Interesting question...

The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.

Most people think Zeus is the main god but they don't realize he had a father Cronus.

CRONUS (Kronos), a son of Uranus and Ge

I think Gaia was Uranus' mother and wife.
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.
If not, that is where most of the concept of god came from. Heavens, judgement, tree of life guarded by a serpent...
The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.

Most people think Zeus is the main god but they don't realize he had a father Cronus.

CRONUS (Kronos), a son of Uranus and Ge

I think Gaia was Uranus' mother and wife.

The first Titan is Chaos and from Chaos came the other Titans which included Kronos the father of Zeus and other Greek Gods but neither Kronos nor Zeus were the fathers of the Universe or at the beginning of the Universe and it was Chaos.

It is possible An or Anu is Kronos seeing both had wives.

For me there is no difference between the Jewish, Christian or Muslim God and all religions have stories that cross over into older myths.

So it is all the same to me.
The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.
If not, that is where most of the concept of god came from. Heavens, judgement, tree of life guarded by a serpent...

Many myths and religions cross over. The great flood is told in many cultures and predate Judaism, so you are correct.
The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.

Most people think Zeus is the main god but they don't realize he had a father Cronus.

CRONUS (Kronos), a son of Uranus and Ge

I think Gaia was Uranus' mother and wife.

The first Titan is Chaos and from Chaos came the other Titans which included Kronos the father of Zeus and other Greek Gods but neither Kronos nor Zeus were the fathers of the Universe or at the beginning of the Universe and it was Chaos.

It is possible An or Anu is Kronos seeing both had wives.

For me there is no difference between the Jewish, Christian or Muslim God and all religions have stories that cross over into older myths.

So it is all the same to me.
Some traditions had Chaos as the son of Chronus (time)
The Christian God is fro. The House of Isaac and the Muslim God is from the House of Ishmael.

What is the main difference?

Not a damn thing because that God is Anu ( Summarian God ) or Chaos ( Greek Titan ).

They're all the same God!

Is Juju the same god?

Juju is a spiritual belief system incorporating objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. The term has been applied to traditional West African religions.

The term "juju" and the practices associated with it, traveled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.

For me no.

An or Anu is the old Summarian God that I believe is the same God Muslims and Christians worship and I believe is the Titan Chaos.

I know most will disagree and so be it.
If not, that is where most of the concept of god came from. Heavens, judgement, tree of life guarded by a serpent...

Many myths and religions cross over. The great flood is told in many cultures and predate Judaism, so you are correct.
Oh yes. For instance, the story of Jesus(well, same story) was told by many religions wayyy before AD
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?
However, and im speaking from an Chrsitian POV, what if the Christian god IS the one true God, and all those stories are about him, its just that the word of mouth fades from fact as time goes on?
Like maybe the OT was him coming and clarifying?
I dotn believe in that stuff but that seems like a possible(if god is real) outcome.
I brought it up to another poster because I questioned why we didn't have religions before we had imagination and it still took over 10K years for a deity to come about..
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?
Yep. They have been at each others throats since their pervert prophet died. And that is within the SAME religion lol. Picky little bastards.
God our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the only true and living God. All other Gods are false gods. That is the main difference.
Well, that's an adorable canned response. Muslim's insist the same thing. You are spewing doctrine. I specifically stated I wasn't looking for doctrinal differences. Rather I am looking for the difference in the nature of each deity.


From what I have gathered, allah does not love everyone as where the Christian God does.

Of course, God came down as flesh in the form of Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He came to serve us and then die for us.

Conversely, allah switched some poor soul to die in place of Jesus because allah never lets his warriors die like that. Instead, they conquer with the sword and prevail every time.

Allah is a war god.
Okay. Would you agree that the God of the New Testament is the same God as the God of the Old Testament? Because if you would agree with that statement, then the God of Christianity is a war god. He repeatedly commanded the Israelites to go and decimate entire nations in his name. It's interesting that the Christian God stopped being a war god, and became a "God of Love" right about the same tine that the Israelites met an army that repeatedly, and easily kicked their ass, and occupied them in their own lands.

The issue in the Bible is how to handle sin. In the OT, wicked people were killed. In the NT Christ came to deliver people from sin though his own power of overcoming sin in the world for us.

We see this illustration with the woman caught in adultery. They were going to stone her under Mosaic law but Christ asked them, he that is without sin, cast the first stone, and they all left her alone. Christ then delivered her from the sinfulness that enslaved her, thus destroying the sin without destroying the person.

It is known as a better covenant, a thing called grace.

This is the main difference between Christ and Allah. Allah merely returned the Bible back to the OT.
I didn't ask for the difference between Christ and Allah. Christ is not the Godhead. That would be Jehovah, who is traced from beginning to end of the Bible. And, again, it is interesting that this "new covenant" only came around after the Jewish God of War encountered an enemy that the Jews couldn't beat down.

Christ is part of the Trinity. He told his followers that talking to him was like talking to God himself.
Well, that's an adorable canned response. Muslim's insist the same thing. You are spewing doctrine. I specifically stated I wasn't looking for doctrinal differences. Rather I am looking for the difference in the nature of each deity.


