Inventor of mRNA Vaccines Says Fauci Killed 500,000 People by Deliberately Blocking Life-Savers Ivermectin/HCQ


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Fauci last week said that Tucker Carlson and others who criticize him are “killing people.” Afterwards, Dr. Malone, who did his work on mRNA technology while at the Salks Institute, and who did post-doc work at Harvard Medical School, struck back.

Dr. Robert Malone:

“Look Tony, there are over half a million deaths in the United States for this virus, completely unnecessary because the federal government has very actively blocked the ability of physicians to provide lifesaving medications early in the infection. They’ve set a policy where physicians aren’t supposed to be treating as outpatients, they’re only supposed to be treating as inpatients. And you only get admitted when your body is pretty effectively trashed by the virus. And so we have this high rate of dying.”

From studies linked to the FDA'S OWN WEBSITE.

FROM “Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of adding ivermectin to treatment in severe COVID-19 patients”
“According to the findings obtained, ivermectin can provide an increase in clinical recovery, improvement in prognostic laboratory parameters and a decrease in mortality rates even when used in patients with severe COVID-19. Consequently, ivermectin should be considered as an alternative drug that can be used in the treatment of COVID-19 disease or as an additional option to existing protocols.”

FROM “The effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms and humoral response in patients with non-severe COVID-19: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial”
“The positive signal found in this pilot warrants the conduction of larger trials using ivermectin for the early treatment of COVID-19.Such trials should include patients with risk factors for severe diseaseas well as patients with pneumonia. The potential for a mechanism of action different to direct antiviral effect also opens the door for preexposure prophylaxis in high-risk groups.”

FROM “Safety and Efficacy of the combined use of ivermectin, dexamethasone, enoxaparin and aspirin against COVID 19”
“we consider IDEA protocol to be a scientifically based, low-cost treatment and sustainable healthcare strategy with a favorable benefit-risk ratio, based on the results reported in this article: reduction in overall mortality to one fourth, reduction in mortality of hospitalized patients to one eighth and no progression of mild cases to moderate or severe cases.”

FROM “Use of Ivermectin as a Potential Chemoprophylaxis for COVID-19 in Egypt: A Randomized Clinical Trial”
“Ivermectin is suggested to be a promising effective chemoprophylactic drug against COVID-19. Ivermectin is inexpensive, available and quite safe drug. As this is the first report regarding use of ivermectin in COVID-19 prophylaxis, it is very appropriate to promptly and rigorously study this drug further.”


Fauci last week said that Tucker Carlson and others who criticize him are “killing people.” Afterwards, Dr. Malone, who did his work on mRNA technology while at the Salks Institute, and who did post-doc work at Harvard Medical School, struck back.

Dr. Robert Malone:

From studies linked to the FDA'S OWN WEBSITE.

So what? This guy is a quack that has no credibility anymore. Something went wrong with his brain.
So what? This guy is a quack that has no credibility anymore. Something went wrong with his brain.
Tell us all about how stupid he is. Where'd your MD or PhD come from? If there is EVER any evidence accumulated that proves that evil fecking gnome knew he was killing people, he'd be on a pretty short list of mass murderers. And people like YOU would still support him because you'd never admit you might have been WRONG. What does that make YOU?

Ever hear of Uttar Pradesh? Ever wonder why India and Africa didn't become mass graves even though they had extremely limited access to health care and very poor nutrition? You people make me ill.
Tell us all about how stupid he is.

He told a lot of idiot lies about the mRNA vaccines.

Now he is telling embarrassing, demonstrable lies about these snake oil opills.

So, naturally, you believe him. Because, for some reason, you think "believing the opposite of what the experts say" = "Smart!"

Which is a good summary of why this country is such an embarrassment, anymore.

This is being used against the WHO by India. They are criminally trying to prosecute the WHO for disinformation on Ivermectin causing the deaths of 10s of thousands of Indians..............

Our news is a freaking joke. So is our gov't.
Funniest thing:

The only authority on the planet who says Dr. Robert Malone invented mRNA vaccines is.... Dr. Malone.

Strange, he didn't seem to realize he did this, until recently. It doesn't appear in any of his bios before 2020.

So, of course, after this divine revelation about his own life's work, the proper thing to do was create a sock and edit a bunch of Wikipedia pages to put himself at the forefront of mRNA research. Of course, these revisions were all reversed, and his sock account was banned.

He is PERFECT for you gullible worms.

Until June 2020, the WHO’s definition of herd immunity, published in one of its Q&A pages on COVID-19, was in line with the widely accepted concept that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades. Here’s what it originally said: 18


“Herd immunity is the indirect protection against an infectious disease that occurs when a population is immune, either through vaccination or immunity developed through prior infection.”

