Excuse me mate.. Iran is enriching Uranium. The buggers could have the required 30-35% enriched Uranium to equip small warheads into their Shahab Missiles. And since the Shahabs have a max range of 2000 km this puts Isarel and U.S bases in the Gulf in deep trouble. Iran can get the required enriched bomb grade uranium in the next 2 -3 years.
There is much propaganda in this world.
Why should Iran attack US Bases with missiles? What lies behind this logic and what gains and what loses Iran by such a step?
You have to think logically:
The only reason Iran wants to advance to a nuclear armed state is, that it will become untouchable, and therefore can adopt a more aggressive stance in forming the region like it wants.
That Iran gets nuclear and then attacks in Kamikaze-way Israel or US-bases is not that likely.
This is a irrational step, where Iran itself will get nuked.
Israel has some nuclear-capable submarines bought from Germany. Even when Israel if if if gets nuked by Iran, Israel will make Iran to a non-liveable zone.
In current situation Iran can not make everything it wants, because it can be accountable.
When Iran gets nuclear, it can try (i am not saying it has the capabilities) to destabilize Jordan, Saudi-Arabia even Afghanistan. And nobody can do anything against it, as Iran will be militarily untouchable.
Being in nuclear armed status means, that you are the player in the region and you have the upper hand against other states and you can, even if you don't success, try to export your regime or your "modelling of the region" in to the neighbour area.
It is all about interest. Iran is currently in no position to advance to a leader state in the region, as there are more powerfull states.
All the Anti-American polemic by Iran is off course of economic reasons, too.
Iranians have no quality products for export. Their products are not competitive on world market. Besides, they mostly expport reccources.
By adopting Anti-American policies Iran establishes economic agreements with states which like the USA also not.
For example Iran produces a car called Samand. This car is real bullshit and is mostly only for Iranian market.
To international customers it is bullshit.
The few countries Iran exports this car is Venezuela and Belarus.
All states the USA has no good relations to, Iran intensifies cooperation on multiple areas. And economy is one of them where Iran gets chance to export its goods while to other states can't, as industrialized countries mostly only import pistachios and oil and natural gas from Iran.
So you can still believe Iran wants to get nuclear to erase Israel or attack US-bases. It is your view.
I view it, that Iran plans for future and eraseing Israel or US-bases will be a step where Iranian future will be erased.
So Iran makes nuclear plans for strengthening its role in the region and become a unique country to opress other countries, simply by being a nuclear power, and others are not.
And such a status will make Iranian future more attractive in handleing the region as it wants.