From what I have gathered, allah does not love everyone as where the Christian God does.

Of course, God came down as flesh in the form of Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He came to serve us and then die for us.

Conversely, allah switched some poor soul to die in place of Jesus because allah never lets his warriors die like that. Instead, they conquer with the sword and prevail every time.

Allah is a war god.
Okay. Would you agree that the God of the New Testament is the same God as the God of the Old Testament? Because if you would agree with that statement, then the God of Christianity is a war god. He repeatedly commanded the Israelites to go and decimate entire nations in his name. It's interesting that the Christian God stopped being a war god, and became a "God of Love" right about the same tine that the Israelites met an army that repeatedly, and easily kicked their ass, and occupied them in their own lands.

The issue in the Bible is how to handle sin. In the OT, wicked people were killed. In the NT Christ came to deliver people from sin though his own power of overcoming sin in the world for us.

We see this illustration with the woman caught in adultery. They were going to stone her under Mosaic law but Christ asked them, he that is without sin, cast the first stone, and they all left her alone. Christ then delivered her from the sinfulness that enslaved her, thus destroying the sin without destroying the person.

It is known as a better covenant, a thing called grace.

This is the main difference between Christ and Allah. Allah merely returned the Bible back to the OT.
I didn't ask for the difference between Christ and Allah. Christ is not the Godhead. That would be Jehovah, who is traced from beginning to end of the Bible. And, again, it is interesting that this "new covenant" only came around after the Jewish God of War encountered an enemy that the Jews couldn't beat down.

Christ is part of the Trinity. He told his followers that talking to him was like talking to God himself.
That may well be, but the Old Testament is included because the head of the divine trinity is the same God as the God of Israel. Although, you actually bring up a bit of a problem between the God of the Old Testament, and the God of the New. For all intents, and purposes, Christians have three gods - Jehovah, Jesus, and than entity known as "The Holy Spirit". Now, Christians constantly insist that they are all "one God", yet, whenever they are forced to deal with things that the Old Testament God did that is contrary to their "Love, and peace" doctrine, they inevitably fall back on the, "Oh, that's different. When Jesus came along, all that changed," clearly indicating that Jesus is an entirely separate being, with an entirely different nature than the God of the Old Testament.

Rather makes it hard to take the "3-in-One" excuse seriously.
However, and im speaking from an Chrsitian POV, what if the Christian god IS the one true God, and all those stories are about him, its just that the word of mouth fades from fact as time goes on?
Like maybe the OT was him coming and clarifying?
I dotn believe in that stuff but that seems like a possible(if god is real) outcome.
I brought it up to another poster because I questioned why we didn't have religions before we had imagination and it still took over 10K years for a deity to come about..
its just that the word of mouth fades from fact as time goes on?

not when the spoken religion represent the truth - something the 10,000 page document has no problem about with fading whether repeating truthfulness or not. as the reason for using paper and not people.
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.

From what I have gathered, allah does not love everyone as where the Christian God does.

Of course, God came down as flesh in the form of Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He came to serve us and then die for us.

Conversely, allah switched some poor soul to die in place of Jesus because allah never lets his warriors die like that. Instead, they conquer with the sword and prevail every time.

Allah is a war god.
Okay. Would you agree that the God of the New Testament is the same God as the God of the Old Testament? Because if you would agree with that statement, then the God of Christianity is a war god. He repeatedly commanded the Israelites to go and decimate entire nations in his name. It's interesting that the Christian God stopped being a war god, and became a "God of Love" right about the same tine that the Israelites met an army that repeatedly, and easily kicked their ass, and occupied them in their own lands.
Not so. The Israelites had been overrun and dispersed hundreds of years before, by Babylon. They were back in their land, but not much of a military power for quite some time before the NT.
And God was noticeably silent during all of that time. When he finally made a come-back, it was with an entirely revamped image, and now, suddenly, he was the "God of Love" who was "sacrificing his own son" to save us all from what God is going to do to us if we don't let his son save us. But, if you want us to forget that the Christian God made his original appearance as a war God, then Christians should probably have not included the Old Testament in their religious book.
He wasn't silent, as the history of that time was laid out before hand in the book of Daniel. But I don't expect you to understand what you don't know.
What you are describing is not even a little like the direct contact that God allegedly had with his people prior to Israel coming across armies that were technologically more advanced then them, and could kick their asses. You are describing the 400 year period between the last book of the Old Testament, and the alleged birth of Jesus. During that 400 year period, God had dick to say, unlike the previous 4,000 years, during which he, apparently, was so lonely that he couldn't help talking to anyone who would listen.

Key point there, "anyone who would listen". People to this day refuse to listen.

I notice you still have not denied that the Christian God made his entrance as a God of War.
That's because God directed the Israelis as a nation that needed to clear out their ancestral land after being enslaved for 400 years. When they disobeyed and worshiped other gods, He removed His protection and they were carted off to Babylon. This is all clearly laid out in Scripture. Did you not read it?

Christianity, OTOH, is not restricted by national boundaries. You do see the difference, correct?
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
That's impossible. Islam's god doesn't care for the Jews very much, while Jehovah most certainly does.

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