The updated definition of herd immunity, which appeared in October 2020, read as follows:19

“‘Herd immunity,’ also known as ‘population immunity,’ is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a given virus if a vaccination threshold is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not exposing them to it.

If the definition doesn't suit the narrative......They just change the definition. Utter BS
So what? This guy is a quack that has no credibility anymore. Something went wrong with his brain.


He told a lot of idiot lies about the mRNA vaccines.

Now he is telling embarrassing, demonstrable lies about these snake oil opills.

So, naturally, you believe him. Because, for some reason, you think "believing the opposite of what the experts say" = "Smart!"

Which is a good summary of why this country is such an embarrassment, anymore.

Funniest thing:

The only authority on the planet who says Dr. Robert Malone invented mRNA vaccines is.... Dr. Malone.

Strange, he didn't seem to realize he did this, until recently. It doesn't appear in any of his bios before 2020.

So, of course, after this divine revelation about his own life's work, the proper thing to do was create a sock and edit a bunch of Wikipedia pages to put himself at the forefront of mRNA research. Of course, these revisions were all reversed, and his sock account was banned.

He is PERFECT for you gullible worms.
Father Government:
“Take your jab with a smile and don’t you dare ask questions you foolish sheep…because we said to.”
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Until June 2020, the WHO’s definition of herd immunity, published in one of its Q&A pages on COVID-19, was in line with the widely accepted concept that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades. Here’s what it originally said: 18


“Herd immunity is the indirect protection against an infectious disease that occurs when a population is immune, either through vaccination or immunity developed through prior infection.”

The updated definition of herd immunity, which appeared in October 2020, read as follows:19

“‘Herd immunity,’ also known as ‘population immunity,’ is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a given virus if a vaccination threshold is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not exposing them to it.

If the definition doesn't suit the narrative......They just change the definition. Utter BS
Wow,do you even know how to read? It doesn't say what the threshold is, because it is different for every virus.

You literally posted the information that makes you look dumb. You posted it. In your post.

Fauci last week said that Tucker Carlson and others who criticize him are “killing people.” Afterwards, Dr. Malone, who did his work on mRNA technology while at the Salks Institute, and who did post-doc work at Harvard Medical School, struck back.

Dr. Robert Malone:

From studies linked to the FDA'S OWN WEBSITE.

Malone is NOT "the inventor" of anything.

He worked on a project thirty years ago...that eventually lead to this technology.

Currently he's an anti-vaxxer quack
Funniest thing:

The only authority on the planet who says Dr. Robert Malone invented mRNA vaccines is.... Dr. Malone.

Strange, he didn't seem to realize he did this, until recently. It doesn't appear in any of his bios before 2020.
Malone is NOT "the inventor" of anything.

He worked on a project thirty years ago...that eventually lead to this technology.

Currently he's an anti-vaxxer quack
He did and they stole it from him. Salk Institute and Merck..........Since that time they tried many times and it failed OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Then they figured out how to use fats to sneek it into the body. But they never really tested it on Humans til now. They did very little human trilals with Ebola.

So what? This guy is a quack that has no credibility anymore. Something went wrong with his brain.

Malone is NOT "the inventor" of anything.

He worked on a project thirty years ago...that eventually lead to this technology.

Currently he's an anti-vaxxer quack

Where's your Phd and MD bro?
He did and they stole it from him. Salk Institute and Merck..........Since that time they tried many times and it failed OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Then they figured out how to use fats to sneek it into the body. But they never really tested it on Humans til now. They did very little human trilals with Ebola.

He hasn't worked on any of this in THREE DECADES you moron.

There was nothing to steal
He hasn't worked on any of this in THREE DECADES you moron.

There was nothing to steal
They stole the original patent for mRNA It's documented. They then tried many times for decades to actually use it. Haven't done so til now.

He actually took the jab.........but he warns it has problems........that could be dangerous. He pushes TREATMENT over the mRNA vaccines. FLCCC

He hasn't worked on any of this in THREE DECADES you moron.

You say that as though it means something. Many technologies are dusted off after years. Furthermore you are missing the entire point of the post. Regardless of Malone's role in mRNA invention, which cannot be denied, why did Fauci kill 500,000 people by denying them safe remedies? If you are rational, every time you hear that big number on TV you would think of Fauci.
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Fauci last week said that Tucker Carlson and others who criticize him are “killing people.” Afterwards, Dr. Malone, who did his work on mRNA technology while at the Salks Institute, and who did post-doc work at Harvard Medical School, struck back.

Dr. Robert Malone:

From studies linked to the FDA'S OWN WEBSITE.

Fauci: Nazi.

Just one reason Democrats adore him so much?
So what? This guy is a quack that has no credibility anymore. Something went wrong with his brain.


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