Iowa 2012 Power Rankings - What the MSM is keeping from you.


Economic and BlowBack Ace
Feb 11, 2009
Iowa 2012 GOP Presidential Power Rankings: Time is not on their side | Iowa Independent
The Name that shall not be mentioned is in 1st, and you think Herman Cain is the one being ganged up on from the media?

“Once again, baggage is creeping up on everyone else, but Paul is traveling lightly. When there’s so much negative coverage floating around, voters are going to turn to a guy like Paul who is seen as genuine, even among people who don’t agree with him on all the issues,” said one panelist.

Another added, “I don’t think polls accurately show his support, especially with young people, and he’s been advertising quite a bit. Plus I think he draws a different base of support than the anti-Romney, evangelical crowd.”

Although nearly
How about a round of applause for the staff at the Iowa Independent? :clap2: Running a nonbiased poll and keeping it up when someone other than an establishment favorite comes out on top. MSNBC and Fox News need to take notes on this.

I'm not surprised by these results and am glad to see how it's shaping out in Iowa, but I will be much happier if this translates into the actual primary voting. Besides Paul showing the most support, I was also not thrown off after seeing Rick Perry finishing outside the top 5. Why are you showering him with coverage again, MSM?
It is sickening yesterday watching Wolf Blitzer covering what happens to your brain when you have a Rick Perry moment. It would be surprising to see what the coverage would of been if this happened to a different candidate.

Fortunately, the majority of people know what is going on. Look at what is happening with Fox and CNBC trying to scramble and do damage control after the blowback from Bill's quazi presidential poll and CNBC after debate polling this week. The interesting thing the majority of people this time around aren't longtime Ron Paul supporters, but people that are just getting into political season and are noticing what's going on.
Iowa 2012 GOP Presidential Power Rankings: Time is not on their side | Iowa Independent
The Name that shall not be mentioned is in 1st, and you think Herman Cain is the one being ganged up on from the media?

“Once again, baggage is creeping up on everyone else, but Paul is traveling lightly. When there’s so much negative coverage floating around, voters are going to turn to a guy like Paul who is seen as genuine, even among people who don’t agree with him on all the issues,” said one panelist.

Another added, “I don’t think polls accurately show his support, especially with young people, and he’s been advertising quite a bit. Plus I think he draws a different base of support than the anti-Romney, evangelical crowd.”

Although nearly

McGovern also had a lot of support amongst young people, which carried him to..., the biggest defeat in recent history.

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