under those Iranian crazies. I guess he should think up an excuses for all those thousands and thousands Iranian Muslims who left for other parts of the world because they didn't want to live under those crazies. For someone who was raised in the U.S. and have seen that people can practice any religion they chose, it is very sad to see a Muslim convert have no compassion for those who are jailed in Muslim countries just because of their beliefs. Since you hate the Shia and I have known in the past many Iranians not only in my own neighborhood but also at work, I heard enough stories from them and evidently you have not.
I have known in the past many Iranians not only in my own neighborhood but also at work, I heard enough stories from them and evidently you have not.
Then why don't you ask them your lame questions?

I am sure they would be happy to humor you. ... :cool:

They have already told me that they don't want to live under those religious nuts. Apparently you close your eyes to the thousands of Iranians who left when these nuts took over. Even many Muslims didn't want to live under them. There were some fathers who stayed because they had businesses, but they sent the wives and children out and sent them money which they earned from their business.
Don't go where you don't belong. And if you do decide to, you have to accept the not so pleasant possibilities. It is what it is.
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Apparently you close your eyes to the thousands of Iranians who left when these nuts took over.
Seriously, it makes zero difference to me if some Iranians turned traitor to their country and moved. ... :cool:

So, then, I guess you feel that all Sunni Muslims who have left their countries to go to America, Canada and Europe are traitors too. Better tell some of the people in your mosque that they are traitors.
So, then, I guess you feel that all Sunni Muslims who have left their countries to go to America, Canada and Europe are traitors too. Better tell some of the people in your mosque that they are traitors.
Difference is:

The people who fled Iran came here as refugees and renounced their citizenship.

Whereas, most Sunni muslims immigrated legally for economic or educational opportunities.

And can visit their former country anytime they desire. ... :cool:
Apparently you close your eyes to the thousands of Iranians who left when these nuts took over.
Seriously, it makes zero difference to me if some Iranians turned traitor to their country and moved. ... :cool:
So anybody who leaves from oppression and persecution is a "traitor"?

So, then, I guess you feel that all Sunni Muslims who have left their countries to go to America, Canada and Europe are traitors too. Better tell some of the people in your mosque that they are traitors.
Difference is:

The people who fled Iran came here as refugees and renounced their citizenship.

Whereas, most Sunni muslims immigrated legally for economic or educational opportunities.

And can visit their former country anytime they desire. ... :cool:
Sunni Muslims don't apply for US citizenship, DIPSHIT? Ha ha ha.

What a fucken moron.
So, then, I guess you feel that all Sunni Muslims who have left their countries to go to America, Canada and Europe are traitors too. Better tell some of the people in your mosque that they are traitors.
Difference is:

The people who fled Iran came here as refugees and renounced their citizenship.

Whereas, most Sunni muslims immigrated legally for economic or educational opportunities.

And can visit their former country anytime they desire. ... :cool:

Isn't that strange then how Muslim Iranians here go back to the old country to visit the relatives, and the relatives come here to visit in turn. Yeah, many Sunnis comes here because they are starving and go on welfare like the Somalis. Years ago there were two separate articles, one quoting the mayor of a small town in Texas and the other from a small town in the New England area. These nice Sunni Muslims were busting the town budgets because of welfare. Meanwhile, many of those who came from Iran are now highly successful businessman, doctors, lawyers, etc. in the U.S.
These people being stereotyped are all individuals with their own individual stories of why they left their countries and came to the US and became citizens here.

Among Iranian friends and family members, I am familiar with a wide range of individual stories, even of a man who is my husband's cousin who converted to Christianity and was granted asylum. And I know of another cousin who came here to study and simply stayed , it had not been his original plan, because the Revolution came about and he did not want to go back to military service and the war that followed. A friend of my husband who was very wealthy had properties seized and left. Years later they, the parents but not their kids, went back, the government gave people back their properties and businesses .
previously seized.

People left out of fear, and they sent their kids out of the country out of a belief there were greater opportunities for their kids elsewhere. So, my husband has other cousins here, too. One aunt sent her only two kids out of Iran, one to the US and one to Canada. She spends a lot of time visiting them.

I would call none of them traitors. I believe most have Iranian and US citizenship.
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Years ago there were two separate articles, one quoting the mayor of a small town in Texas and the other from a small town in the New England area. These nice Sunni Muslims were busting the town budgets because of welfare.
Don't know about the town in Texas.

But the one in NE is Lewiston, Maine.

Since the Somali people resettled there due to the civil war a dozen years ago.

They have revitilized the formerly run down mill town.

The local economy has started to boom because the somali people opened new businesses.

And the state of Maine has opened a new extension to their university system in Lewiston due to increased enrollment. .... :cool:

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