Internet freedom on the decline


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Most on here being somewhat cognizant of the reality of how difficult it is trying to get the truth out on anything that smacks of being politically in-correct still refuse to dare speak out about it.

The milennials for the most part do not even seen to understand the importance of it and the democrats only care about their agenda and have little concern about the truth if it conflicts with their party line.

The more astute recognize the reality of the great danger this society is in and much if not most of it is a direct result of the oppression of free speech.

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I think freedom in general is in decline as the progressive liberals push for bigger gov't and greater collectivism at the expense of our rights and freedoms. Exhibit A: the cancel culture in the media and elsewhere is trying very hard to deny dissenting opinions from their own ideology. Used to be you had a right to your opinion and could voice it; now it could cost you your job if you speak out against the party line.
So many are willing to submit to political corectness....been going on for decades now and is getting worse by the day.

There is little doubt now that the increase of totalitarianism is the wave of the future in America....made possible by the advancement of technology used to monitor people.

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So many are willing to submit to political corectness....been going on for decades now and is getting worse by the day.

There is little doubt now that the increase of totalitarianism is the wave of the future in America....made possible by the advancement of technology used to monitor people.

Political correctness? Like not lying about the results of a legit election and not fomenting insurgency?
I say what I want. I've little regard for what some Marxist busybodies think about it.

So long as you're not popping off in a manner inconsistent with the law, there's really not much of anything anyone can can do about it.

I dunno dude, there are stories out there about people getting fired or otherwise getting screwed for going against the progressive liberal ideology.
Political correctness? Like not lying about the results of a legit election and not fomenting insurgency?

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