INTRIGUE IN IRAN: U.S./Israel Murder Iranian Nuclear Scientist...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
[ame=]Iranian Nuclear Scientists Bombed - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=]Car bomb kills Iranian 'nuclear scientist' - YouTube[/ame]
Why do you jump to conclusions and lay the blame on the US and Israel just like Ahmawhatchacallit?

THE WAR HAS BEGUN. We have troops moving into the area for a 'training mission' with Israel Russia knows what is going on and they are moving forces to defend Syria. China is talking shit to us now.

Are you people prepared for another global conflict?

If this is the case... and we're talking hypothetically... you know any 'conflict' would happen right before election time, right?
If Obama is behind this.... 'well done, Mr President'.

If obama knew, he would have undoubtaby given the details to Iran and stopped the attack. A man that would give the codes to control our drones to the Iraninans and Chinese is capable of anything.
If they were stupid enough to try that, I'd say we bomb them back to the stone age.... which would be about a decade in Iran's case. :lol:

Your smiley is an attestation to your disrespect to human life.
In my book there' is no difference between an American or Iranian, you make hardly any argument against why Iran shouldn't seek nuclear weapons given the mindset of its adversaries.
If Obama is behind this.... 'well done, Mr President'.

And if the Iranians start to assassinate US scientists, or engage in sabotage of US's nuclear facilities you'll start your blame-game of the "evil Iranians"?

If they were stupid enough to try that, I'd say we bomb them back to the stone age.... which would be about a decade in Iran's case. :lol:

Been watching Rush Limbaloney again CG ?
[ame=]The Real Iran the US Doesnt Want You to See - YouTube[/ame]
If they were stupid enough to try that, I'd say we bomb them back to the stone age.... which would be about a decade in Iran's case. :lol:

Your smiley is an attestation to your disrespect to human life.
In my book there' is no difference between an American or Iranian, you make hardly any argument against why Iran shouldn't seek nuclear weapons given the mindset of its adversaries.

My smiley is an attestation to my sense of humor. Stupid question, stupid response. In my book, there is a huge difference between a sane country with a sane leader, to a jack shit bunch of jihadists, led by a clinically insane whackjob. I would prefer that clinically insane whackjobs not have the ability to destroy the world that the rest of us inhabit.

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